--------一齣戲( Leela
當你了解到整個霎哈嘉的擴散及其遠景,當你了解到你有能力去做這事,你也是被撿選來完全這偉大遠景的一份子,此時我不必再說什麼,因為你會說:"母親,是您在做所有的事,我們並没有做什麼,這一切就自然而然完成。",在内心的深處你會体會到這一點,然後你就只是去享受它。每次當你為霎哈嘉做任何事,你只是去享受這一切。假如你認為你正為霎哈嘉貢獻什麼,那你最好是不要做,完全放棄不要做。但假如你想:"我做這些只是因為我要去享受,其實我沒做什麼,是母親做所有的事。",一旦你有如此的感受,那麼你會發覺智慧跟著產生,正是這智慧之光讓你理解到這一切只是一齣戲,及了解到我們應如何去享受這一切。我們必須知道這種種只是一齣戲,這齣戲是上天( Divine )的工作,而我們正是被撿選來完成這工作,我們必須將它做好。
註一:譯者:Shri Mataji的意思是:若你無法体認到自己是整體的一部分,你將會陷入於周遭的事物,而無法以看一齣戲的心態來看待它們。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji克里希納( Shri Krishna ) 崇拜之前的談話1990-08-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
the same time we should be responsible. For example, what I always hear from
the leaders that there are five per cent people who take up responsibilities
and all the rest are just there doing nothing. Now it has increased, five to
ten per cent has come, now it is coming to twenty per cent, but all of you
should, because that’s the only way you can ascend, not by just enjoyment, by
calling it a Leela and all that, but by really working out Sahaja Yoga upon
yourself and upon other people.
to understand, first of all, the expanse of Sahaja Yoga, to get the whole view,
vision, it’s beyond the horizon, so great, and you are working it out. You have
got the powers to do it. You are especially chosen for it. I mean, imagine, you
should visualise yourself also, what you are, and that once you understand what
you are, and relate yourself to the great vision, then I don’t have to say
anything because then you just say, “Mother, you are doing everything. We don’t
do anything. It’s all working out.” You just don’t say it with your mouth, but
in your heart, you feel that way. “Yes, Mother, it’s you who is doing it”. And
then you go on enjoying. Every time you do something, you enjoy and enjoy. If
you think you are doing some work for Sahaja Yoga, then give it up, absolutely
give it up. But if you think, “I am just doing it because I enjoy it. I am not
doing it. Mother is doing it”, once such a feeling come in, then you understand
that the wisdom has come in, and this wisdom is the one that is really going to
give you the light, and in that wisdom, then you will understand that what is
the Leela, and how we have to enjoy ourselves. We have to know that’s the
Leela, and we have to also know that it is the work of the Divine for which we
are chosen and that we have to work it out.
even now sometimes I find very petty things coming up and very petty things
happening in Sahaja Yoga. It is surprising. You know everything is a Leela when
we become part and parcel of the whole thing. Then it’s a Leela, not before