假如淋巴系統(lymphatic system)受到攻擊,那麼你可能會變成偏左脈。整體而言,只有兩種型態的毛病,(第三種是不存在的,或可說它不會給我們太大的麻煩,註一)。一種是左脈的毛病,另一種是右脈。而淋巴系統的毛病是這兩種的綜合,是一種身心病(psychosomatic disease,註二)。毛病只有兩種,所以治療的方法也很簡單,不是用三隻蠟燭(three-candle treatment,用來治療左脈的毛病),就是用水來治療(water treatment,譯者:即泡腳或冰敷肝,是用來治療右脈的毛病)。至於淋巴系統有問題的人是左右脈皆有問題的身心病,則必須先處理左脈的問題。首先必須先去除心理上的毛病,所以必須先針對左邊開始。當左邊清除好了,右邊的問題就不難處理。
註二:肉體的毛病是來自右脈,心理的毛病是來自左脈。身心病則往往是因為太右脈,再鐘擺到偏左脈時,受到負面力量的攻擊而引發的,故稱為身心病。Shri Mataji 說癌症、多重硬化症(multiple sclerosis)及愛滋病(AIDS)等皆是身心病。她又說西方医學不知道負面力量的種種,也無法清除這些負面力量,所以西方医學仍無法根治這些身心病。
註三:另有兩篇譯文也頗相關:血癌(Leukemia)的形成---Sahaja Yoga 的觀點( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/03/leukemia-sahaja-yoga.html );陷入左脈是非常危險( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/08/epilepsy-mental-derangements.html )。這兩篇文章有貼在本部落格。
註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1992-02-11,2000-10-08,1990-09-19,2000-03-11,1993-10-14,1989-10-23. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.
Yogini:…lymphatic system…
Shri Mataji: Lymphatic system? If the lymphatic system is under attack you may be left-sided. You see it is, on the whole, there are only two types of problems actually. Third type doesn’t exist, or doesn’t bother us. One is the left another is the right, you see. Now the lymphatic system is actually, the combination of both. It’s a psychosomatic disease. For that you have to do just three-candle treatment. You see it is reduced to such a simple thing either you do three-candle treatment, or you do water treatment. The third type is the one where you have been to wrong gurus, in the center. If I run some wrong type of meditation [INAUDIBLE]. For that also it’s three-candle treatment, mostly. Or maybe if the [INAUDIBLE] comes there’s a little change also sometimes. But whatever it is, this is very simple for physical. Anybody has lymphatic system problem has to do left side first. So this is psychosomatic.
First you must get rid of the psycho side, so do the left side. When it is cleared out, then right side is not difficult. If you are too right-sided, then what happens, it’s like a pendulum, you move from right to left. Then psychosomatic troubles start. The best is first to remove the left, then is look after the right. Sahaja Yoga is a very simple way of clearing. It works. Somebody should help you in left side is to give you bandhan on your chakras with a candle. Put a candle on one side of the left swadisthana and also one before the Photograph. Because it’s all due to viruses. And the viruses are there because your attention in the left. Once your attention goes away from there you are rid of that. All right? It’s not complicated. Sahaja Yoga is very simple.( 1992-02-11)
for example, many psychosomatic diseases which come to us, like cancer and so
many others. Psychosomatic means it is physical as well as it is emotional. So
these psychosomatic troubles start coming from the left side. Sometimes you are
too much on the right side, and suddenly you are thrown to the left side,
suddenly. And then the movement like a pendulum, you can go any far. But there
are seven powers on the left-hand side which protect you from getting into
these diseases, also reducing their intensity.(2000-10-08)
is how all psychosomatic diseases like
cancer, we can call them, multiple sclerosis or AIDS and all these,
virus-oriented diseases are psychosomatic,
are manifested.(1990-09-19)
somehow, if you can move from right to the left, you are sure to get some psychosomatic trouble which cannot be cured
by medical science, like cancer, aches, all kinds of this.(2000-03-11)
other diseases I can tell you any kind of a psychosomatic
[unclear]. “Psycho” the left sided, the “somatic” the right sided, both works
out, because it is a “psycho-somatic”, doctors can’t do it, never, nor a
psychologist, because as you know it’s a specialization,(1993-10-14)
is necessary then has to be attacked from the left side, so cancer is psychosomatic disease. So, this can only be
cured through these two things brought together. So in Sahaja Yoga there is a
way of removing your left side, your attention that has gone to your left side
is removed and brought to the center. So that it comes back like this normally
and again the Kundalini passes through this and as if a thread is taken through
the pearls it passes through and holds up and again its connected to the whole.
So you are in the center.(1989-10-23)