2017年11月12日 星期日


*** 用無思慮靜觀來超越你的想法 ***


人類的想法與觀念(mind, 註一),不論是說出來的或據以行事的,往往都是一種虚構的東西(myth)。人的頭腦是真實存在的,但是諸多想法、觀念却不是真實的。這些想法觀念往往是對外面的反應,來自對"自我"(ego)的反應,或是對"非我"(superego, 或譯"超我")的反應而產生的。所以這些想法是猶如真實(reality)的海洋產生的氣泡,它們並不是真實的。(人類的)這些想法是非常有侷限性的(limited)、虚幻的,甚至有些是令人非常震驚的。由於這些想法並無真理在其中,所以根據它來行事,往往最後會有回彈的效應,即產生很大的破壞力或帶給人們很大的震撼。




註一:mind這個字是此談話的關鍵字眼,但並不容易找到合適的中譯。綜觀全文,譯者以為Shri  Mataji此文所講的mind最接近"想法、觀念"。譯者嘗試列出一些Shri  Mataji提過的"人類的想法",以恊助讀者明瞭本談話。例如:科學能証明的才是真的;神是不存在的;曰耳曼民族是最優秀的種族;人應該不要受任何拘束來做任何他想做的事;女人也可以做男人做的任何事,這才叫男女平等;人要拚命賺錢;流行就是對的;人類社會就要追求經濟成長。

註二:應是指:太初之母的書(The Book of Adi Shakti)

註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiMahashivaratri Puja的談話1996-03-03. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

First of all, I have to tell you, the mind about which we speak and depend upon is a myth. There’s nothing like mind. Brain is reality, not the mind. Mind is created by us reacting to outside, either we react to conditionings or ego. Thus this mind is created like bubbles in the ocean of reality, but that’s not reality.
This mind, whatever we decide, we know, is very limited, illusive and sometimes shocking. The mind always move in a linear direction, and because there’s no reality in it, it recoils, and boomerangs. Thus all the enterprises, all the projections so far we have done, it seems, come back to us. Whatever they discover, comes back to us as a big destructive power or a very big shock.
So one has to decide what to do, how to be out of this track of our mind. Kundalini is the solution. When She’s awakened, She takes you, with that awakening, She takes you beyond your mind. The first thing is to go beyond your mind.

With mind, you’ll do many things, but it will not be satisfying, it will be not a solution, it will not help you. And when we start depending too much on our mind we develop all kinds of physical, mental, emotional problem. Now the latest is the stress, stress, and this stress has no solution they say, but in Sahaja Yoga we find the solution by crossing over this mind. It’s like a barrier for our advancement.

So, when you get your Realization, you must understand that your Kundalini has taken your attention beyond the mind. Now, this reaction to outside has come because we human beings have a prism-like brain, or we can say a prism-like skull, and when the energy passes into it, I’ve explained it in My books, it goes into bifurcations, or you can say, refractions, by which our attention goes out, and we react.
If we react too much, then these bubbles create a very horrible mind which can lead to any kind of thing. It justifies itself, it pampers your ego. The ego and the conditioning that creates this mind start using this mind for the purpose of their fulfilment of their- all the accumulation of ideas and thoughts, which has no backing, which has no reality with it.
It’s like, we make the computer. Ultimately we become slaves of the computer, we make the watches ourselves, and then we become slaves of the watches. That’s how it dominates human beings. And when a person who has a very strong mind decides to destroy, like Hitler did, with some idea, he can go on destroying which has a very far fetched effect on our culture, on our spirituality.

Now the first step is to become thoughtlessly aware, where you cross your mind, you go above your mind. Mind cannot affect you, this is the first stage, as we call, is thoughtless awareness.