*** 五個元素(一)------其本質與顯化
我們是由五個元素( elements,註一)所構成,當你得到自覺,即當昆達里尼抵達頂輪、打開你的囟門區域時,你和無所不在的神聖力量(Divine Power)連成一體,此時這神聖力量開始流經你,這時會發生什麼呢?我們應該來了解在精微面的變化,此時這些(從頭頂而下的)能量(Vibration)逐漸開始滲入這五個元素的精微形式中。
你們也看過我的相片出現許多光暈,這就是我身上的光在散發光澤,因為這光已變得更精微了。當光這個元素變得更精微時,它就會散發出光澤,這就是你自覺之後,你内在精微面發生的成長,你的臉上開始閃閃發亮。 我們應該了解光澤是光的本質、精微面,光是構成人的元素之一,對光澤而言,光是比較粗糙、浮面的(gross)。
第二個出來元素是空氣(Air),我們周遭的空氣是浮面的形式,它的精微面是你感受到的涼風(cool breeze),即空氣的本質元素、精微面是涼風,而這涼風正是我們所說的能量(Vibration)。當你的成長進入軌道,所有這些精微面都會開始展現它自己 ,不只你可以感受到能量,你也可以有涼風的感覺,這些都是空氣元素的精微面所帶給你的。
之後出來的是水元素(Water),它也是構成我們的元素(之一)。什麼是水的精微面呢?(什麼是水的本質元素呢?) 英文中似乎沒有足以表達這概念的字(註四),經由水的滋潤,人的皮膚變得濕潤、柔軟,這是一個得到自覺的人至少可以看得到的特徵,你會看起來年輕,你會衰老得慢。我們可以說一個自覺的人,會變成一個溫柔的人、優美的人,在他和人談話的聲音中會有一種溫暖,或說在聲調中有一種水的清涼,如水一般的流動。即在你的行為中、在你的皮膚、在你和他人的應對中,應該表現出這些精微面,即你應該像水一樣:流動的、清涼的、帶來平靜的、有潔淨效果的。一旦你成為一個自覺的靈,這些將變成你的一部分。
隨著水,你也會有火(Fire)這個元素,但它是一種非常安靜的火,這種(內在的)火不會燒傷任何人,但它會把你內在不好的東西燒掉,也會把他人不好的東西燒掉。例如一個盛怒的人來找我,他的怒氣會下降,因為(我的)火元素在那裡,(燒掉了他的怒氣)。假如你是一個完美的霎哈嘉瑜伽士,那麼(外在的)火絕對不會燒你;但假如你做了錯事,它是有可能燒你。悉達(Sita)走過火堆的試驗(fire Pariksha)來驗證她的純潔時,火並未燒她(註五)。一旦你進入火的精微面,那麼火及水兩者都會變成如神聖一般,(這火是不會來燒你的)。
最後一個元素是母親大地(Mother Earth),也是最重要的。像放在我房間的花朵會盛開,會出現人們沒有見過的超大花朵,我並沒有去做什麼,我只是坐在房間內。那麼在花身上到底發生了什麼事呢?這是母親大地的原理在運行,即(我身上)母親大地的精微面在運作,它給你所有的滋養,使你健康地成長。母親大地是我們的母親,母親大地的許多精微面都會進入我們(已得到自覺的人),其中之一即是重力(gravity),即你會變得非常有吸引力,並非指外表吸引人 ,而是指在靈性上,人們會被你所吸引,會覺得此人有一些特殊之處 。這是母親大地的特質之一,假如它沒有吸住我們,那麼在它轉動時,我們都會摔出去。此外母親大地的其他特質也會在自覺的人身上開始顯現,你會變得十分容忍、十分有耐心。你只要看人類在地球製造多少污染 ,對地球做了多少錯事,但地球仍然容忍我們這些荒誕的行為,你就可以知道母親大地容忍的特質。同樣的,自覺後的人也會變得十分容忍、十分有耐心,且非常能原諒他人。
註一:根據"太初之母的書" (The Book of Adi Shakti,即Shri Mataji手稿編成的書,見p.202),五個元素是指:土(Earth)、水(Water)、光或火(Light/Fire)、空氣(Air)、虛空或天空(Ether/Sky)。這應該是五個基本元素最完整的正確說法。1980-04-21的談話亦相似,指出這五個元素是:土、水、空氣、光、虛空。
但是在此談話(1998 -12-16),解釋五個元素的精微顯現時,卻是指:光、空氣、水、火、母親大地,卻未提到虛空 ,並非沒有虛空這元素,Shri Mataji在九天之後的聖誕節普祭(1998-12-25),談及無思慮時才補談虛空元素,那部分稍難,待來日再翻譯。
註二:所謂"精微形式"(subtlety),即是指該元素的本質(causal,見1984-07-10),或稱"本質元素"(causal element,見1986-07-25),或稱"更精微的能量"(subtler energy,見1998-12-14)。Shri Mataji 在不同的談話用過這些不同的名詞,但所指皆是相同的,即每一個元素是由背後更精微的本質元素所構成的,土元素的本質元素是芬芳(fragrance, perfume),是芬芳創造出土元素。
註三:光的本質是光澤、光彩(radiance), Shri Mataji 也曾用glow這個字。
註四:在 "太初之母的書" 中有提到:水元素的本質、精微面是"味道"(taste);光/火元素的本質是"視覺"(sight of vision);土元素的本質是"芬芳"(fragrance);空氣元素的本質是"呼吸"(breathing);虛空元素的本質是"聲音"(voice)。
註五: 傳說中,悉達被羅摩(Shri Rama)從魔王(Ravana)中救回後,有經過此試驗。
註:江瑞凱主要摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1998-12-16, 1998-12-14 ,也參考"太初之母的書" p.125, p.202,及談話1980-04-21, 1986-07-25,1980-09-27,1981-03-31,1983-01-21,1984-07-10,1981-10-06,1992-03-15,1982-10-26,1990-12-25,1990-07-25。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
As I said, we are made of five elements, alright? So when you
get your awakening, when the Kundalini reaches Sahastrara and opens out your
fontanel bone area, you become one with the Divine power, then this Divine
power itself starts flowing through you. A connection is established. Now when
it starts flowing through you, this Shakti starts flowing through you, then
what happens? The subtle part we should understand. The subtle part is like
this, that these five elements, we are made of, these vibrations gradually
start breaking into the subtler form of which they are made. So the first thing
such a person has is the breaks, you see, as it is said that “Word is God.”
It’s said also in the Bible, “The Word is God.” Now what is this Word? Word is
a silent, we can say, silent commandment. We can call it like that.
But from that Word comes, according to Indian Philosophy, is another thing that we call as “Bindu”… or we can say if Word becomes Naad, is a sound… and then it becomes the Bindu means one small dot, and then from this dot… you see, all these five elements start coming one after another.
The first element that comes out is light… “Tej” light … is the first element that comes out. So the essence of the first element is light. We call it Tej, Tejas. It is written, of course, in Sanskrit but we should understand that how the light pervades Sahaja Yoga so much and you see the light everywhere. So the first element which is light and you can say in English the light’s subtle thing is, we can say, “enlightenment”, you can say. But enlightenment has another meaning, so we can say it is Tej, Tej. For example a person who gets realization has a face which is very radiant, so you can say the “radiance”. The radiance is the subtlety of the light. So this radiance starts showing on your face. Radiance starts expressing itself and with that radiance people get impressed and they start thinking something special about this personality which has a radiance.
Now you have seen my photographs also wherever they are, many a times you find lots of light around. That is nothing but the light in me is giving radiance because the light becomes subtler. When the light becomes subtle in me, – light, light is one of the elements – when it becomes subtler then it gives radiance and so this is the subtle growth within you that takes place. Your faces also start shining. They too have radiance and they too have a kind of a different complexion, I would say. This radiance is to be understood, is the subtle of the light of which we are made, light in the gross manner.
But from that Word comes, according to Indian Philosophy, is another thing that we call as “Bindu”… or we can say if Word becomes Naad, is a sound… and then it becomes the Bindu means one small dot, and then from this dot… you see, all these five elements start coming one after another.
The first element that comes out is light… “Tej” light … is the first element that comes out. So the essence of the first element is light. We call it Tej, Tejas. It is written, of course, in Sanskrit but we should understand that how the light pervades Sahaja Yoga so much and you see the light everywhere. So the first element which is light and you can say in English the light’s subtle thing is, we can say, “enlightenment”, you can say. But enlightenment has another meaning, so we can say it is Tej, Tej. For example a person who gets realization has a face which is very radiant, so you can say the “radiance”. The radiance is the subtlety of the light. So this radiance starts showing on your face. Radiance starts expressing itself and with that radiance people get impressed and they start thinking something special about this personality which has a radiance.
Now you have seen my photographs also wherever they are, many a times you find lots of light around. That is nothing but the light in me is giving radiance because the light becomes subtler. When the light becomes subtle in me, – light, light is one of the elements – when it becomes subtler then it gives radiance and so this is the subtle growth within you that takes place. Your faces also start shining. They too have radiance and they too have a kind of a different complexion, I would say. This radiance is to be understood, is the subtle of the light of which we are made, light in the gross manner.
Then after this from the light comes the second thing, which we
call as Vayu in Sanskrit, meaning the air. So the air that we have which is
gross air, what is subtle of air is the “cool breeze” that you get. The cool
breeze is the subtle of that air. So the subtle of what you understand as cool
breeze is what we call vibrations, the subtle of that is air; which is a part
and parcel of our making. So this cool breeze is the second thing that you
start getting subtler and subtler. When your growth takes place, all these
subtle things start expressing themselves. It is not only that you get
vibrations but you get the cool breeze and that is the subtler of air that has
built you up.
Then comes the Water. We are also made of water. What is the
subtle of water is… sometimes English language, you know, becomes little short
of expressions… but they call it…I mean which makes the skin, hard skin soft.
The skin becomes soft. This is another sign of a realized soul that his… there
is some cream they use, isn’t it, to soften the face. But this is the water in
us, gives us that luster, that nourishment to make our skin very soft and that
softness of the skin becomes very visible. This is the minimum of minimum, I
would say. But then a person who is a realized soul becomes very soft person,
very delicate. When he talks to some body, in his voice there is warmth or I
should say there is… [Shri Mataji speaks in Hindi]… to have that flow, watery
flow and coolness of the water. So that is the another subtle thing that should
be expressed in your behavior, on your skin, on your dealings with others, that
you should be like the water, which is mobile, which is cooling, which is
soothing, which is cleansing. So this also becomes a part and parcel of your
being, once you become a realized soul.
With this water you have also another thing which we call it as
Agni, means the fire. So you also have fire but it is a very silent fire. It
does not burn anybody but it burns all the wrong things within you. Whatever
wrong things you have it burns and it burns the wrong things in other people
also. For example, a person comes with a great anger towards me. What happens
that this anger becomes cooler with the fire that is there. Moreover, a
realized soul cannot get burnt, fire cannot burn, the burning cannot come to
him. It is very important to understand. Also if you are doing something wrong,
it may burn you but if you are a good Sahaja Yogi and I should say, perfect
Sahaja Yogi, fire will never burn you. We have an example of Sita Ji that she
went into the fire Pariksha… nothing burnt. So this is what one has to understand,
that once you get to the subtleties of the fire, so the fire and the water both
of them become sort of Divine.
For example, the water which you touch, water you drink, whatever you put your hand in the water, the water becomes vibrated. Means What? The subtleties of the water comes in it, the coolness, curing power also comes in that water. So when it becomes subtler, all these powers start showing which you can see for yourself. You do not have to experiment.
Then the lastly is the Mother Earth… is most important… is Mother Earth. There is a photograph you might see which was taken in Russia in My Dacha where the Kundalini is in the Mother Earth. They have shown clearly. It is there and it is the Mother Earth which shows. For example, I have seen flowers, if you keep them in my room, they blossom. They can become very big like that, never people have seen such big flowers, sometimes they say. I am doing nothing. I am just sitting down and what happens to the flowers? You see now there this principle of the Mother Earth works… the subtle Mother Earth, is works, it’s a mother. And that gives you all the nourishment and makes you grow healthy, and this is how this subtlety of the Mother Earth works.
Mother Earth is the one who is giver of virtue to all these flowers and to all these trees and to all that, but it also plays a big part in us. It is not only the Mother Earth that exists without our connection and we do not respect the Mother Earth. We have polluted it, we have done all kinds of things, we have removed the trees and we have made a mess out of her, but she is our Mother and so many subtle things of this Mother Earth come into us. One of them is gravity. A person becomes very attractive, not in the physical sense but in the spiritual sense. Such a person attracts others. They feel attrackted and they feel that something special is about this person. This is one of the qualities of the Mother Earth. If she had not kept us attracted we would have fallen off with her movement and also other qualities of the Mother Earth start manifesting within us, and we become very, I should say, extremely tolerant, patient… person. Tolerant and patient… extremely tolerant and patient. But if you are not tolerant, if you are hot tempered and all that, then Mother Earth’s principle is not expressed I should say. Look at the Mother Earth. How much she tolerates our nonsense, how many wrong things we do against her, but still she tolerates. Sri Ganesha’s quality is to tolerate, to begin with. Up to a point, he tolerates. In the same way we too become extremely tolerant, patient and forgiving. (1998-12-16)
For example, the water which you touch, water you drink, whatever you put your hand in the water, the water becomes vibrated. Means What? The subtleties of the water comes in it, the coolness, curing power also comes in that water. So when it becomes subtler, all these powers start showing which you can see for yourself. You do not have to experiment.
Then the lastly is the Mother Earth… is most important… is Mother Earth. There is a photograph you might see which was taken in Russia in My Dacha where the Kundalini is in the Mother Earth. They have shown clearly. It is there and it is the Mother Earth which shows. For example, I have seen flowers, if you keep them in my room, they blossom. They can become very big like that, never people have seen such big flowers, sometimes they say. I am doing nothing. I am just sitting down and what happens to the flowers? You see now there this principle of the Mother Earth works… the subtle Mother Earth, is works, it’s a mother. And that gives you all the nourishment and makes you grow healthy, and this is how this subtlety of the Mother Earth works.
Mother Earth is the one who is giver of virtue to all these flowers and to all these trees and to all that, but it also plays a big part in us. It is not only the Mother Earth that exists without our connection and we do not respect the Mother Earth. We have polluted it, we have done all kinds of things, we have removed the trees and we have made a mess out of her, but she is our Mother and so many subtle things of this Mother Earth come into us. One of them is gravity. A person becomes very attractive, not in the physical sense but in the spiritual sense. Such a person attracts others. They feel attrackted and they feel that something special is about this person. This is one of the qualities of the Mother Earth. If she had not kept us attracted we would have fallen off with her movement and also other qualities of the Mother Earth start manifesting within us, and we become very, I should say, extremely tolerant, patient… person. Tolerant and patient… extremely tolerant and patient. But if you are not tolerant, if you are hot tempered and all that, then Mother Earth’s principle is not expressed I should say. Look at the Mother Earth. How much she tolerates our nonsense, how many wrong things we do against her, but still she tolerates. Sri Ganesha’s quality is to tolerate, to begin with. Up to a point, he tolerates. In the same way we too become extremely tolerant, patient and forgiving. (1998-12-16)
So from
water also you get a sutler thing of Jal. Jal is, we can call it as
moisture. But moisture is not subtle. But a moisturous person.
What happens with the moisture that your body becomes soft. Your
know you put moisturising thing you body will become, your face becomes
subtler. And dryness doesn’t come and your youth is preserved. At
Least you look young. Your aging doesn’t come. Like that everything
starts showing. (1998-12-14)