2018年11月29日 星期四


*** 母親給俄國科學家自覺  ***


說明:這是Shri Mataji對俄國科學家的一個演講 ,本譯文略去中間談霎哈嘉瑜伽的片段(這部分和其他公開演講大同小異),只是特別翻譯帶自覺前的提醒,及帶自覺的過程。希望對未來的帶班者有所幫助。


追求真理和科學領域的追求探索是不一樣的,假如你們要在真理的領域追尋,第一個條件是你必須謙虛地承認你尚未知道真理,假如你認為你已經知道真理,那麼沒有人可以強迫你(來告訴你什麼)。但是假如你謙虛地承認自己尚未知道真理,而且你應該有純粹的意願(pure desire)想來知道真理,(那麼你才可以找到真理).......



請將雙手如此地向著我 (影帶:雙手從雙膝上提,約在胸前的高度,雙掌向上,指尖朝向Shri Mataji),也將雙腳彼此分開。

現在不要問為什麼,我稍後會再告訴你。心中只有一個純粹的願望:希望我可以獲得我的覺醒 (enlightenment)

現在你可以閉上眼睛,在你的心中小聲問一個問題:"母親,我是一個靈 (Spirit)嗎?",問三次。

現在看看你是否可以在你的指尖上有一個清涼或熱的感覺 (vibration)



現在張開眼睛,雙手向上舉 (影帶:雙手在頭兩邊向上舉,掌心向前),問如下的問題,每一個問題都問三次 。

"母親,這個涼風是聖靈 (Holy Ghost)嗎?"

第二個問題:"母親,這涼風是無所不在的神聖的愛的力量 (All-pervading Power of Divine Love)嗎?"

第三個問題:"這涼風是 Param Chaitanya 嗎?" (無所不在的神聖力量)




註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在莫斯科對科學家的談話1998-06-10JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

But the truth is different. In the area of truth if you have to seek then first thing you have to have humility that so far you have not known the truth. If you think you have known the truth, then nobody can force you; but if you are humble about it that you do not know the truth and also that you should have the pure desire to know the truth.  ............

Talking is talking only. You have to have the proof of that I am saying. But if you have come here to criticise and use your mind in [..] is very difficult.
So tell your mind to keep quiet.
All of them have got it already. [Shri Mataji talks aside]

Now, I have to make one humble request that please take out your shoes if possible, because this Mother Earth helps us a lot.

Please, put both your hands towards me like this and both the feet apart from each other.

Just now do not ask why, I will tell you later on. Only have the pure desire in your mind that you should get your enlightenment.

Little higher.

Now you can close your eyes and ask a question in your mind, no loudly. “Mother, am I the Spirit?” Three times.
Now see if you are feeling a cool or hot vibrations on your fingertips.
Now rise your left hand on top of your fontanel bone area, it was a soft bone in your childhood. And bend your head.
Do not touch with your hand, just see [..]. And move it up and down and see for yourself if there is cool breeze or a hot breeze as vibrations coming out of your fontanel bone area.
Now, please have the left hand towards me and bend your head again and see with the right hand if there is a cool or hot breeze like thing coming.
Please put both the hands towards me again and open your eyes. Put both your hands up and ask a question, anyone of these three questions, you ask three times, anyone.
“Mother, is this the cool breeze of the Holy Ghost?”
Second one, “Mother, is this the all-pervading power of divine love?”
Third one is, “Mother, this is the Param Chaitanya?”
Ask one of them, three times, with your heart.
Now please take down your hands.
All those who have felt cool or hot breeze on their fingertips, or on their palms, or out of the fontanel bone area, please raise both your hands. I say this it what it is, Russians.
I bow to you all, you are my own children.