*** 關於能量測試(四)
說明:Shri Mataji 先談到霎哈嘉練習者做決定時,應該是一個自然而然的快速決定(spontaneous decision),再接著談到如何做到呢?這部分就是本譯文要翻譯的重點。Shri Mataji言談中一再警告大家不要認為自己就有能力如此做!其中舉的例子一個是地點,一個是人!請勿對本譯文做太多的延伸,否則可能會是一種誤解。請也看註一的相關譯文,有助於了解全貌。
註一:請同時參考相關譯文:"關於能量測試(一) " ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/06/shri-mataji-absolute-truth-vibration-ego.html
); ''關於能量測試(二)" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/08/vibration-milano-scientology-pure-bhoot.html
);''關於能量測試(三)'' ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/09/vibrations-vibrations-you-are-mental_84.html )
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)談話2000-08-20,這普祭就是在卡貝拉舉行。JSM
! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
How do you become spontaneous? What quality I have got, what is
the weapon you have got to know what decision to take? Do you know you have got
vibrations? You have the feel of the vibrations. You know what vibrations are.
You know what vibrations tell you and convey and communicate you. They speak to
you. So through your vibrations you should know in a second what should you do.
For example now somebody told me that “Mother when I come to Cabella I feel
tremendous vibrations”. It’s a fact. But how many of you feel that way? Because
your sensitivity is not yet developed. You have to be sensitive about your
vibrations. You should know looking at anyone, sitting next to anyone, even
shaking hands with anyone you should know what sort of vibrations that person has.
This kind of sensitivity if you develop, then you will definitely take very
spontaneous decisions. You know, I am very good at it. I bought this Cabella in
five minutes. Really five minutes. When I came here, they said you cannot go up
because you have a big car. So the mayor said: “alright come along. I will take
you in my car”. So I went with him on the car and I found, it was all
dilapidated, no doubt. It was all absolutely in a shamble and looked like a
ghostly place. No doubt. And everybody who was with me said: Ha! What a place
Mother! You cannot buy it.
So I told the mayor “I am buying it! When? Today, now!” He was
amazed. I said you tell me how can I buy? He said very easy in this Italy, you
have to buy, like this, that you to pay 1 /3 of the price. Alright, and then
you can occupy. If you find something wrong with the place you can give it up,
but then you will not get back your money. But if the other fellow who is
selling you says no, then he has to pay double the money you have to pay. I said
very good bargain. I am buying. I have told you I am buying. I’ll buy. And
everybody was surprised what Mother was doing? So what decided were the
vibrations, vibrations of the place. Just decided and I said I am buying. That
way they took me to seven castles I think! I said no. Outside only I could say
no. They were surprised that I didn’t even go inside. I said ask them what was
here. They said nunnery. I said, see? Now you should develop that kind of a
spontaneous decision. Then you will be amazed how in such a short time you can
really achieve such a great thing! But that does not mean that you all should
do that way.
First you should have that sensitivity of vibrations. If you
have that sensitivity of vibrations, then I would say you are now matured in
Sahaja Yoga. So the maturity has to be brought in. You cannot just say, now
alright, I have got Self-Realization. I can do this. First you tally your sense
of sensitivity. So now how do you know? For example you take a spontaneous
decision to find that you have got nothing, it’s all nonsense. Possible, but
you can see for yourself that your decisions, if spontaneous, if they fail, if
they are wrong, if there are some mistakes, all that will make you suffer.
Whether economically, politically, in every way. Then your whole values system
will be judged very well. How far you have gone into Sahaja Yoga? How far you
have achieved your Self-Realization and where are you? This is what is the way
to test yourself. You should not be afraid of failures and not get enamored by
success, because you are self-realized souls. Of course if you are sensitive,
immediately you will know what it is. Of course I won’t say that you should
have the same as I have but you should try to.
Now I have seen some people who praise some man that Mother he
is so good, you must meet him, he is such a nice person, and this will happen
and that will happen. I said alright, you show me his photograph. I said I am
sorry I don’t want to meet him. They cannot understand. Such a great man, will
be a minister tomorrow, I don’t want to meet him. And you find just the next
day a big report about him in the newspaper that he is a very bad man. So you
must tally your experience and your understanding of what you have decided
spontaneously. But still I would say keep to spontaneous decisions. Don’t think
about it: how it should work out, what should we do…