2016年10月10日 星期一



在西方世界中,有些父母對他們的孩子非常依戀(attachment ),這令我非常驚訝。每個人都有小孩,有小孩子有什麼偉大特殊的地方嗎?你有什麼樣的小孩才是值得一提。在集體之中,有些父母很不喜歡他人指正他的小孩。當你如此保護(看重)你的小孩,你如何能教他什麼呢?你可以教他犧牲奉獻嗎?你有教他要和別人共享(不要獨自佔有)嗎?你有教他要容忍、要原諒嗎?別人只稍微糾正你的小孩,你就不高興,那就更不用談給小孩子一些處罰了!這樣子的小孩未來會變成霎哈嘉很大的麻煩。



霎哈嘉的父母是有義務讓你的小孩長成一棵大樹,成為偉大的人,比你還更偉大!他們將來必須照顧這整個世界。當你和小孩子在一起時,你要用愛來塑造他們、滋養他們,要教導他們以愛待人。他們的行為應該讓周遭的人可以感受到愛,否則他們會變成像Ravana(註一)一樣的惡魔。Ravana 也是一個天生自覺的靈,但是被他的媽媽寵壞而變成一個惡魔。假如你不想讓你的小孩變成惡魔,首先你要了解到他是我(Shri Mataji)的小孩,他只是暫時交給你代管而已!你的職責不是把小孩變得更狹隘、更渺小。我必須警告你,你對小孩子的執着依戀也是一種誘惑(temptation)。你應該讓小孩子成為光,燃燒自己照亮別人的光,而不是只為自己的人。



註一:Ravana 就是被羅摩(Shri Rama) 殺死的有十個頭的惡魔。

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiDiwali Puja的談話1990-10-21. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

If anybody says anything to the children, people don’t like it. I’ve got reports from Switzerland that if anybody says anything to the children, the parents don’t like it. No. Nobody should say anything to their children. Here She gives Her child to be crucified for the emancipation of humanity. I can’t even look at the cross. While we are so much attached to our children, what are we teaching them? Are we teaching them any sacrifices? Are we teaching them any sharing? Are we teaching them any tolerance? Are we teaching them forgiveness? On the contrary, if anybody says anything to the child we don’t like it, leave alone crucifixion, leave alone even little punishment. The child has now become the biggest ordeal for Sahaja yogis. I can tell you, I can see it so clearly.
The attachment to children is so great in the West that I am surprised. Everybody gets children, what’s so great about it? The greatness is what kind of children you are.

So we must understand. Are we allowing our children to grow big? Are they generous? Are they saints? Are they beautiful? How do they talk to others? Are they confident? Tomorrow they are going to be the leaders of Sahaja yogis. Like Shivaji’s mother, like Jijamata, how she made the son great! It’s the mother who makes the children great, and if she wants all the time to sort of a, grab the child and the child to grab the mother, then it is suicidal, suicidal for you and suicidal for the children. What have we done about our children?
Is duty of every Sahaja yogi to see that their children grow, grow as great people, greater than you. They have to look after the world. If you spend time with your children, see that you mould them, you nourish them with love and tell them that they should give love to others. That they should behave in such a manner that everybody should feel that love through them. Otherwise they will become devils like Ravana. Ravana was a realized soul and spoilt by his mother, became a devil.
If you don’t want your children to be devils, first of all understand that they are not your children, they are My children, under your trust. And you are not to make your children dwarfish and smalls. This is a new temptation I find in Sahaja Yoga people are developing, so be careful. I wanted to warn you because we have to make our children like lights. Light burns for others, not for itself.

We talk of lights, Diwali, all right, but these lights are burning for others every moment. Do we learn from them? Are we burning for others? Are our children going to burn for the others? You are making them so selfish. So thousands and thousands of children are going to come. And even when they are born realized, I’ve seen you spoil them. I mean, if you take a diamond and put it in a gutter it will be lost. It’s like that. Even if you have the best children, you can ruin them by this kind of stupid idea that, “That’s my child, this is mine.”
Expose your children to good things. Tell them what is good. Tell them how to be good to others, tell them to look after them, tell them how to press the feet of others, how to comb the hair, how to give food to others. Teach them! Let them carry little trays and feed others, to the birds, let them give water to the flowers. Don’t make them small. Some of the children are really dynamic, great saints born to you, but you are ruining them and I have to warn you about it

If you find your child is obstinate, if you find your child is miserly, if you find your child he doesn’t know how to share love with others or dominating, try to curb it down immediately. Children are very clever, extremely clever. The moment they realize that they will lose your love, they behave themselves. (1990-10-21)