有一次我和我女兒、女婿外出旅遊,我們去Palitana,它是以漂亮的地形著名的。我們必須徒步上山,我記得一路往上的山路約有五公里之多,直至山頂有一座寺廟,其他人都喊累要休息,我們就停下了喘口氣。才剛停下來,我就看到那些在頭頂圓形天花板上面美麗的大象雕刻,我就對我的女婿說:"你看那些大象!它們的小尾巴的捲曲都不一樣!" ,他回答道:"母親!我們都累死了!你如何有精力來欣賞那些小尾巴呢?" ,我說:"因為我看見了那些可愛的小尾巴,所以我一點都不累。這是關鍵,因為我看到了一條條小尾巴的美麗之處!"
你看,縱使是很普通的萬事萬物都有它們美麗之處。即使是很平凡的人,你也可以發覺許多可愛之處,可能是他們描述事情的方式,或像小孩子一般的率直談話,或他們很簡單的幾句話。你會發覺這些簡單的話語絕非膚淺,而是有很深的内涵。真正有深度的、有内涵的說詞必然是很簡單的字句(Whatever is deep is simple.)。而這些簡單的素材以多樣的排列組合呈現在外,則有種種不同的風味與情趣。
再談到這間房子(譯者:指母親在Pratishthan 蓋的大宅),在整個建造過程我一點都沒有什麼压力。其實我一點都不在意,我很輕易地找到所有合適的建材,並將它們運送到此地。我從沒想到有什麼压力。每一個人看到這房子都說:"好奇特的設計與創作!",但是我從未有任何的構思,我根本不知道什麼是設計。對我而言,這房子根本是不足為道(nothing
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1990-12-14, 亦參考1996-03-03有關大象雕刻的描述. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.
For example, as I have told you once I was travelling
and we went to a place called Palitana known to be a very beautiful,
beautifully carved place. And we had to walk, I don’t know, for three miles at
least, climbing up or something like that. With Me was My daughter and My
son-in-law. Went up and there was a little temple. They wanted to rest. And
also we laid down ourselves there. And as soon as I saw all these beautiful
elephants were there, so I told My son-in-law, “Look at these elephants. All
their tails are twisted differently.” He said, “Mummy, we are so fed up. How do
you have energy to see the tails?” I said, “Because I see the tails I don’t
feel tired. That’s the point. Because I see the beauty of these tails, I — ”.
So you see, even in simple things there is so much of beauty. In very, very
ordinary persons you’ll find that they have a very beautiful things and very
nice way of saying things, very simple talks of children like that, it’s so
simple, so straightforward, and whatever they say it’s so deep. So whatever is
deep is simple, but when it is expressed outside it can have lots of
permutations and combinations and it can work out in a beautiful way.
I must tell you, I had no strain in making this house,
nothing. I was not bothered at all. I found everything so easily; I brought it
here, put it down here, I never even thought there’s strain or anything.
Everybody says, “What a concept.” But I never conceived anything. I mean, I
just don’t know. What is a concept is there; I just told, “To Me is nothing
great.” The whole world is there for us to see and to be fascinated. But behind
all that, all this world and everything is created with the very little, simple
idea of God, that you all have to enter into the Kingdom of God. That’s all;
such a simple idea. So He’s created such a beautiful world, then he created all
kinds of things to bring you to the human level, and now just simple thing is
to enter into the Kingdom of God. You should not complicate yourself too much
and once you do that you will be surprised how beautifully you will be able to
produce. (1990-12-14)