2017年12月15日 星期五


*** 承擔你的力量 ***


所以當我們談順服(註一)時,其實還有另一方面,即"承擔" (assumption)。首先一方面是順服,順服是為了吸收(這些力量)。當你順服時,你自動會吸收,一旦你吸收了(這些力量),你應該保持及承擔這些在你内裏的力量,並理解到你已有這些力量。在這方面,許多霎哈嘉練習者都未做到。



但是假如你不去承擔(這個力量),只是坐在那邊靜坐、再靜坐,只是去順服,那有什麼用處呢?所以在你達到濕婆神(Shiva)的狀態後,你必須去做,去做太初之母(Adi Shakti)的工作,你應該要有傳播霎哈嘉的願望,我們必須(一起)來成就!

就順服而言,首要之事即是要到達你的靈(Spirit)的狀態,即濕婆神和至高濕婆神(Sadashiva)的狀態。第二個階段則你必須想到其他的人。在梵文中,第一個階段叫vyashti,意思是 "個人的獲益",即你得到個人的好處。第二個階段是 samashti,意思是 "集體的",你必須在集體層面來成就。

註一:請看本談話前部的譯文:"順服()------捨棄制約" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/12/surrendering-ego-conditionings-sanyasi.html ) ;"順服()------放下自我" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/12/ego.html )

註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri MatajiMahashivaratri Puja的談話1994-03-14. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Actually in the puja when you take the names of these Shaktis they also get awakened within, no doubt. After puja you do feel that way but you don’t utilize them. So many people I’ve seen have come in the puja and they have got that power within themselves, same powers. But by the time they are out, it’s finished, it’s gone.

So, surrendering has another side: assumption. Assumption that I am a Sahaja Yogi and I can absorb all these powers within myself. So one side is surrendering. Why to surrender? To absorb. Automatically when you are surrendered you absorb. But once you have absorbed, then you should retain and assume within yourself, know that you have these powers. There, where Sahaja Yogis fail more. First time it happened, no Sahaja Yogi would touch anybody raise anybody’s Kundalini, this thing, that thing. We had at least fifty Sahaja Yogis by then. I said, “Now what to do, I have prepared these channels and nobody is even raising their fingers. How am I going to work it out?” Very difficult!

But once it happened we had a program in Nasik Road and I was staying in Nasik. It’s about, I think, thirty miles from there. So, we reached halfway and our car failed and nobody no other car was coming, nothing, no support, nothing. I didn’t know what to do. But these, all the Sahaja Yogis had arrived there, and such a big crowd. They started saying, “When is Mataji coming? When is Mataji coming?” Such a pressure! So they said, “It’s all right, we’ll give you Realization, sit down.” And they gave Realization. That’s the first time the Sahaja Yogis started knowing that they can give Realization, they can do this, they can do that. They all started after that. So assumption should be there, that I have these powers, I am not going to waste them, I am going to use them, I am going to look after others, I am not going to just keep to myself. This assumption has to come.

Once I was traveling by ship and one fellow got caught up in the freeze room and he got pneumonia. So the captain came to Me ‘That see this boy has got pneumonia, we have to get some doctor by helicopter.’ I said, “Captain, I’ve given you Realization, you are a doctor.” He said “Who, I?” “Yes, you.” “If you want, I can go down.” “No, no, no, but tell me what to be done.” I said “Just go and put your hand on his heart, finished.” “I” he said. “Yes, you!” Went down and put his hand and the fellow got all right. He was amazed. He met Me now in the wedding – and he was amazed at himself. “This I can do to anyone?” “Yes, yes, you can!” But if you do not assume, and just sit down meditating, meditating, surrendering … what’s the use? So, you have to do, now after achieving Shiva state you have to start doing the work of Adi Shakti. You should get this desire that we should spread Sahaja Yoga, we have to work it out. ..........

So the first thing of surrendering is important to reach the state of your Spirit, of Shiva and Sadashiva. But the second state is that you have to now think of others. First it is as they say in Sanskrit is vyashti, means individual gain, you get the individual gain. And then it becomes samashti, means the collective. You have to work it out on collective.