*** 有左脈問題的人不宜泡腳
前言:靜坐時同時泡腳是許多練習者每天的功課,Shri Mataji 也多次提過練習者應天天用塩水泡腳(註一),因為塩水泡腳可以清潔下面三個輪穴(1977-01-26)。
但是在大多數人都遵循此一成規之下,往往不知道Shri Mataji 也提過:偏左脈的人是不宜做泡腳。因為這種水療法(water treatment)會導致左脈的毛病不易去除。
譯者在Shri Mataji 的談話中搜尋到三次提及此點,翻譯其中最完整的一篇如下,其於兩篇則放在註三。
為了(提高)發展你的品質,你必須靜坐,但是你必須知道你的問題所在,即你是偏左脈(left-sided)或是偏右脈(right-sided) ? 這是非常重要的。例如某些人有左脈的問題,但他們(竟然)去做水療法(譯者:指泡腳及冰敷肝臟)。德里的Nigam醫生,你們應該有不少人認識他,(先前)我治好了他的癱瘓麻痺(paralysis)的毛病,但是他的左手仍然不是運作的很好,這一點令我頗為訝異,所以我問他:"你的靜坐是如何做?",他答道:"用燭火和水","什麼!你用兩者?","是的","什麼!你的問題在左邊,所以你應該只做燭火療法(candle treatment),不需要再用水"。........
所以你必須知道你應該選用什麼療法(treatment) (註二),對那些偏左脈的人,他們應該只做左脈的療法,不可以混淆。
(1994/04/24 Shri Mataji 也有類似的談話:
泡腳故然十分重要、有益,但碰到左邊有問題的練習者,仍是要依Shri Mataji 的建議,暫時還不要泡腳,先單獨使用燭火療法,先治療偏左的問題,否則反而會事倍功半。這應該是Shri Mataji 談及此事,語氣皆十分強烈的用意。
2.至於偏右脈的人是否暫時先不用蠟燭?Shri Mataji 在2000-09-01的談話是如此說過(譯者搜尋後只找到這一次),假如依Shri Mataji 的邏輯,譯者以為應先少用燭火,仍舊優先矯正偏右脈的問題。
註一:請見1983-01-29, 1983-01-21, 1980-07-21, 1980-09-07, 1988-09-21。
註二:Shri Mataji : 整體而言,只有兩種型態的毛病,一種是左脈的毛病,另一種是右脈。......所以治療的方法也很簡單,不是用三隻蠟燭(three-candle treatment,用來治療左脈的毛病),就是用水來治療(water treatment,譯者:即泡腳或冰敷肝,是用來治療右脈的毛病)。-----請參看另一譯文:"如何治療身心病-----以淋巴系統爲例" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/03/lymphatic-system-psychosomatic-disease.html
註四:在針對右脈的人的水療法,Shri Mataji 在兩次談話中甚至講泡腳時只泡右腳(1996-03-10,
註五:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji對練習者的談話1994-04-07.
JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
So, one aspect is that you have to meditate, no doubt.
So, one thing is to develop quality you have to meditate. That I said. But you
must know what is your problem. You are right-sided or left-sided. It’s very
important to know whether you are right-sided or left-sided. Now some people have
problems which are left-sided. All right, they start doing water treatment.
There was doctor in Delhi, Dr. Nigam, you must be knowing him. He had, I had
cured his paralysis. I was surprised that his left hand was still not working
out properly.
So I asked him, “What sort of a meditation you do?”
He said, “With the light and with the water.”
I said, “What? You are doing both?”
I said, “What, what’s wrong with you is right side
[Shri Mataji corrects] – left side. So you should just do candle treatment.
Just drop it.” I said it to him. Just when I said it to him, his hand started
opening out. I said it only; becomes like a mantra I think. Started opening, he
has opened his hand.
So about treatment also you must understand what
treatment you must take. Now some people are left-sided. They should take left
side treatment only. There should be no confusion.
So I said, “Who told you this?”
He said, “Everybody said the same thing.”
I said, “What did they say?”
“That you can take this.”
In Sahaja Yoga there are certain rules and regulations
of the Divine. So now if you are suffering from the left, you just take
treatment for left. No water treatment, at all. Now you are suffering from the
right, then don’t take the candle treatment at all, at all. These are two sides
which are to be corrected, then you are in the center.
When you feel you are in center, you can use both the
things. But that is normally very few, I’ve seen. Normally you find very few
people who have this central point. If they have, they should do this
treatment. But there is no need to do treatment once you are in the center. But
you have to meditate. So you can sit before the photograph. But to take out all
your conditionings and things, or may be the day’s problem, you can sit before
the photograph with a candle as well as water. But the ones who are not, should
not. (1994-04-07)
Before sleeping, if you have time, you must do
footsoaking. ……And in footsoaking first of all you must know what sort of a
personality you have. Mostly you are right-sided, mostly.
So put [your] right hand towards the photograph, both
the feet in the water with little salt and left hand like that.
But some are left-sided, some are definitely very
much. They should not touch water. Two types of treatments are there.
Especially left-sided people should not soak, should
not use ice.
This is all right-sided treatment. ……
But I would again say that right-sided people should
not use candle as far as possible.(1994/04/24)
(A Sahaja Yogini asks
about her mentally retarded son.)
What is the problem?
Did she see the lunar eclipse when she was pregnant? You must have, by mistake
you must have, that’s the reason. It’s not difficult, he’s a left-sided person.
Put the left side towards Me and right hand on the Mother earth. You see this
is how you have to make him sit before My photograph and a candle here, and
also put a light near his left Swadisthana and keep it there. And raise his
Kundalini with the light but no water treatment for him. Raise the light. Three
candles, one in front, one here, one there to raise the Kundalini.(1990-02-28)
What’s it?
Osteoarthritis. Who has? You should do your left side three candle treatment.
All right? No water treatment. Three candle treatment. No water treatment at
all. All right?(1995-02-28)