2018年1月29日 星期一


*** 錫呂克里希納談聰明與智慧 ***

人類最大的敵人是他的聰明才智(intelligence intellect,註一),因為人類的智力是如此有限,它又被極端地制約,而且它很自大,又十分盲目。至於智慧(wisdom,註二)則完全不同,你無法從學校或大學裏去獲得智慧。從何處可以獲得智慧呢?是經由你的靈(Spirit),你的靈會告訴你什麼是對、什麼是錯的完整概念。人的智力往往會接受錯誤的想法、觀念,往往是如此。人的智力並不是智慧,人們必須知道這一點,智力和智慧是兩樣不同的東西。

錫呂克里希納以祂的外交機智著名,祂有神聖的外交手腕(divine diplomacy),這表示什麼呢?這說明祂非常聰明。若没有聰明才智,你無法做許多事。所以錫呂克里希納就是用祂的聰明才智(去做許多事),祂是非常有力量,没有什麼東西可以主宰祂,甚至連祂的聰明才智也無法主宰祂,聰明才智是為祂所用。所以你們應該要(學習)去使用你的聰明才智,而非被你的聰明才智所主宰。人類往往是變成他的聰明才智的奴役,但錫呂克里希納則是祂的聰明才智的主人,祂用祂的智力來解決許多問題,祂為人所稱道的靈活外交手腕,正是利用祂的才智來為上天(Divine)服務。而祂內在的神性也無時不刻來幫助祂使用其才智,所以可以說祂是祂的聰明才智的主人。不只如此,祂也是祂的制約、情緒及身體的主人,及其他一切的主人。當你主宰你的智力時,你可以很明白看清楚你的腦袋及智力(所告訴你的一切)。你的腦袋有可能告訴你一些讓你感覺良好的想法,如 "你是全世界最偉大的人";或它也可能告訴你 "你是一個完全無用的人"。這個腦袋會騎在你上面來欺騙你,但是你現在已是一個霎哈嘉瑜伽士,你可以不再讓你的腦袋來引導你,而是要由你的智慧來引導你。你有一個很好的工具來判斷,即經由生命能量(vibration)來分辨什麼是(對你)好,什麼是不好的。



註一:譯者:intelligence intellect指的是人的才智、聰明,Shri Mataji 用此字表示的是我們俗稱的聰明、智力、頭腦,或腦袋、大腦等想出來的想法、構想。在此譯文中,譯者為行文流暢達意,交互使用上述幾個詞彙。

註二:Shri Mataji 談話中的wisdom (智慧)並非指比聰明更上一層、能談一點人生道理的聰慧,而是有特別的意思,是專指能知道什麼是對自己好的或不好(對的或錯的)的判斷力,而且其好壞的判定標準是針對自己的靈性,並非對自己的身體、自我或家人。例如去追求金錢、身份地位、名牌或尋歡作樂的人,以為這是對自己好,其實這只是滿足欲望、虚榮、非我或自我而已,這是没有智慧的行為,因為它們對你的靈性没有幫助,你的靈不會喜歡這些東西。

註三:最後這一段是譯者綜合Shri Mataji後段數十分鐘的談話,選其和前面談及智慧相關的文字濃縮翻譯而成的。

註四: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)
的談話1994-08-28. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

So this ego business is actually taking energy of your intelligence, and the greatest enemy of a human being is, is his intelligence, I think, because it’s so limited, it is so conditioned, and it is so arrogant, and it is so blind.

Wisdom is a different thing. Wisdom you don’t get in colleges, schools, universities, nowhere. Where do you get it, the wisdom? You get it through your Spirit, which gives you a complete idea as to what is right and what is wrong. Whatever is wrong will be accepted by intellect, always. Intellect is not wisdom one must understand. They’re two things – wisdom and intellect. Now Krishna was known to be the diplomat. He had Divine diplomacy. That means what? He was very intelligent, no doubt. Without that you can’t do. I’ve met some people who are very highly placed who don’t have much intelligence even, but I have now seen that this intellect is a dangerous thing.

So Shri Krishna, He used His intellect. He is all powerful. Nothing can dominate Him. Even his intellect cannot dominate Him. He used His intellect. Difference between the two you should see. You should be able to use your intellect and not to be dominated by your intellect.

So He used His intellect by which He solved many problems. His whole diplomacy was to use His intellect and use it for the purpose of Divine. All the time the Divine in Him was helping Him to use His intellect. So the difference is that we are slaves of our intellect and He is the master of His intellect; not only, everything. His conditioning He is master, His emotions He is master, His body He’s the master. He’s master of everything. And when you master it you see your intellect very clearly, oh, this is what it is suggesting. This is not.

This intellect can give you very so-called positive ideas that you are the lord of the whole world. It’s supposed to be positive.

Or the same intellect can give you ideas that you are nothing. This intellect plays on top of you. Now you are not to be guided by your intellect, but by your wisdom, as you are Sahaja Yogis. So, you have a very good instrument of feeling it – through your vibrations you can make out what is good and what is bad. And you can see sometimes as being human beings, there are some intellectual effects also coming in. But with Sahaja Yoga you can judge, what is this intellect telling you.

Because the intellect that you have has come out of what – is the main thing; should go to the subtle point how this intellect has come to us.

This intellect has come to us because our brain became active very soon. I’ve seen some children extremely intelligent, but they have no wisdom. If your – only the brain develops too much, could be a mother is a very intelligent woman and, father must be very intelligent, inheritance would be great, so they get it. Or maybe the circumstances, like if you are born in a particular country you suddenly become very intelligent. I’ve seen Americans, they read all the time. All the time you see them reading. Even English they read. But what is the outcome of all that reading I don’t know. Every book they will read.

If you ask them what is a computer, they know the computers, this thing, that thing, that thing, all these … I don’t know how to even put off my television. If you ask them about television they will know they’ll… anything you want to know about mechanical things they will know. Anything about politics they will know, who’s father was that and they will tell you that, “No, no, no, no this is like this, this like that.” All this is avidya; is not knowledge. It is non-knowledge. So they think they’re very intelligent because they know everything, about everything. Now, with this intellect, as this consciousness comes in they start creating very intellectual ideas. Especially in America I have seen they have got for children all kinds of funny things just to extract money.

For example, there is a golliwog or something which has a birthday. Can you imagine? A birthday is there and sometimes, you see even the, people have big parties for that. Then they started, “Let us have birthday of the dogs” so they are having birthdays of the dogs.