2018年5月27日 星期日


*** 承擔責任的兩個要點  ***



. 並非你在主導、在做這件事情!還有許多力量、天使、仙眾來幫你,你一點都不孤單。假如你以為你是在做什麼偉大的工作,那麼這個想法可能會使你的自我變大,所以你做的時候最好說:''我沒有做任何事,是上天的力量在成就這些事''。並非上天的力量想從你身上來分一些功勞,而是你若如此說,自我的氣球就不會脹大,你也會變得謙虛,這份謙虛確定會改善你內在的靈性之樹,也會讓你更向上進化。所以當你得到靈性的認可與授權來做事時,最重要的是你應該說:我沒有做什麼事!

. 你的行事態度應該是:並非一定要照著你的計畫及決定來做、來進行 。你的決定可能是好的,但是假如它無法實現,那也不必去擔心或不快,不用太過去煩憂這些。

我記得有一次我要去美國,出發前有不少練習者看著時鐘,就開始擔心我會來不及。我只是笑笑說:我只是要去美國 ,你們在擔心什麼呢?我出門前 正巧有一個練習者的小孩摔倒了,而且跌斷她的手,他抱著小孩子過來,我說:''讓我先來治療這個小孩,我目前暫時不出發了''。那些擔心的練習者更是憂慮加倍了,好像天要塌下來似的。當那小孩子狀況都好轉時,我告訴他們:''走!我現在去機場!'',他們說:''母親,那班飛機恐怕已離開了!''。當我到機場時,那原本要載我的飛機因為有些狀況並未起飛,反而有另一個航班要直飛華盛頓,原本的航班是要去紐約轉機,然後才飛到我要去的華盛頓,最終的結果是我舒服地直飛華盛頓!

所以你們要知道 並非你在控制所有的事,這一切原本就美好地為你安排得十分妥當。你決定、計畫要如何做,這是可以的,假如你的計劃是可行的,假如本來是應該如此做,那麼事情就會如此成就。假如事情並未如此來進行,那正表示它本來就不應該如此來完成。一個得到自覺的靈並不在乎這是否是他希望的、他喜歡的結果,他接受任何的結果,這就是自覺的靈和一般人之間的不同。

註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1996-05-05JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

It’s complete emancipation of this earth, of this globe I’m sure will take place, if you people all take up the responsibility.

The responsibility has certain problems, which we should know. When you feel responsible, you must know that you are not in charge, one thing.

Secondly, you also must know, that there are so many other forces, so many angels and ganas are with you, you are not alone.

So to think that you are doing anything will make you, maybe, egoistical. At that time, what you have to do, is best is to say, “All right, I’m not doing anything, is the Divine that is working it out.”

Not that the Divine wants any credit from you, but by saying that, this balloon of ego will not come up. And you’ll become humble and this humility will definitely improve this great tree of spirituality within you.

Definitely it will make you a very evolved personality, no doubt about it.

But first of all, we have to say, “I’m not doing anything”. It’s very important to understand, when you have spiritual authority to do things.    ............

So the second thing should be that you should not determine what you are going to do. “What I have to do – if I have decided, I must do like that.” Whatever you have decided is all right, but if it does not materialize, there’s nothing to worry, there’s nothing to be upset, there’s nothing to be overly nervous about it.

I’ll give you an example. One day I was going to America, and of course, you know as it is, as all the Sahaja Yogis are, they get quite worried, “Now, Mother has to go to America!” I mean, you see, everybody’s upset, they are looking at the time, “Now time is this, time is that.”

I was just smiling. I said, “I have to go to America, why are you worried?”.

And suddenly one of the Sahaja Yogi’s child fell down and broke her hand and she couldn’t move her fingers. So, I was just coming out, and as soon as he brought the child, I said “All right, I’m not going just now to the airport.”

They were very upset, “How’s She’s not going to the airport?” As if all the heavens are going to fall down or what?

But I said, “Now, let Me see the child.” I treated the child; the child was all right. “All right, I said, let’s now go to the airport.”

And they were saying, “Mother, the plane must have left.” “It’s all right, doesn’t matter, let’s go to the airport.” [We] went to the airport and this plane that was going to take Me was just there because there was something wrong with the plane and there was another plane going to Washington, and I wanted actually to go to Washington, instead of New York.

So, I was in the plane nicely going to Washington.

But, one must know that you are not doing it, everything is arranged and planned and beautifully kept for you.

You decide something, all right, if your decision is all right, if you have to do that, it will work out. If it doesn’t work out, it should not have been worked out. Now this is the difference between a person who is a realized soul and who is not a realized soul.

A realized soul person is not bothered what he wants, what he likes, what he’s fond of – he’s not. Whatever he gets is all right.