2018年5月20日 星期日

你的想法與觀念都是虚構的 (下)

*** 你的想法與觀念都是虚構的 ()  ***






另外,我再來舉一個有關"自我"的制約(譯者:被自我宰制)的例子,這在印度尤其明顯。許多丈夫認為必須主宰他們的妻子,如此才像一個男人,這種想法完全是被他們的自我所控制。請問這種主宰在夫妻關係中可以獲得喜悅快樂嗎? (我們都知道)只有關心與愛才可以獲致一個喜樂的夫妻關係。這種宰制的錯誤想法也帶來另外一種反彈及反作用力,即現在社會有許多女人變得極端有掌控欲,這只是另一種來自自我的錯誤想法而已。




註二:請參考相關的譯文:''用無思慮靜觀來超越你的想法''http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/11/mind-myth-ego-superego-reality-limited.html )及 "達到無思慮狀態的練習方法" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2018/05/mind-mind-mind-mind-shri-mataji-mind.html )


註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 生日普祭(Birthday Puja)的談話1996-03-21JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

First of all, if you are born an Indian then you are identified with India. If you are born in England, you are identified with England.   .......

To react is a sign of a person who is very conditioned. You can be conditioned by many other things, like – you are born in a particular religion, now. As you know – what has religion to do nowadays with human beings? There’s no real religion anywhere – it has become like a money-orientation, or you can say, power orientation.
That’s why they are all fighting among themselves, and you know for definite that no religion is exclusive. But they fight. The reason is, the mind is conditioned that, ‘you must fight for your religion’.
Now, they have no religion within; there’s no religion that is working out in their lives. They might be the most corrupt, most immoral people, but they belong to a particular religion, like a club. And then they start, you see, identifying themselves as something, and they have a right to do these things, because they belong to a particular religion or to cult, and this and that.   .......

Because this mind, which is just a bubble, as I told you, and is so limited, that it cannot comprehend the beauty, the glory, the expanse of reality. This mind is just a collection of all the garbage, we should say, which we have to, somehow or other, deny and tell ourselves that, “I have to go beyond my mind. So-called mind of mine has done no good for me. And this mind of mine, which has been all the time controlling me, is just like the watch we have made and it is controlling us, or like the computer that controls us.”  ............

Many people try to control the mind. There’s a way of doing it that, “I’ll control my mind now.” Now, try to understand, how will you control the mind? Only through mind. Either by ego or by your conditioning. You have no means of controlling your mind, because it is the mind which you have created, and that is just existing there, which you cannot control, though you might think, ‘I can control.’
You have to go beyond this mind. And to go beyond this mind the most helpful thing is Kundalini awakening. Because She passes through your limbic area, pierces through your – fontanel bone area and just takes you away, out into the realm of reality – and the Yoga takes place between your brain, I should say, your heart, with this All-pervading Power.  ......

Now, once your attention goes beyond the mind – only the Sahaj Yogis will understand this point very clearly – when this mind goes beyond the thoughts then the manipulation of the attention is very important. Then whatever you manipulate, means you take this attention to this or to that or to that, you’ll be surprised how dynamic you become, how effective you become, and how knowledgeable you become.
Because, once you can take this attention to anything you want, immediately there is light on that issue, on that person, on that problem, and you see how it works out, how it helps. In Sahaja Yoga you have said, “Mother, there have been lots of miracles with Your Attention”, or something like that. I agree, but your attention also is quite capable of doing things which normal people can’t do, because now your attention is purified, firstly, and secondly it is manipulated with the Divine Power, and is manifesting its powers.   ......

Their mind is such that is so much made from childhood you are told, “You are a Muslim, you are a Muslim, you are a Christian, you are a Christian”, so they believe it.
Supposing you are born in some other religion then what would have happened? You would have believed something different, but this mind has been injected with the ideas which has gone into your head and that’s how you are so much without any freedom. You are tied down with these conditionings.   .......

Now, take the second enemy of ours – is Mr. Ego, which is another headache, and which works very fast in many countries where already ego has been bloated.   ........

Now, this ego comes to us from different, different angles, and it (Shri Mataji laughing) – actually, you’ll be surprised – from the deformity of our chakras.
For some people, money is very important. We must get money, somehow or other. If I don’t get money, what’s the use of being in Sahaja Yoga? Money is very important. We are living in a money-oriented world, no doubt. But I have told you that what’s the use of having money that makes you a fool, which takes you – now, see the countries which are very much money- oriented, who are supposed to be very rich, all the Scandinavian countries and Switzerland, whatever may they have, they might have done to get that money, doesn’t matter, but they are people with money. People are committing suicide, young people are committing suicide, there’s a competition going on, they’re very unhappy. Why? That means money cannot bring happiness.   ........

It is very remarkable how people give money to these sadhus and babas in thousands and thousands and crores of it. Because, I think in them it has come that to satisfy their Shraddha they must give it, and so they give. And they have amassed and amassed so much money, they have no sense of it. They don’t understand the value of that. To them it is nothing but money.
So, in the modern times I think the worst thing of ego is money. I have seen people who are very rich, supposed to be great business “wallahs” and something like that, they must meet Me separately, “We must come, Mother, and see You.”    .............

We have others, lots of conditionings of ego. In our country specially, this Indian country, India – so-called. You see, to dominate the wife is one of the greatest ego. I have seen people, how they tortured women, their wives and the children of others, just because they think, “I am a man.”
What do you get? You don’t get any joy, you can never be joyous. If you try to dominate another person you can never be joyous. Never be joyous. It’s only through loving and affection and care that you can feel the joy, because joy has these symptoms, joy is not domination, or demanding, or asking. These are not the signs of a person who is joyous. The joyous person is that who just enjoys the caring, the loving, the gentle relationship.    ...............

So now the women here have become extremely dominating also, naturally action has a reaction. This reaction itself is a wrong idea, and this reaction should be just dissolved into the feeling of pure love, the Ocean of Compassion.    ........