*** 關於能量測試(二) ***
比喻來說,假如(現在)有光,那麼你可以看見外物,所以是光給你知覺、給你視覺去看見東西。同樣地,當你得到啟發、得到自覺之後,這些能量(vibration)就開始流動,它猶如光一般,這個能量能讓你知道什麼東西是好的、什麼是不好的。例如你去某一個房子,(乍見之下)好像是一個美觀不錯的房子,讓你覺得十分滿意。但事實是如此嗎?它有好的能量嗎?或是壞的能量呢?那房子適合人居住嗎?像以前有些練習者告訴我,他們在Milano 找到一個很棒的房子,房租又便宜。我說為什麼如此便宜呢? 瞬間我感知到那個地點的能量,我說:"你們去現場感測過能量嗎?",於是他們去了現場,發覺手指都發熱像燃燒一般,他們才發覺山達基( Scientology,註一)在當地已有多年了。我告訴他們:"那個地方不適合你們去居住,你們應該去找一個非常純潔(pure)的地方,窮人的茅舍也比那房子好!"。
(pure knowledge,或譯 "純粹的知識" )。
所以你們雖然已是自覺的靈,但是你們應該知道,你身上還殘留什麼?你仍被那些想法、喜好所包圍?是那些偏好讓你覺得:"這是不錯的、這是好棒的,我們應該選擇它"?當你開始明瞭所謂真實狀況的能量是有完全不一樣的本質,你不再有這個人、這個家庭、這個國家等等的依戀、偏執 (attachment)時,即你沒有任何偏執時,此時你才可以感受到純粹的能量 (pure vibration)。
許多人問我:"母親,為什麼我們(感測能量)時,有時會得到錯誤的答案呢?",其實不是你犯了錯,而是你的無明 (ignorance),即這些無明讓你沒有光、讓你處在黑暗中,所以你根據你的能量測試結果來行事,就掉入麻煩之中了。若你沒測到真正的狀況,獲得完全正確的資訊,那麼你會有麻煩的。有就像一個有很多灰塵、很骯髒的燈,你無法從它獲得光。同樣的,如果人的心不純淨,我特強調是心,那麼人就會做自己相信是對的,但是卻傷害自己和他人的事。
註一:Scientology的非正式中文譯名包括 "科學神教" 和 "科學教",創於1952,其最引人注目的是有不少知名的明星皆是信眾。
( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/06/shri-mataji-absolute-truth-vibration-ego.html )
註四:譯者摘譯自Shri Mataji 在Navaratri
Puja的談話1998-09-27。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
If you have the light you can see things. So when you see
things, the light is there and light gives you the perception, gives you the
vision to see things. In the same way, when you are enlightened, what happens
is that these vibrations start flowing – just like the light, and in that light
you can see things which are good and which are bad. But sometimes you put the
same parameters as human beings do. Like you go to some house, a very nice
house, a very good house – all these things make you very happy. But actually
what about that house? Is it having good vibrations or is it having bad
vibrations, is it worth living there or not?
Like the
other day they told me that they can get a very nice place in Milano, a little
beyond Milano, for rent, very cheap. I said “Why
is it so cheap?“ Immediately I felt the vibrations of the place. I
said “Did you go and see the
vibrations of that place?“ They went and saw – it was all burning
(on vibrations). They found out that there was Scientology there for years
together. I said “That’s
not the place where you can live“. You have to have a very pure
place. Even the hut of a poor man would be better than this comfortable,
so-called, place.
So one
has to use the vibrations all the time to understand everything that you are
doing. In that also it can be misleading. Some people feel the vibrations and
they tell me “Mother, I’ve felt the
vibrations and I’ve felt that I should marry this man”. I
said “Did you feel the vibrations –
yes?“. “Yes
I did, very much, and I must marry this man“. When I see the man, I
see the bhoots in him – I
said “My God! What sort of vibrations
has this lady felt about him?”
So in your judgement, what is there? There is no Pure Knowledge.
We don’t
understand how our vibrations can mislead us. Because vibrations are there,
alright. But sometimes, even if they are missing, just to justify yourself, you
will say, “We have vibrations and we feel
that it is very good, excellent!” And later on you will discover
that it is not so.
So even
now, when we are realised souls, you should know what is encompassing us, which
is around us, what is that which makes us feel that, “It’s alright, it’s good we
should have it“. Once we start understanding that: vibrations
of Pure Knowledge are of a very different nature, then you are not
attached to that person, you are not attached to that family, you are not
attached to that country – nothing. But what you feel is the pure vibrations
coming to you. This is the point which is very confusing – when you say “My vibrations are good, I like
those vibrations,” while you jump into the ocean of filth! Many
people have asked Me “Mother,
why is it sometimes we make mistakes?” You do not make mistakes, it’s your ignorance, which
is darkness. And that’s why whenever you plunge into it you fall into trouble.
So to understand that, our knowledge has to become completely clear.
Like in our house, supposing we have a lamp that’s dirty, you
cannot get the light. In the same way if our heart is not clean, especially our heart,
if it is not clean, then we start doing things which, by believing that it’s
right, but [by] which we hurt ourselves or others. ......
vibrations can be misleading, as I told you, or could be the quantity of
vibrations can be less or more. There’s another way to see it, is to see for
yourself, “Why do you want to do a
particular thing?” Mental also – you can also use parameter of
mental understanding. “Why
do I want to do it?” “What
is the gain for all the people?” If you start thinking from that
angle, that: “What is the gain for others?
What will they gain by this? Why should I do it?” You’ll be amazed,
you will get the real picture of what you are doing.
So you
must keep yourself all the time in a state where you witness yourself. You see
yourself, that, “Why am I doing this? What is
the purpose?” Sometimes this could be some conditioning, could be
some sort of a psychological thing, could be anything. But if you start
watching carefully, “Why
I am doing it?” You’ll be amazed that your vibrations itself will
start telling you on your fingertips.
But sometimes the vibrations are so superficially coming,
“Ah, I got vibrations!“,
and this and that. For this reason I am saying again and again [that], though
you are such a nice family of mine and we are all so much blessed and we have
so much of knowledge with us, we should be very wise. There is no wisdom. If
there is no wisdom, we can never understand what we are doing.