2018年8月3日 星期五


*** 耶穌基督()  ***

今天我們來慶祝耶穌基督的復活,復活是耶穌基督一生最大的訊息,而不是被釘十字架。任何人都可能被釘十字架,而被殺死,但是基督死去的肉體卻從死亡中復活,即死亡本身也死掉了!即基督戰勝了死亡!對一般人而言,這絕對是一個奇蹟,但對基督卻不是,因為祂是一個屬於神聖(Divine)的人,祂是錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)(的轉世),祂即是""(Omkara,註一)本身,所以祂可以在水上行走,地心引力並無法將他往下拉,而且祂可以復活,因為死亡並無法影響祂。祂是專門為人類(的進化)而創造的,祂擁有如此神聖的特質,所以人類應該要認出祂。


所以當祂被釘十字架時,是非常令人傷心的,但當祂從死裡復活,那則是最令人高興、最吉祥、最美麗的時刻。基督的復活對霎哈嘉瑜伽是非常有象徵意義的,假如基督可以死裡復活,那麼人類也可以重生復活。因為擁有非凡能力的祂是以一個人的身軀來到這個世上,祂為人類開創了復活的道路,這復活的道路即是我們在霎哈嘉瑜伽中所遵循的。(這其中)最偉大之處即是()穿越額輪(Agnya Chakra),這額輪在許多靈性的經文中都有被提到,它們描述這是一個金色的門,像一個蓋子一樣,沒有人可以穿過,即這個額輪的窄門是如此的狹小緊縮。但是基督做到了,祂穿過了額輪,祂的穿越正是幫助我們今天可以打開額輪,若沒有打開額輪,你是不可能抵達頂輪的。而你可以輕易地穿越額輪,正是因為基督經歷了種種的折磨及殘暴,並且跨越過了這一切(苦難)。我們欠祂多少感謝呢?是沒有任何字眼足以形容的!正是祂指引人們:"你們要追尋、追尋,就可以得到",祂又說:"你們必須來敲這個門",這確實在你們身上都如此發生,你們升到額輪,然後你們穿過額輪而上。穿越額輪對你們一點都不困難,雖然你的種種來自思考、制約及對未來計畫等的觀念,這些是猶如一個很大很大的烏雲,這些烏雲就盤旋在額輪之上,這些觀念想法強過你,以至於你以前無法穿越被烏雲完全覆蓋的額輪,但是(經由霎哈嘉)你做到了,你甚至沒有感知到你如此輕易地穿越額輪。我們首先都應該感基督為我們打開額輪,對祂而言,所有的折磨及兇殘經歷並不值得一提,因為祂這一生的目的、祂的來到、祂降世的目的就是為了打開額輪。

註一: Aum,符號是唵是太初之母(Adi Shakti)從至高濕婆神(Sadashiva )分裂出來時,產生的第一個聲音,錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)即是唵的具體化(1990-12-25)。唵也是無所不在的神聖力量(Divine Power, Chaitanya, Vibration)

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji復活節普祭(Easter Puja)談話1998-04-19JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Today, we are celebrating the resurrection of Christ. That is the greatest message of Christ life, not the crucifixion. Anybody can be crucified and killed, but this dead body of Christ was resurrected from death. Death itself died and He overcome.
It’s a miracle for ordinary human beings, definitely but not for Christ because He was a divine person. He was Shri Ganesha, He was Omkara Itself. So, He could walk on the water, gravity would not affect Him and also He got resurrected because death could not affect Him. Such a great divine personality, specially created for human beings that people should recognise Him.
But they did not recognise Him, they killed Him in a very rude manner and even now, they think cross is a great thing because Christ died on a cross. It’s a very cruel idea of human beings to respect the cross. What does it show? It shows that people liked all the cruelties done to Him, symbolising cross as the one that represented His death and these atrocities, the way He was tortured.

So, it was a very sad time when He was crucified. But when He got resurrected it was the most joyous, most auspicious and most beautiful time. The resurrection of Christ is very symbolic for Sahaja Yoga. If Christ could be resurrected, then  human beings also can be resurrected, because He came as a human being with all powers and He created the path of resurrection for us. This path of resurrection is the one that we have followed in Sahaja Yoga, but the greatest thing is the piercing of the Agnya Chakra, which is described in all spiritual treaties or may be called as the scriptures that, that is the door which is golden, which is like a cover and no one can pass through that, so constricted is this door of Agnya chakra.
But Christ did cross that. His crossing has helped us today to open your Agnya. Without opening the Agnya you cannot go to the Sahastrara and this was done so easily in your case only because Christ could go through all that torture and all that brutality and crossed over. How much we should be indebted to Him, I don’t know a word that can express, because He is the One who took lead in telling people that: “You seek, you seek and you’ll find” and then He says that: “You have to come and bang at the door.” This is exactly what has happened in your case; that you have risen up to Agnya and then you have crossed beyond Agnya.

This crossing of Agnya was not at all difficult for you, though by your own ideas of thinking and of the conditionings of the futuristic planning and all that, it was a big, big cloud, I should say of very black clouds were hovering on the Agnya. Thoughts were overpowering and you could not have penetrated to this Agnya which was all covered, but you did and you not even felt that you have crossed the Agnya Chakra so easily.
First of all, we all should be very thankful to Christ for opening the Agnya for you. For Him, all the tortures and all the brutality were nothing because His purpose of His life, the purpose of His advent, His incarnation was to break the Agnya chakra.