2018年12月13日 星期四


*** 不要過度限制自覺的小孩  ***




 就我所知,音樂家 Ravi Shankar 在他年輕的時候,他的老師曾用琴砸在他頭上,打壞了一把琴,只因為他彈錯了一個音。這些老師會打弟子,將他們頭下腳上吊起來.......,用各式各樣的方法來管教弟子,這些門徒也遵從這些規矩。但是我想這種做法給門徒產生了限制,限制了他們學習艱難的東西的潛能,這也是為什麼西方的練習者可以快速學會這些困難的印度音樂,我想這是一種奇蹟,印度人是無法做到的。這些西方的練習者,你給他們做什麼,他們都學得很快。對於那些在霎哈嘉天生自覺的小孩,我想應該給他們完全的自由,因為他們不會去做錯事,你將可以看到他們會很快學會許多東西。


 所以給小孩子太多的限制,也會侷限他們的一些特質及人格,這是我所發現的。但是西方人(有了完全的自由) 往往首先會引發許多問題,如同走過地獄一般,很可能變成很壞、很壞的人。若他們可以成為好人,那他們往往是令人驚嘆的,他們過去享受的自由,會帶給他們非凡的成就。這就是為什麼西方的練習者在學習印度音樂上,可以有奇蹟式的成就,除此之外是沒有其他合理的解釋了。




註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 新年除夕普祭(New Year Eve Puja)的談話1998-12-31JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

They had the freedom, complete freedom to do what they liked. In India we don’t have such freedom for children. They can go wherever they like, they can do whatever they like, the teacher cannot correct them. Because of that freedom that they had, there’s one thing good that has happened. So many are lost, all right, but those who are saved are rare people.

Because of that growth of freedom within them I think they learn our Indian music in five months, four months. No Indians can do it because they are restricted all the time, they are controlled all the time, they are kept on the path of religion. So ultimately the freedom that some of you had and enjoyed has given you a special personality. That you pick up very difficult things without any effort. Now whether you should have that freedom or not is your own lookout. But too much restrictions on children, I think, is not a good thing.

Now in music, I know, Ravi Shankar when he was young, his guru had broken a tanpura on his head because he put a wrong note. Can you imagine? They used to beat them, tie them upside down, put them in the well, I mean all kinds of things they did and the disciples listened to all that discipline. Can you imagine? But I think that curbed their capacity to absorb something difficult. This is one of the reasons why I see this has happened, that people have picked up this difficult music in four months, three months, it’s a miracle we think. Why not this happens with Indians? You put them to anything, they pick it up so fast. With Sahaja Yoga, born with Sahaja Yoga, those who are, should be given full freedom I think. Such children should be given full freedom for they will not do anything wrong. And you will see they will pick up things very fast.

Not that westerners are more intelligent or alert, but the way they are given freedom, their growth, their personality. Sometimes they are like a vagabond, I think. Sometimes just like a tomboy. Sometimes to me they look like very vulgar, but once with that wealth of freedom they come to reality, they shine. So I would request also Indians, not to suppress their children too much. We enjoy the children very much in India, no doubt, but we suppress also them, very much. ‘Why are you standing? Why don’t you sit down?’ And children don’t mind because it is accepted, this pattern is accepted in India.

So too much restriction on children also curbs their personality, this is what I have discovered. But the western people go through such hell first of all, develop such problems to begin with and ultimately what happens is this, that they can be discarded as bad, bad, bad people. But if they come as good, good, good they are marvelous. All the freedom they have enjoyed before is showing results, otherwise how can this miracle happen to western people. There is no justification.

Now the problem is to give freedom or not. We have a proper sense now, after Realization, that a child is a born realized. In the beginning he won’t understand, he won’t understand. But gradually such a child will show results, maximum capacity to absorb and to express.

So today I am telling you about this freedom, which is the freedom of the Spirit. We should have understanding of such children who have that spirituality in them. They have dharma in them. And we should not try to constrict them or to trouble them. Let them do what they like. They’ll never do anything wrong because they are born realized........

So we should not try to control and check our children too much, that’s a part of our Sahaja culture. It doesn’t fit into Indian culture, I must say, but it should fit into Sahaja culture, to understand the value of our children who are realized souls.