2018年12月6日 星期四


*** 暴力與自我  ***

暴力行為正在快速增長,我想暴力是這些施暴者用來表達、張顯他們自己的唯一武器。當某地發生一些事,在另一個地方就有人引爆炸彈(來報復),殺死了許多無辜的人,這種殺無辜者的暴力行為是非常罪過的事,甚至連很小很小的暴力都是一種罪過,在錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)的眼中,這種暴力行為必然會被重重地懲罰。這些暴力行為都是經由"自我"(ego)而來的,你認為因為你屬於某一個部族黨派,你就可以殺掉另外一個部族,可說是一種荒謬的想法進入人類的腦袋裡,然後你就認為你有權利殺死另一個人。或許有人會說這是來自仇恨,但是仇恨是從"自我"發展出來的,當自我開始活躍起來,它就會收集這些東西,如仇恨、擁有權、憤怒、暴力等,這些都來自"自我",正是這個自我使人盲目,就只因為自我的出現,你變得盲目,完全看不見根本不需要用暴力、不需要去仇恨他人、不需要去殺人的簡單道理。

有人會問:"母親,這自我是如何累積形成的呢?",當然大部分是來自"反應" (reaction),此外也因為種種的制約(conditioning)。假如一個人從孩童時期就被灌輸:   "你應該去恨那些人,他們(本來就)應該被仇恨的。他們是不對的人,他們是壞人",這些小孩子就會開始如此想,當他們長大時,他們心中的仇恨猶如一顆長得很大的仙人掌,而這些仙人掌的刺會去刺死人,他們表現出來就像這個樣子。


註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)的談話1998-08-16JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Now this violence is growing so much. I think violence is the only weapon they use now to express themselves. You see here, something happens so somewhere there you find they explode bombs and kill so many innocent people. It’s very, very sinful to do like that. Even the slightest violence is sinful, and this kind of a violence in the eyes of Shri Krishna are absolutely to be punished very badly. Now, this comes through ego. You think because you belong to one clan, another clan you can kill, or something like that. A funny idea into human mind comes in and you decide that you have a right to kill another person. One may say this comes from hatred, but hatred is an outcome of ego. When the ego starts acting, it collects all these things like hatred, also possessiveness, anger, violence. All these starts coming out of the ego, which actually blinds the person. You become blind to the fact that there is no need to have violence, no need to hate someone, no need to kill anyone because of this ego that is there.

Now one may say, “Mother, how does this ego build up?” Of course, mostly it is due to reactions. Also, it is due to the conditioning. If the child is told from the childhood that, “You should hate these people, they are to be hated. They are wrong people, they are bad people.” They just start doing that. When they grow up they start showing that hatred is now like a cactus, growing very big and is killing others.

There’s no justification for this kind of a behavior by human beings. If they are human beings, they have to have human qualities. And that is what is possible only if you learn how to just witness and not to react.