----太初靈量(Primordial Kundalini ) 與你的靈量----
註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji
太初靈量崇拜 (Shri Adi Kundalini Puja)之前的談話1990-06-19. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.
So the
Primordial Kundalini, which is reflected in you as your Kundalini, also is of
the same nature and it works in the same way. It rises, gives you Self
Realization, gives you the powers, but after all one has to know it is a
reflection and a reflection to make it truthful, real. You have to look at
reality first, how the real one, the real Kundalini, the real Primordial One,
how it acts, how it works. If you start thinking about My Kundalini only,
immediately you will become silent, no question. You cannot think, just you
become silent. Just think of any one of My chakras and your chakras will be all
right. But you have to have that depth. You have to have that much protocol.
You have to have that much right. Just it will act. Don’t have to do anything.
Just you have to think of My chakras. Just think about My Kundalini. That’s
sufficient. But you have to develop that surrendering situation. Even now there
are Sahaja Yogis who doubt. They have seen the word. They have seen everything,
still they doubt and they [???] to people who are on the periphery. And there
are Sahaja Yogis who are still sticking on to many things. They cannot change.
They haven’t got yet that courage to change themselves. I don’t say that you
have to change anything outside, but a time comes you might have to change
also, so you should be prepared. How much we are courageous, that is to be
weighed and to be found out. Unless and until you have full courage, you cannot
establish Sahaja Yoga in a quick way. When you are using your own Kundalini,
you have to know that the Kundalini that is your own has problems. She Herself
has gone through various ages and stages and She Herself is sometimes very much
hurt, very unhappy and very weak and then She cannot rise.
So if you want
that this Kundalini that is your own, that is your own mother has to give you
all the nourishment and everything, you must learn, first of all, foremost
thing, how to surrender to reality.So if you learn how to surrender to the
Primordial Kundalini, then your Kundalini’s immediately strengthened. (1990-06-19)