2016年11月21日 星期一




但是今天的霎哈嘉瑜伽是完全不同,甚至是相反的。因為你們的導師是一位母親,縱使是最小的事(苦難)發生在你(即門徒)身上,我的眼睛都會充滿淚水,因為我為我的慈悲所折磨。所以以母親的身份來當一個導師是非常困難的。同時對門徒的你而言,你要達到相當的修行成就亦是有些困難,因為你很容易迷失在我的愛裏,尤其是當我給你太多的愛時,你常會忘記你的升進十分緩慢的這個事實。所以在霎哈嘉瑜伽裏,你要對自己嚴格一些,這是非常重要的。這也為什麼我常說:你必須要當你自己的導師 (You have to be your own guru.)。即你要引導你自己,你要把自己當成自己的門徒,而且你要時常修整你自己。假如你不了解在霎哈嘉瑜伽裏你要負責自己的升進,那麼你的進展將會十分緩慢,因為霎哈嘉瑜伽是不同於以往,是另一種型態的導師門徒關係。

所以這就爲什麼我常說:你要成為你自己的導師。你必須做許多自我反省(introspection) 及糾正自己的許多想法。我現在坐在你面前,你們都知道我如何,我可以吃任何(你們給我的)食物,我也可以幾天不吃。我可以睡在任何地方,我也可以完全不睡覺。我到處旅行(演講)而毫不疲倦,我有充足的精力。為什麼呢?因為我是我自己的導師 (我嚴格訓練、要求我自己)

所以首先你應該對自己有許多内省,如 "我有什麼過錯呢?",而不是 "別人有什麼過錯?""我是否在追求我身體(感官)的舒適?""我的注意力是在我的身體或是靈(Spirit)上?""假如是在我身體,那我正在做什麼呢?""我可以睡在地上嗎?""我可以坐在石頭上(而非椅子)嗎?""我隨時都可以睡,或隨時都保持清醒嗎?"等等。你必須訓練你的身體,使它爲你所用。



註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji  導師崇拜 (Shri Guru Puja)的談話1991-07-28. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Guru principle is extremely strict and the strictness made many people could not confirm to the ideas of a disciple. In those days, the guru had to be absolutely the authority and it was the guru who would decide which disciples he’ll have and one had to go into great tapasya, to great penances to even become a disciple. And this hardship was the only way the guru used to judge.
Gurus would always live in jungles and they would select their disciples, very few, very, very few, and they had to go and beg food from the neighbouring villages and cook food for their guru with their own hands and feed the guru. That sort of guru business is not in Sahaja Yoga – that basically we must understand that the difference between those styles of guruship and that we have now is this, that, very few individuals were given the chance to become the guru – very few. And these few also were selected out of quite a lot of people and they felt that they were something really special that they are being selected, chosen and that whatever they will have to go through is all welcome. With this idea, they became the disciple.

But Sahaja Yoga is a very different thing. I would say, just the opposite. First of all, your guru is a mother and who suffers from Sandra Karuna. At the slightest things that happen to you, My eyes get filled with tears.

So, as a mother, to be a guru is a very difficult thing. But, at the same time, for you to achieve heights is also difficult because you get lost when I love you so much and, in that love, you forget sometimes that the progress in your being is very slow. It is important that in Sahaja Yoga you have to be strict with yourself. That’s why I said that you have to be your own guru, which people do not understand what it means. “You have to be your own guru” means you have to guide yourself. You have to treat yourself as your disciple. And you have to trim yourself. If you do not understand the responsibility as a Sahaja Yogi of working it out yourself everything, you cannot move very fast because it is a different type of relationship between the guru and the disciples.

So, first I have always said you become your own guru. So you have to make a lot of introspection and fix your ideals. Before you, I am sitting, you have seen Me, how I am. I can eat anything. I need not eat at all for days together. I can sleep anywhere. I may not sleep at all. I travel for miles together, untiringly. I have this energy because I am a guru of myself, also.

So the first thing is that there should be lot of introspection. “What’s wrong with me?” not wrong with others. What’s wrong with me? Am I seeking the comfort of my body? The attention, is it on my body or on my spirit? If so, what am I doing? I think best thing is to write it down. Can I sleep on the grass? Can I sit on the stone. You have to make this body work. Can I sleep any time I like and can I keep awake any time I like?
I’ve seen people doze off. The reason is this, not that they’re bad or in any way indisciplined people, but because inside the are tired. If you’re tired inside, then you feel tired all the time. You’ll see on the television, if you see people in the West, they are always, “Haaa,” sitting like this because they’re so very tired. Why are they so tired? They don’t work so hard.

So introspect – how you behave. Now when you start introspecting yourself, you’ll also start introspecting your surroundings and your styles and your methods and what you are doing to yourself because of the conditionings of the outside.( 1991-07-28)