Chakra 和 Lalita Chakra------
Shri Chakra 在右側(肩膀),Lalita Chakra 在左側(肩膀)(註一)。在得到自覺之後,我們用手來從事的所有的工作( 指清潔、保護.......)皆是經由這兩個輪穴來達成。它是如何作用則是一個非常複雜的機制。但是我們不必去擔心,只要我們把手放在某人身上,這兩個輪穴知道如何去完成工作。它自己會去達成,它就像一個内建在体内的裝置,它知道應該給這個人什麼能量(vibration)來達成一個特殊的目的。假如這個人有一個特別的毛病,它們知道要發出什麼能量來達成治療的效果。所以霎哈嘉練習者得到自覺後不只喚醒昆達里尼(Kundalini),這兩個輪穴也同時被昆達里尼喚醒。
這是一個非常複雜的作用過程,爲了這作用,這個工具已完美被建構。這個工具配備所有必須的知識,如你們所稱的回饋機制,或我們可以稱為一個完全的程式在裏面。所以當你把手放在某人身上,這個程式就自動開始去運作成就。因為這個程式是由全能的上帝( God Almighty )所造,它絶對不可能出錯,它不會模擬兩可,而是精確地發揮效用。
註一:Shri Chakra 及Lalita Chakra是兩個副輪穴,在左右肩膀。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在Shri Mahalakshmi Puja的談話1990-12-21 . JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
Now, so we have Shri Chakra on the right side, on the
left-hand side we have Lalita Chakra, so all the things that we do with hands
after Realization are worked through, on the right-hand side Shri Chakra, on
the left-hand side Lalita Chakra.
Now how it works is a very complicated thing, but we don’t have to worry about that.
As soon as you put your hand on somebody, the chakra knows how to work it out. It works by itself, as if it is a built-in mechanism within us, which knows what sort of vibrations to be given to a particular person for a particular cause, or a particular purpose.
If that person has certain defects also, these chakras know what is to be emitted, how to work it out. So it is not that we have the Kundalini awakening only, these chakras are awakened, we also have these two chakras awakened within us because of Kundalini.
But if you have Vishuddhi problem, then you can find that your hands are stiff and you cannot feel guidance, or we can say, the Divine intentions of Realization; because when you start using your hands you don’t feel any vibrations, so how will you know what’s happening?
It’s a very complicated thing, and for that complicated thing these instruments are made already, are prepared already; they are quite equipped with all the knowledge that is necessary, like a feedback as you call it, or we can call it a complete programming is there. So as soon as you put your hand on a person, the programming starts working it out. Because it is programming is done by God Almighty, it can never be wrong. It cannot be two different things, as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned.( 1990-12-21)
Now how it works is a very complicated thing, but we don’t have to worry about that.
As soon as you put your hand on somebody, the chakra knows how to work it out. It works by itself, as if it is a built-in mechanism within us, which knows what sort of vibrations to be given to a particular person for a particular cause, or a particular purpose.
If that person has certain defects also, these chakras know what is to be emitted, how to work it out. So it is not that we have the Kundalini awakening only, these chakras are awakened, we also have these two chakras awakened within us because of Kundalini.
But if you have Vishuddhi problem, then you can find that your hands are stiff and you cannot feel guidance, or we can say, the Divine intentions of Realization; because when you start using your hands you don’t feel any vibrations, so how will you know what’s happening?
It’s a very complicated thing, and for that complicated thing these instruments are made already, are prepared already; they are quite equipped with all the knowledge that is necessary, like a feedback as you call it, or we can call it a complete programming is there. So as soon as you put your hand on a person, the programming starts working it out. Because it is programming is done by God Almighty, it can never be wrong. It cannot be two different things, as far as Sahaja Yoga is concerned.( 1990-12-21)