2017年1月24日 星期二



我注意到發生的一件事,讓我頗為擔心,所以我必須警告你們。對於那些談論反對我、反對霎哈嘉的人,你們不要和他們有任何關係。古諺有云:"當任何人講你的導師的壞話時,你們最好是用手把耳朵蓋起來,否則你可能會得到可怕的疾病或發瘋,或有一些可怕的事會降臨你身上。"    所以在你相信霎哈嘉之後,當任何人講霎哈嘉的壞話時,你要試著關閉你的耳朵,也不要和他有任何關係。我必須警告你們,因為不只是你,甚至你的小孩都可能會有麻煩。你到霎哈嘉來你自己要注意,我們霎哈嘉不為此負任何責任。你們看 Hugo (註一) 的事情,這是自我讓人變成笨蛋的例子。你們知道他(參加霎哈嘉多年後)於慕尼黑突然宣稱他變成" Maha Mataji "(譯者:即自稱比母親還偉大的" 大瑪塔吉 "),當時在靜室(ashram)的人都大吃一驚説:"我們都離開,這靜室留給你。"   Hugo答道:"不,不,你們留下來,因為我一個人無法管理這房子,我自己會離開。"     結果他去找另一個叫Thomas的練習者,Thomas不理會他,把耳朵蓋起來。於是他再去找另一對夫妻,暫時住在他們家,也談論這些反霎哈嘉、反對我的種種。結果那位太太(短期內就)得到癌症死掉了,那位丈夫之後也得到癌症,也病亡了!其實連我都很訝異會這麼嚴重。所以不要跟這種人有任何關係,否則一些嚴重的疾病可能上身。



註一:Hugo是早年蠻活躍的霎哈嘉負責人之一。在母親19811984的談話中都曾當眾贊揚他、謝謝他的辛勞。1986年時他是德國的負責人。他宣稱變成 Maha Mataji 大概是1989左右發生的事。

註二:在1990-03-21雪梨機場的談話,Shri Mataji 談到那位出問題的澳洲某負責人(Gibs ?)時,說此人邪惡、傷害許多人、趕走許多人、帳目不清,最後又自認為是上帝等等。對大家有如下的建議:


註三:譯者補充:有些練習者一定會想:"有這麼可怕嗎?我只是聽一下,我也不會去相信。"     其實"聽一下或聽到的內容"並不是癥結!!!而是這個人已被超意識或集體超意識的邪惡力量所掌控,如此才會喪心病狂自稱Maha Mataji,而這背後的邪惡力量是十分強大,才會使那對讓他暫時居住的夫妻一下子就被打入極偏左脈的狀態,才會誘發癌症。(根據Shri Mataji 的理論,癌症都是來自陷入左脈而誘發的,請見譯文:"血癌(Leukemia)的形成---Sahaja Yoga 的觀點" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/03/leukemia-sahaja-yoga.html  )及 "陷入左脈是非常危險" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/08/epilepsy-mental-derangements.html  ))

別忘了,本文中Shri Mataji不只說耳朶要蓋起來,也強調不要和那人有任何接觸往來!所以可怕的對象是那背後的邪惡力量,接觸多則兇險近身!


註四:江瑞凱綜合整摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1991-10-25 1990-12-25. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

I have to warn you: Those people, who speak against me or Sahaja yoga, you should have nothing to do with them. It’s written in the Shastras that anybody talks ill about your guru, please put hands on your ears like this.

Otherwise one would get horrible diseases or one would go mad or something horrible can happen. So, if anybody talks ill about Sahaja yoga, about which you are convinced, you just try to close your ears. Have nothing to do with that person. I am just warning you, because not only you will be in trouble but your children would be in trouble. So, that is one of the conditions in Sahaja yoga, that, then we are not responsible. For example we had Hugo, if you know him, must have heard about Hugo in Munich, and he suddenly came down and said that I have become “Maha Mataji”. So they all got a fright and they said alright, so we are going away. So he said no, no, I can’t run this ashram, you stay here, it’s alright, you can stay here, but I will go away. Then Thomas, who is an old Sahaja yogi, he put his hands on his ears. So he went to another gentleman and he was talking to his wife against Sahaja yoga and against me. She got cancer and then she died. And also her husband got cancer and he died. Say in your family somebody is there, who is talking against me or Sahaja yoga, just don’t have anything to do with that person, otherwise that you will catch on to some sort of a serious disease. It is as simple as this, that, when you are in Sahaja yoga you are under the guidance of God Almighty. All the deities are looking after you. This Paramchaitanya is like a beautiful cover on you. But if you get out of this, then you are caught by negativity. But negativity doesn’t harm that particular person so much, because it wants, you see, the negativity wants to use that person, so it won’t harm that. But anybody that person goes and meets will be harmed. So we should not even think about such person, we should not even have anything to deal with this person.(1991-10-25)

‘Too much of ego can make a person an idiot.’ So all this kind of idiotic things they can say and talk. But there’s one thing which I have noticed and I’m quite worried, that anybody who makes ninda means says things against your Guru you should never hear. But I didn’t know it is so serious because there was this Hugo gentleman, who went and stayed with someone, and both husband and wife got cancer and I don’t know the wife is dead I know but husband I don’t know, how he is. Both of them got cancer, so be careful. If anybody like that wants to speaks you just put your hands on your ears: ‘We don’t want to hear the Guru ninda.

Because you know what you have got, and is the greatest ingratitude, to hear anything against your Guru, who has worked so hard.(1990-12-25)

And if such a person tries to talk to you, or telephones to talk, just you tell him that: “We have no faith in you, we don’t talk to you”. Cause you will have troubles, you’ll have troubles, I’m telling you. Such people, you should never talk to or discuss anything. Just say: “We have nothing to do, you just don’t talk to us.” Alright? Please be careful. Because I’ve seen people who do all these things can bring lot of harm.
As I told you the case in Germany, where two people got cancer.(1990-03-21)