2017年1月16日 星期一

昆達里尼( Kundalini )上升的過程

-----昆達里尼(  Kundalini )上升的過程-----

昆達里尼(或稱"靈量")必須有錫呂格涅沙( Shri Ganesha )的支持,假如錫呂格涅沙(譯者:指根輪)太弱,則昆達里尼無法獲得足夠的支持( 譯者:Shri Mataji 言下之意是:如此昆達里尼則無法上升)。在昆達里尼喚醒的過程,首先必須有錫呂格涅沙的支持。當昆達里尼上升時,所有錫呂格涅沙(譯者:指根輪)執行的功能皆暫停,此時昆達里尼受到錫呂格涅沙的全力支持與照顧。你們都看過我常常一坐就是九、十個小時,而不用起來(去洗手間),原因即是在此( 譯者:指昆達里尼上升時,根輪主管的排泄功能會暫停)

昆達里尼是一個帶給你昇進的能量,她是一個處女的能量(virgin energy),這個能量是無所執着的(detached)。她不執着於任一個輪穴,或任何的功能。她唯一執行的功能即是慢慢地、穩定地穿過這些輪穴、滋養輪穴,給各輪穴它們所需要的、所喜歡的及所能承受的。最後再慢慢地、穩定地打開頂輪。......雖然她是一個處女的能量,但是她是如此地有智慧、敏鋭、有愛心且小心翼翼地,所以在她升起的過程,她不會給你任何麻煩。因為她是你個人的母親,她知道你的一切,她妥當地安排如何進行。她甚至不會讓你感覺到她正在上升,當然有些人可以感覺到,那是因為他們有些阻塞的問題。一般而言,大多數人是不會感覺她正在上升。這個内建的機制就讓她好似以自動的方式,一個輪穴接著一個輪穴往上爬。

在下面的輪穴先打開,讓她可以進入,然後這個輪穴脹大,之後再縮緊讓昆達里尼可以保持在此輪穴(而不會下掉),如此讓她可以更進一步往上升。就這樣逐一而上直到穿越頂輪。......當她打開喉輪時,人的舌頭會有一點往內縮,這是爲了幫助昆達里尼上升。這個舌頭後縮的反應動作叫 khechari,這是高層次的瑜伽士進入很深的靜坐時才會發生的。他們發覺在深層靜坐時突然進入khechari的狀態,或有人叫做 mudra,此時好像有蜜汁從上顎流出來(註一)。你們在靜坐時不用刻意將舌頭内縮,這種狀態是自然來到的。目前在霎哈嘉瑜伽只有非常少數的人可以達到此一境地。......

當昆達里尼抵達額輪、打開額輪時,你進入無思慮的覺知(thoughtless awareness)的狀態,此時你没有思緒,你的思慮就是停止。此時你可以靜觀外在的一切,就只是靜觀,而不介入你所觀看的外物。你就只是靜靜地觀看,就是這靜觀的本身帶給你成長------内在的成長。

註一:在Raja Yoga (帝王瑜伽,即八大瑜伽之一)有所謂的 khechari mudra 的練習,即將舌頭後縮,或用舌尖内縮去頂上顎(palate)或喉頭(uvula)Shri Mataji 介紹過一個類似的動作來幫助喉輪:下巴往下靠近胸部、摒氣(停止呼吸)、將舌頭儘量往後縮(1985-05-02)

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1991-04-08, 另參考1995-03-13, 1990-06-03, 1982-07-09, 1985-05-02  JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

So Kundalini has to be supported by Shri Ganesh. If Shri Ganesha is weak, then Kundalini cannot be supported. Shri Ganesha has to support her in the awakening part first of all. When the Kundalini is getting awakened, Shri Ganesha stops all the functions that it has to perform. All the functions are stopped so that – you must have seen, I sit for nine hours, ten hours sometimes – I don’t get up, because all functions of Shri Ganesha, everything stops when the Kundalini is rising. She is fully supported and looked after by Shri Ganesha. The Kundalini is the energy that you know which gives you your ascent, but it is a virgin energy. It’s a energy that is detached; it doesn’t get attached to any centre, to any function, only one function it has to do, is to slowly and steadily pass through all these centres, nourish them, give them whatever they like, whatever they want, whatever they can bear, and slowly and steadily open the Sahastrara. She is coiled up in three and a half coils it has a mathematical significance why three and a half, why she is – I think in My book I have described about her. But though she’s a virgin energy, still she is so wise, so sensible, so loving and so caring that when she rises She doesn’t give any complications to you. She doesn’t even make you feel that she’s rising – in some people she does, when the people are not normal, some obstruction is there; then you do feel it, but normally you do not even feel how she is rising.
She goes up in a way automatically, supported by the whole mechanism when she rises from one centre to another centre. The lower centre first opens for her to enter in and then it augments, it closes down so that it can keep the Kundalini in its place, then it goes higher, there again till it pierces through Sahastrara, this ascending of Kundalini goes on.............

That time she also at Vishuddhi, she opens the Vishuddhi and when she emerges through it at that time the tongue is a little bit pulled in just to keep the flow on. This reaction is called as khechari so when people are very deeply in meditation, those who have achieved great heights in meditation, they find suddenly they get into khechari situation, or we call as mudra in that state as if some nectar starts flowing from your palette. If you move your tongue upward like that you’ll feel the cool coming down your tongue: try that.
Now this, you don’t have to do when you are in deep meditative state. It starts cooling down your tongue slowly as automatically you get into khechari state. As far as Sahaja yogis are concerned today, there are very few who really feel that way.  ...........................

So as you know that Kundalini, when she reaches the Agya Chakra and when She opens Agya chakra, then you can be in thoughtless awareness, then you don’t think – thinking just stops. You watch everything, just watch, but you do not get involved into what you are watching, but you just watch and that watching itself gives you the growth within. ........

So this power of Gauri has to be respected because she’s our mother; she’s our individual mother, she has given us second birth. She is the one who knows all about us; she’s so gentle, so kind, how she slowly rises. She doesn’t give us trouble; she takes all the trouble of penetrating through these centres and she gives us a second birth, because she understands everything – she knows everything; she organizes everything;(1991-04-08)

That when the Kundalini rises then what happens that the centers open, to begin with, and then they close, to keep the Kundalini up there so it’s called as bandha, all right? When it comes to Vishuddhi also what happens, first the Kundalini rises, then the tongue is little bit pulled inside, you don’t feel it, Sahaja Yogis don’t feel inside and this is called as Khechari Mudra. Khechari means it is pulled inside, Khechari Mudra. You see these things happen automatically,(1995-03-13)

So the system starts and the center starts opening, so one center will open out supposing and then when the Kundalini passes through it augments, it sort of constricts itself so that it can stop the Kundalini from falling down. Now, this is called as bhand, but when it goes to this center, also what happens that when it rises above this center then the tongue is little bit pulled inside, but you will not feel anything at all. It’s all happening inside, like your car how smooth it is as your modern cars are extremely smooth, your modern Kundalini is also very smooth, doesn’t trouble you at all(1990-06-03)

That when the Kundalini rises you see, you must see this is a tremendous happening that takes place is the Kundalini rising from that, upwards. Its not the work of gravity, its moving upwards. So to happen this, there must be some happenings taking place. For example, when it rises, suddenly, you see, when it crosses the second center, it goes into a kind of a kind of an augmentation there, so the Kundalini doesn’t fall off. That is called as bandhas. These bandhas, you see the augmentation we can say, the closing of it. Then it goes higher, it starts closing these. It comes to the Vishuddhi Chakra – there the all energy has to be brought into play. So there’s a [khechari?] happens, that the tongue little bit put here. But you won’t feel anything, it’s so fast. It’s so quick you won’t feel it. I mean I cannot give any other analogy like that,(1982-07-09)

Another thing one should try is a physical treatment of your throat, it is very simple, I’ve seen is that, you push back your tongue, and put, this is a physical thing, put your chin here and try to push back your tongue as much as possible.

Now, and hold your breath, push back your tongue as much as you can. Kundalini will move further.  First you have done Allah-ho-akbar, so you have bent backwards. By doing this, you see, you have allowed it to open the other way round also. You will see the sides; from the sides the Kundalini will be opened out.(1985-05-02)