----昆達里尼 ( Kundalini) 開啓頂輪的過程----
當昆達里尼(或稱"靈量")穿過五個輪穴(即從腹輪到額輪)後,祂進入腦部的邊緣系統(limbic area,見註一)。這個區域被數千條的神經所包圍,當這些神經被點亮喚醒(enlightened)時,它們像七彩顏色的火焰,非常温和、光亮,是一種散發祥和(peace)的火焰。
當昆達里尼開始向各方向散發出祂的能量(vibration)時,這些神經就逐漸被點亮喚醒,也開始向各方向移動,同時頂輪就打開了,此時昆達里尼從囟門(fontanelle bone)區域出去,囟門就叫梵穴(Brahmarandhra),randhra 是洞的意思,Brahma(梵)指的是來自上帝的愛的無所不在的力量(All-Pervading Power of God's love)。當昆達里尼從梵穴出去,即進入(頭頂外)無所不在的精微能量(subtle energy)之中,這個精微能量是一般人平常無法感覺到的,可以稱之為: 無所不在的生命能量(All-Pervading Power,或叫 Paramchaitanya)。此時屬於這精微能量的一部分(可叫 Chaitanya或 vibration)就進入我們的腦部,將上天的恩賜(blessing)灑在邊緣系統。由於邊緣系統是連接到腦部的各個區域及神經系統(nerves),所以這能量開始流到神經系統,帶給你一個新的集體意識(collective consciousness)的知覺(awareness),這知覺又叫:samuhik chetana。
這些能量(指 Chaitanya)的運作是非常有趣的。它們大部份的時候是形成像小逗點(commas,即",")的型式,但是它們也會變成其他的型式。它們可以變成卐 (swastikas )或Omkara(即 Aum 的符號ॐ),前者是純真(innocence)的代表,後者則是我們的行動(doing)及知覺(awareness)。當這些能量形成卐字時,它們滋養左脈,形成ॐ (Omkara)則是滋養右脈。即它們滋養左右交感神經系統(sympathetic nervous systems)。
但是要持續保持頂輪的打開,對人而言是有些困難,因為這中間可能會有一個惡性循環(vicious circle)。首先當頂輪打開時,這些能量經由梵穴進入你的腦部來滋養你的神經,因而使你的左右脈皆更打開,如此就容許更多的能量流入到各個輪穴。但是假如你的頂輪並没有開啓的很妥當,上述的過程就不會發生,結果就是輪穴無法打開,這會造成只有幾絲的昆達里尼可以(流通)保持在脊髓内(譯者:即梵脈内),而無法容許更多的昆達里尼升起。所以在霎哈嘉瑜伽裏,如何保持你的頂輪打開是非常重要,否則這惡性循環就會發生(註二)。
註二:譯者用良性循環的方式再來說明此一過程:當頂輪打開後,外在的能量會自梵穴進入來滋養左右脈,會使左右脈更暢通放鬆,各輪穴也因此更打開。輪穴打開更多則容許更多的昆達里尼上升,這造成頂輪開啓得更妥當,如此又有更多的外界能量進入,這是一個良性的循環。Shri Mataji 在其他的談話談過此良性循環。
註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 頂輪崇拜 (Sahastrara Puja)的談話1991-05-05. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
the Kundalini passes through the five centres it enters into the area which we
call as limbic area. This area is all surrounded by thousand nerves and when
these nerves get enlightened they look like flames of VIBGYOR colours,
seven colours, and very mildly, beautifully shining, emitting peace.
when the Kundalini starts emitting its vibration on the sides all these nerves
get enlightened gradually and start moving on all directions, opening
the Sahastrara and then the Kundalini emerges out through the fontanelle bone
area, which we call as ‘Brahmarandhra’. ‘Randhra’ means the
‘hole’ and the ‘Brahma’ is the All-Pervading Power of God’s love.
it enters into the subtle energy, which is all-pervading, which we do
not feel normally. But then the chaitanya, the vibrations, which are the
part and parcel of this energy, All-Pervading Power, the Paramchaitanya, they
start entering into our brain and showering their blessings in the limbic area
they assemble.
the limbic area is connected to all the area of the brain and also to the
nerves. So it starts flowing onto the nerves giving you the new
awareness of collective consciousness, called as ‘samuhik chetana’.
you get a new chetana, a new awareness, which is showered upon your
limbic area. The working of these chaitanya waves is very interesting. They are
normally formed like small commas, but then they go into different forms. They
make themselves into swastikas as the four-limbed symbol of innocence or they
become the Omkara: as you know how ‘Om’ is written, which is the symbol of our
doing, our awareness.
when they form the swastika they try to nourish the left side and when they
form the Omkara they nourish the right side: left and right sympathetic nervous
systems they nourish.
Sahastrara to be kept open, is rather difficult for people because it’s a vicious
circle. First, these vibrations should enter into your brain through the
Brahmarandhra when it is opened out and they should nourish your nerves by
which your left and right side open out and so more chaitanya can flow down all
these centres. But if your Sahastrara is not properly opened this process
doesn’t take place. As a result of that the chakras don’t open, the Kundalini
only as very few strands is kept in the spinal cord and the new strands cannot
rise because your chakras are not open. So, in Sahaja Yoga, it is very
important to keep your Sahastrara open. Otherwise, there’s a vicious circle.