2017年2月6日 星期一



你們都知道明善輪(Hamsa Chakra)給你明辨力(discretion),但是你們並不了解明辨力是什麼。

你們知道只有左脈(Ida Nadi)是從根輪開始,左脈是代表內在的一種願望(desire,也包括渴望、欲望)的力量,這力量是從根輪開始。這願望並不是一種心智的(mental)活動(譯者:即指需用腦袋思考。舉例:對愛的渴望並非要用腦袋思考後才會有),心智的活動是屬於右脈(Pingala Nadi),右脈並非從根輪開始,而是從更上面的輪穴開始(譯者:指腹輪)。所以你們必須知道根輪 (譯者:指根輪所掌管的活動,根輪主管排泄及性功能,Shri  Mataji 此處指"")並無法被我們的心智活動所控制。假如你把這些根輪所掌管的活動(譯者:Shri  Mataji 此處指"")移轉成心智的活動,那麼你可能失去對根輪(譯者:即指性功能)的掌控。在西方世界,根輪(譯者:此處指性)完全變成心智活動,它被大量地談論、討論,甚至被詳細地描述、書寫在書本,且大量被閲讀。換言之,大量被塞進人的腦袋裡,即性變成一種心智活動,以致於根輪(譯者:指性功能)無法照它原來的設計本能地、自發地(spontaneous)進行。這就為什麼(現代)有這麼多人無法生小孩,許多人年紀輕輕即有陽萎的問題。因為他們把它當成一種(右脈的)心智活動,而不是使用欲望的力量。以油燈來比喻,油燈是靠油及燈芯來產生燃燒及火光。假如你用水取代油,油燈就無法燃燒,因為水無法燃燒產生光,所以假如你在性這件事用太多的頭腦(即用太多的心智),那你的根輪會被毀壞掉,而變成無法控制(性功能)。假如你把這件事留給欲望,那它就會本能地、自然地來發生。這個很根本的原理是西方思想中所欠缺的,他們把本能的、會自動發生的當成一種心智活動來進行。


註一:江瑞凱綜合整摘譯自Shri Mataji明善輪普祭(Hamsa Puja的談話1991-04-28. JSM !這是一篇很長的談話,Shri Mataji 逐一談各個輪穴應該有什麼明辨力。譯者將之分成數篇。敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

You all know that Hamsa Chakra gives you discretion, but still we do not understand, what do we mean by discretion?

The first and the foremost important center within us is the Mooladhara Chakra. If we do not have the proper discretion about Mooladhara Chakra, we get into wilderness, I should say, or we open the doors of hell for ourselves.

As you know, that only the Ida Nadi starts from the Mooladhara. That means, it’s the desire, power of desire within us, starts from Mooladhara.

But it’s not the mental, which is the Pingala Nadi, which starts from Mooladhara. It starts higher. ........

So one thing one has to know, that Mooladhara Chakra cannot be controlled by our mental activity. But if you shift it to the mental activity then the control over Mooladhara is completely lost.

Apart from whatever has happened in the West, Mooladhara Chakra is all gone into the mental activity of human beings. It is so much discussed, talked. It is so much described, written down, so much read, so much put into our heads, that it has become a mental activity. So, Mooladhara doesn’t act spontaneously as it has to act.

That’s why there are problems that people cannot produce children. So many become impotent very early because it is used not by the power of desire, but by mental activity – is shifted.

Now you see the light here, is burning there because there is oil and there is a wick, it is burning. But instead of this oil, you put just water. Will it burn? It won’t. Because water is not going to nourish this light. So, the more mental activity you have, your Mooladhara gets spoilt and it becomes uncontrollable. But if it is left to your desire, so it becomes spontaneous. This is a fundamental principle that is missing in the Western thinking, I think – that whatever is spontaneous, they leave it to the mental activity.

Wherever the mental activity is to be used, you should use mental activity and wherever your desire and emotions are to be used, you must use your desire power.

Also, it is spontaneous, though it should not be an obsession. Any obsession cannot be spontaneous.

It’s just, at a moment, you have the desire. That’s all. But all the time if there sits in your mind, that means you are using water to have the fire.