2017年2月24日 星期五



每一個人都把""掛在嘴邊,愛這個、愛那個,尤其在西方世界(在印度就不會這樣),但是其實没有任何愛。但是對錢財、對權位,人們倒是愛不釋手,這些都不是純粹的愛(Nirvaj, pure love)

(譯者:將家人親戚帶進來霎哈嘉(尤其指希望霎哈嘉解決親人的問題),在許多人看來是愛(心輪)的自然表現,但Shri Mataji 認為過度這樣做其實會帶給霎哈嘉很大的困擾,也表示你無法走出家庭的執着,也不知道霎哈嘉是個人和母親的關係,所以是沒有明辨力的行為。)



註一:江瑞凱綜合整摘譯自Shri Mataji明善輪普祭(Hamsa Puja的談話1991-04-28. JSM !這是一篇很長的談話,Shri Mataji 逐一談各個輪穴應該有什麼明辨力,譯者將之分成數篇。敬請Sahaja兄弟姊妹指正。

Then comes the Heart Chakra. We talk of love. We talk of this. We talk of that. I mean, so much of talk of love in the West, which is never in India. But there isn’t any love. It is such a love for money, love for positions, but there is no pure love, Nirvaj. There’s no love like that.

So the discretion between your family and others’ family is to be seen. Very clearly, you will know that you are doing something wrong. This is more in India than here, abroad.

A couple will stay back. One by one they’ll come. All right, couples are all right. But they’ll not bring their uncles, aunties, their aunties’ parents, their parents, and then the grandparents and all that.

Together they will come in one line. They will always be grouped together. All of them will be on My head. I have seen.

There’s no discretion there, that we are individuals as far as Mother is concerned. She is our Mother. She’s our Guru and we have to face Her individually, not to take all this paraphernalia with us: all our relations, my brothers or my sisters or my this and that. So the discretion as far as the guru is concerned, is an extremely important thing in Sahaja Yoga.

It is.. You want Me to explain to you how the gravity acts through Nabhi. No doubt. But through your Heart Chakra, if you gravitate at people, or sort of what you call, the charisma of a person or some sort of a nonsense, or the charmingness of a person, that means you’re attracted towards something that is extremely superficial and not at something which has gravity in it. So, the discretion at the Heart is to have a relationship which is so detached that you nourish everything, every part of your family.

Now somebody’s attached to the husband, somebody’s attached to children, somebody’s attached to the dogs, somebody’s attached to the, only to the plants. Is very indiscreet.

You should be attached to everything the same, same way. I would say that you should be so detached that you are attached to everyone equally. Detachment doesn’t mean that you wear dresses or scantily. It doesn’t mean that. It’s a wrong idea. Detachment means that you watch everything, and you do not get involved with anyone. You are out of it, and you are seeing everything, watching it, you’re a witness. This sort of love if you have for anyone, you will be blessed by that personality very much more.