2017年2月12日 星期日



在不應該用頭腦與思維的時候,人們却是常用頭腦。這種情形也發生在腹輪(Swadisthana Chakra)。腹輪是主管創造力(creativity),每一個人都可以創造出一個美麗的設計圖或圖案,可以創造出一件藝術品。但是假如你用思維去想:一件藝術品需符合那些條件、需有那些特點等等,那麼你的創造力就完蛋了!在西方世界,人們對藝術()有太多的討論與批評,正是這些批評扼殺了藝術家的創造力。一旦社會上有太多的藝術評論家,則藝術家的創作就不是源自他們内心自然而生的創意。他們會去想:假如我這麼畫、這麼創作,那麼評論家會怎麼說?一旦如此,整個自然、自發的創造力就喪失了。評論家常說:"這裏不對,那裏不像一個藝術品。一幅畫應該如此如此。",這些評論讓藝術家再也無法自然地發揮其創造力。大家應該讓藝術家去創作他們想創作的,不要去批評。當我們看到一個來自任何地方的藝術品,做爲一個霎哈嘉瑜伽士,你就只需要去看、靜靜地欣賞,如此這藝術品就會全然地向你展現出這藝術家所要表達的。



註一:此篇Shri Mataji 從藝術談起,談什麼才是自然流露的創造力,什麼又是人為做作。這個話題也是Shri Mataji 在許多談話中常提到的,此次談話講得最詳細。由於像閒聊式的講話,所以譯者採意譯的方式,希望能有助於讀者抓住精義Shri  Mataji 所闡釋的很類似老子所講的自然之道其實Shri Mataji更希望我們了解其中的精義,如此在其他的領域,就可以用我們的明辨力來知道如何行事才是符合自然之道。譯者:腹輪是一切行動、創造力的起點,這些行動最重要就是要符合自然之道,這是我們的明辨力在行動時首先需要關注的。

註二:江瑞凱綜合整摘譯自Shri Mataji明善輪普祭(Hamsa Puja的談話1991-04-28. JSM !這是一篇很長的談話,Shri Mataji 逐一談各個輪穴應該有什麼明辨力。譯者將之分成數篇。敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

Same about the Swadisthana Chakra. Swadisthana is for creativity. Anything you can create. You can create a sari.

You can create a beautiful design, pattern. You can create a beautiful art or anything, but as soon as you put it on a mental level, it’s finished. Also in the West, too much discussion is about the art. This is not art, that is not art. This should have been like this, that should have been like this. I mean, it’s creativity, spontaneous.

Whatever the artist wants to produce, let him produce, and who are you to judge and criticize?

You cannot appreciate anything unless and until it is brought to the mental level.

So now, we have critics, and the artists are not spontaneous, they’re afraid; they only think: “What will the critics say?” Even when I’m writing the book, when I give it to some Sahaja Yogis to read, they say: “Mother, if You write it like this, then they’ll say like this.” I said: “Let them say, who cares?”

So then, critics should criticize and say: “This is not all right. This is not an art because this is such, this is such”.

So the artists are finishing, art is finishing. Now what is left are critics.

So now they don’t know what to do with their profession, so they are criticizing each other.

So we have only critics criticizing each other.

But there’s no art now. What to criticize? And art has to be now made into money. So the critics must certify. It’s so man-oriented, the whole programming of these critics is, that it is never an art.

You know, they draw one line and say: “Now this is art, all right”. If the critics say it’s art you had better accept, it is an art.

Now, what is so artistic about a line?

Then again mental: “It’s a lonely person standing there” – this, that.

It should be spontaneous! Why to describe an art?

So the mental level is so alert and is all the time trying to see things according to certain norms. All these norms are created about something so spontaneous like sex, like art. All bathroom culture is decided by the brain. Nothing is spontaneous. It’s such a joke, I tell you!

So people become artificial. Art becomes artificial. Your Mooladhara becomes artificial. Because it’s all now man-made. All the spontaneity is lost.

If you see any art from any country, just watch. Why must you react to it?

Just watch, as Sahaja Yogis you should just watch and the whole thing will start flowing through.

Now this Greek tragedy of romanticism, then the romance of Romeo and Juliet, all is imaginary, is all mental. There’s no spontaneity in it. And then you accept, accept only relationships when there is artificiality – even between husband and wife. Like the husband must bring a flower every day to the wife, show her a flower, as if she’s a priest or something.

And the wife must – I don’t know what they do – all artificialities. And then he must say “Thank you” ten times to her, and she must say “Sorry” to him a hundred times. I mean they’re husband and wife, left and right side of a chariot! And then the men expect this should happen. Women expect this should happen.

Men expect the women should be like men, and women expect women, men should be like women.

Men are very particular about time, women are not. So women must be very particular about time, otherwise they think she is the worst person they have ever known.

The woman is, say, more particular about her kitchen or maybe about her dress. So the man would get angry with her because she takes too much time to get ready. It’s mutually so indiscreet that the relationship becomes absolutely absurd.

There should be understanding that she is the left side and you are the right side, and both of you have to act according to your nature.

On the contrary, you want to make somebody look so funny, because imagine a man becoming a woman and a woman becoming a man. You see it’s a joke, but that’s what has happened.

Whatever the men are supposed to do they cannot do and whatever women are supposed to do they cannot do. Whatever the children are supposed to do they do not do.

For example, children in the West will go on asking: “Why?” Who are they to ask “Why?” What is their growth? What is their intelligence? What is their maturity? They cannot be treated like a judge sitting in the court. They are children!

But when they come to Sahaja Yoga they lose their discretion. First, before coming to Sahaja Yoga, the husband and wife quarrel all the time. Half steps are in the courts and half outside. After Sahaja Yoga they cling to each other, so much like glued together, it’s impossible.

So much so that for the wife’s sake they will leave Sahaja Yoga. They’ll ruin each other like that. They’re glued together.

Before Sahaja Yoga they neglect their children, don’t bother. After Sahaja Yoga they’re glued to their children. Then nobody can say a word against the child. The child can go and hit anyone, you cannot say any word.

They’ll ruin the child also. So the discretion is lost completely in relationships, whether it is sex, whether it is creativity, whether it is family, anything.

That’s the part of the Hamsa Chakra.