2018年2月18日 星期日


*** 一些練習者的發問 ***

Shri Mataji答:(霎哈嘉所談的)反省並不是你的心智活動,重點不是如此。在得到自覺之後,反省指的是進入無思慮的靜觀狀態(thoughtless awareness),在此狀態下,你有時會得到一些來自内心的靈感、啓發,從這裏你可以知道你有那些錯處,而且此時上天也會幫助你(來進行此工作)。不用去剖析你的觀念、想法,你只要對自己說:''我現在來反省自己,我有做錯什麼?''如此就可能會突然有一些想法浮上來。假如没有任何想法出現,那即表示你没什麼錯處,你只是有些自我懷疑而已。

Shri Mataji 答:這是可以的,你可以如此做。真正的靜坐是要進入完全的寧靜,即在唸完口訣後,你是要進入無思慮的靜觀狀態。假如你處在深度的冥想當中,此時也不需任何口訣,也不必說什麼。

Shri Mataji 答:真正進入靜坐的時候,你不會希望此刻是來聽音樂,你是要達到那個無思慮的狀態,靜靜地處在那個狀態。音樂是可以用來幫助你進入那個狀態,單純的只聽音樂是可以的,但是不應該起任何反應。假如你聽音樂,但不起任何反應,那就表示你處在無思慮的靜觀狀態。(譯者:Shri Mataji的意思是:''左耳進右耳出''的聽法是可以的,但若是欣賞音樂或沉醉在音樂之中則不是靜坐)

Shri Mataji答:可以,只要你可以看清楚相片即可。

Shri Mataji答:這是OK的,但是不應該是像有人對你講話的聲音。你可以在耳朵内滴一點油來改善這狀況。

Shri Mataji答:假如在你的生活中,時間都花在各式各樣無意義、不重要的事物上面,那麼你就會有這種感覺。但假如你將重心放在霎哈嘉上面,那麼你的生命就會有意義,因為你會在其中找到你的認同與歸屬(identity)

註一:譯者綜合摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1995-03-06, 1995-03-13. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

Yogini: And there is a, also a question about introspection. When we do introspection, what should we…?

Shri Mataji: No. I didn’t mean that introspection is your, mental activity, is not the point. Introspection means going to thoughtless awareness. After realization. Because, this is sometimes, when you are in thoughtless awareness, you get the inner thoughts, the inspirations, by which you know what’s wrong with you. And the Divine help. Don’t analyze your, I didn’t mean that. Means that you just say that [UNCLEAR I introspect myself]. what am I doing wrong? And suddenly you get some thought coming up. If there is no thought coming up that means you are alright. You are just doubting yourself.

Yogi: He said, during this meditation, he saw Mother, [UNCLEAR he thought Mother is] on his head. And he actually can see Mother is talking to him. Is that correct?

Shri Mataji: Ha?

Yogi: He can see Mother.

Shri Mataji: Is alright. Seeing is alright.

Yogi: But also he get a voice.

Shri Mataji: You see, seeing is not being. You have to be. In a dream if you see me, is alright. But, when you are awake and then you see…

Yogi: During mediation.

Shri Mataji: His close his eyes then?

Yogi: He, during meditation he, [UNCLEAR] Mother on top of his head. And he actually communicate with Mother.

Yogini: Sorry, Mother, I think that he imagines. He tries to imagine it.

Yogi: He is mentally talking to that image as a method of meditation. He tries to imagine You here to give vibrations. [UNCLEAR] automatically comes to him.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR no that’s alright] but he should not, sort of, he can always talk to me [UNCLEAR]. I mean there is no harm in talking to me but. But, it should not be imagination sort of thing. In meditation one should be silent. After saying all the mantras and talking and all that, then you should get into the silence.

Yogi: Is it correct to do this method, to come into thoughtless awareness or?

Shri Mataji: Or?

Yogi: To imagine you have your, Try to imagine you in the Sahastrara?

Shri Mataji: It’s alright you can imagine that way. But what I’m saying you should go into thoughtless awareness. Shouldn’t talk at the time. [UNCLEAR]. Not even mantras are needed. If you are deep down, then you just [UNCLEAR are] thoughtless awareness and, you don’t even say anything [UNCLEAR].

Yogi: [UNCLEAR] about the same subject of meditation. Many Sahaja Yogis listen to music to meditate.

Shri Mataji: What he said?

Yogi: Many Yogis are listening to music to calm, to [UNCLEAR], to get into meditation.

Shri Mataji: See, somebody else is singing is alright. But, you see, if you are saying things to me, if your atten… That means you are on a mental level na? You have to go beyond mental level. Meditation is. But when you meditating you don’t want to hear anything, nothing. I mean if you have reached that state. But just silently one with that. But with the music, what happens that, you are led to that silence. But just listening is alright. just listening is alright. [UNCLEAR] I mean, there should be no reaction. When there is no reaction, then you’re in thoughtless awareness.

Yogi: Second question sorry.

Yogi: Second question is about the light. I find difficult to mediate, when there is strong, too much light.


Yogi: To mediate with a strong [UNCLER] light.

Shri Mataji: One should not have always strong light.

Yogi: Is it alright to meditate in the darkness? With a candle light

Yogi: Just the candle light. Is Ok?

Shri Mataji: Ha?

Yogi: Only a candle light.

Shri Mataji: Alright, just so that you can see my photograph. I too, don’t like this light very much. I, my eyes got spoiled because of the [UNCLEAR] lights that are throwing on me. But now they say there are cameras, we don’t need all this photographs. I mean, all this light for the photograph.

Yogi: Sometime, she hear a voice coming from far away and coming across to her.

Shri Mataji: [UNCLEAR what sort of?]

Yogi: Sound waves; some kind of sound waves.

Shri Mataji: It’s alright.

Yogi: It’s alright.

Shri Mataji: But not some words.

Yogi: It’s just like a, sound waves keep coming.

Shri Mataji: She can put some oil or something once. Maybe garlic. [UNCLEAR just].(1995-03-06)

(Question about life being meaningless.)

Because you’re not working for Sahaja Yoga, your life is now for Sahaja Yoga. You dedicate it to Sahaja Yoga, that’s why, all right? If you dedicate your life to all kinds of nonsensical things then you think like that. But if you dedicate to Sahaja Yoga then there’s a meaning to it because now you’ve found our your identity, all right?(1995-03-13)