2018年2月11日 星期日


*** 自我膨脹的大瑜伽士 ***

但是在霎哈嘉的歷史中,出現不少半吊子的練習者,因為自我的脹大,開始宣稱自己如何地偉大的大瑜伽士,不僅給他自己帶來災難,也給集體造成不少麻煩。本譯文即是綜合翻譯Shri Mataji多次談及此種人的片段。


另外像在Milano那個傢伙,他(譯者:一位男練習者)宣稱自己是太初之母(Adi Shakti),我說:"太好了!我有太多的莎麗,寄幾件給他穿!"。這些人可能是先看到一些奇蹟,發現事情如何地自然地成就,他們的自我就開始膨漲,開始吹嘘說自己有多利害,自己可以看到什麼,自己已達到多高的境界等等,就認為自己是大瑜伽士。他們都是非常危險的人,但是許多練習者看到這樣子的人都不作聲,或許他們想這不關我的事。這是不對的,發現這樣子的人要立即讓我知道,也必須告訴他:請你離開霎哈嘉。





註一:請見1990-06-19, 2000-08-20

註二:這是指1995年初,但是在過去也發生過許多次,在1990初的談話中Shri Mataji 即提過數次,請見譯文:"蓋起你的耳朶,也遠離講你的導師壞話的那個"http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/01/hugo-maha-mataji-ashram-thomas-yogi.html



註三:譯者綜合摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1995-02-19, 1995-03-13, 1995-04-14. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

We have had some very big calamities recently. Many people became mahayogis, you see. They were saying: ‘We are this, we are that we are mahayogis, we are special people,’ and some of them really tumbled down. So one has to be careful. One has to lead a balanced, life and a balanced attitude towards oneself. No use cursing anybody, saying anything, that somebody else is responsible for your fall. We have one now in, I have heard about him. This Chinese fellow. What’s his name is, Sam? Don’t know. About a big mahayogi is born there but, wherever he has been he’s been such a trouble I tell you, everywhere, he’s a troubleshooter. And now he thinks no end of himself. He has written a letter, to say that Mother has given me powers to get all the businesses this that. Absolute nonsense. He’s such a madman. I knew he was mad. But I didn’t know he’d go to that extent of madness. So now I don’t know what to do with such a person. Only thing we can ask him to get out of Sahaja Yoga that’s all.

But one has to be careful when you see such people with such horrible vibrations, they are on their way to lunatic asylum, and they, if they were taking drugs or something like that one can understand. It’s not so. It is always a kind of a ego that just crawls up and they start boasting, talking big and ultimately they end up. Somebody in Milano said that he was Adi Shakti. I said: ‘Very good send some of My saris I have too many of them.’ I mean, and people don’t tell Me. I have to discover. See it’s very, surprising that people once they find some mahayogi there they just think, I don’t know what they think about him. Maybe they think that’s not their business to say anything about the mahayogi you see, but, they do, come up, here and there, see, find in every place. You also had somebody here once upon a time. I don’t know if he is here still or not. So, see there are people who take to all these tantric ways and all kinds of things. And where do they end, you see, they are just mad people, that’s what they are. So never take to them and be careful that, when they are trying to form some group, please keep away from them.

I’m very happy to see all of you together so nicely placed with each other. It’s very very satisfying. And that shows the wisdom is there now to understand the value of a Sahaja Yogi. It all is going on and I think in this Mahashivaratri I’ll have to talk about these mahayogis also because they are all, coming up here and there and troubling the leaders. Now most of the leaders who are there, most of them I should say, are perfectly alright and I don’t really want to say anything about anyone.(1995-02-19)

So there are so many miracles like that that happens suddenly you are, spontaneously find things, spontaneously everything works out and you’re amazed how these things work out. Now when this happens you can write it down, you can send it over to people in America, maybe in India. There’re so many miracles like that that are happening. But there are some people who start suddenly thinking that they’re mahayogis, they’re very dangerous people. They start seeing things, they start talking big, they think, “I’m a mahayogi.” There was one who said, “I’m Adi Shakti.” I said, “All right, you send him some of My saris, I’ve too many of them.” So there are stupid people like that also. They think they’re something very great, mahayogis. And they start saying, “I’m this thing, I’m that,” it’s horrible. So such people if you find you should immediately let Me know and also tell that person, “All right, you Mr. Mahayogi please go away.” There are everywhere like that, they do all kinds of things and talk like this without any sense in their head. So you have to be careful about it, not to be impressed by such persons who say this is this, this is this. There is nobody like mahayogi in Sahaja Yoga, everybody is the same.......

(Question about ascending beyond the Sahastrara.)

First fix it up the one you have got it, all right? Now don’t go on futuristic, then you’ll become mahayogi. You go automatically, grow automatically, spontaneously in a sahaja way when you’re in thoughtless awareness. Try to increase that area, thoughtless awareness. Then you will automatically grow. Does this flower thinks how to grow? No, grows spontaneously, all right? In the same way you will grow when you just become thoughtlessly aware. And you will know your growth and you’ll become doubtless about it, all right? You can watch on My Agnya in the photograph, can become thoughtless. Thoughtless awareness is very important for, the first to establish yourself. Once you start establishing thoughtless awareness the doubtless awareness comes and then you are just settled down with yourself, you don’t think of future or past or anything, you are with yourself, all right? Real growth is natural and Sahaj. This is not artificially growing isn’t it? In the same way, it’s a living process of growth.(1995-03-13)

But there are people in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen, who are very ambitious. And they start saying that, “Mother, we want to be God realized. I want to be this and do that.” There is no office going on here that you give somebody a promotion. You have to grow yourself. Then they start proclaiming, “I am this, I am that.” We call them ‘Mahayogis’. Some of them had started saying that they have reached very high positions and they ended up in the lunatic asylum. All such suggestions if people give you, then you should shun such people. But there are also other people who join such a bombastic fellow. So, you must remember that this last judgment is working and all the time there is a big sieving out, a very big arrangement of choices. Those who are subtle, start getting subtler and subtler and subtler. But those who are frivolous, gross, idiotic, stupid, they start frittering away. So this last sieving starts very fast, working out where we realize that where are we.(1995-04-14)

So you will be the ones who will really inspire them, who will really make them follow you and take to a life of a Sahaja Yogi. Actually you are Mahayogis if you become complete. And you have to become. Nothing is more important than becoming a Mahayogi by which your Spirit gives joy, peace and blessings to everyone.(2000-08-20)

Unless and until you have that readiness, that “I don’t want anything. I don’t want. I just want to serve the Divine.” As long as you are striving for it and asking for it with full heart, with full sincerity, then I’m sure this Kundalini will be strengthened and She’ll cleanse you completely and you’ll one day be Mahayogis.(1990-06-19)