*** 頂輪之上是什麼?***
練習者問: 在到達、完成頂輪之後,再更上一步又會是什麼呢?
Shri Mataji答:首先先鞏固你目前所學到的,不要想未來,否則你的自我會膨漲,會認為自己是很不得了的大瑜伽士(mahayogi,註一)。當你在無思慮的覺知狀態(thoughtless awareness)時,你會以自然而然、霎哈嘉的方式自動地前進、自動地成長。你需要的是試著去擴大無思慮的覺知狀態的時間長度,如此你就會自動成長。花朶會去思考如何才能成長嗎?絕對不會!它們就自然而然地成長。同樣地,當你變成無思慮的覺知狀態時,你就會成長,而且你知道你在成長,慢慢地你對此也會沒有疑惑。
你可以看著相片上的額輪(譯者:即紅點),這會幫助你進入無思慮的覺知狀態。無思慮的覺知狀態是最重要的,首先你要達到此狀態,一旦你逐步鞏固無思慮的覺知狀態,那麼(下一階段的)無疑惑的覺知(doubtless awareness)狀態就會來到。此時你就會安住在自己裏面,你不會去想未來或過去,或其他種種,你就和(當下的)你自己在一起。
註一:在Shri Mataji的談話中,mahayogi有兩個截然不同的意思,一者指證量很高的瑜伽士;另一者是反諷,指自以為很不得了的半吊子練習者。此段譯文之前談的正是第二種人,所以此處必然也是指此種人,若看影帶中Shri Mataji的表情及觀眾反應,應當也是如此。當然若只看文字,應該翻成:''不要一直想著未來,然後你就會(自然)成為一個有深度的瑜伽士''。無論如何,兩種翻法都是相同的涵義,也都不影響往下談話的重點。請也參見譯文:''自我膨脹的大瑜伽士''(http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2018/02/mahayogis-maha-shri-mataji.html )。
註二:譯者摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1995-03-13. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
(Question about ascending beyond the Sahastrara.)
First fix it up the one you have got it, all right? Now don’t go
on futuristic, then you’ll become mahayogi. You go automatically, grow
automatically, spontaneously in a sahaja way when you’re in thoughtless
awareness. Try to increase that area, thoughtless awareness. Then you will
automatically grow. Does this flower thinks how to grow? No, grows
spontaneously, all right? In the same way you will grow when you just become
thoughtlessly aware. And you will know your growth and you’ll become doubtless
about it, all right? You can watch on My Agnya in the photograph, can become
thoughtless. Thoughtless awareness is very important for, the first to
establish yourself. Once you start establishing thoughtless awareness the
doubtless awareness comes and then you are just settled down with yourself, you
don’t think of future or past or anything, you are with yourself, all right?
Real growth is natural and Sahaj. This is not artificially growing isn’t it? In
the same way, it’s a living process of growth.