*** 刻意去散發你的能量 ***
在自覺之後,你已得到轉換,你現在知道你必須去給人自覺、必須去治療他人、必須去愛他人、必須有慈悲心,除此以外,你現在必須開始刻意進行一些事情。這是經由你內在錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)的力量來做此事。
舉例來說,倫敦的練習者告訴我:"母親,仍然有一些異性用那種眼光看著我們" (註一),我說:"你們可以投射出你們的能量,以一種特別的方式,讓你們的投射來停止那些人愚蠢的行為,並讓他們了解、尊重你,並感受到你的尊嚴",這樣做並不困難。當然這個(西方)文化就是流行如何去吸引、誘惑異性,所以你散發出的能量,(在他們身上)是會逐漸消失的。
Mataji 在錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri Ganesha Puja)的談話1995-09-10。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
You got your transformation and you have jumped into the new era
of Meta Science. But here now we have to see – whatever we have got, what are
we to do with it? You, of course, know that you have to give Realisations to
others, you have to cure people, you have to love them and you have to be
compassionate but apart from that, now the deliberations about yourself have to
start. That is through Shri Ganesha’s powers that are within you.
You should see that you can emit your powers your energy to
others. You can project it to others. Now, for example, If somebody
comes to you, meets you, if you know how to deliberately project your
energy. This is a new type of meditation you have to practise now: that to emit
your energy, project your energy to others. You don’t have to say
anything, you don’t have to talk but just feel deliberately – again I
say deliberately. It’s not sahaj, it’s not spontaneous. This is what you
have to practise, is to emit your energy of your innocence of Shri Ganesha to
others so, when they see you, their innocence would be awakened.
Now, for example, say we had some problems in London and Sahaj
Yogis told me, “Mother, there are still some men are looking at us.” And some
said that, “There are many women who are looking at us.” It was a mutual sort
of a thing going on. I said, “You can project your energy in such
a manner that that projection will stop all this kind of stupid
behaviour of other people and also make them understand, respect you and feel
your dignity.” Not very difficult.
But, on the contrary, as the culture is to attract men and
attract women – it will diminish. The energy will diminish. When
you feel your own dignity and serenity and [realise] that you are now
Self-realised people – you are not ordinary people – a kind of majestic
personality develops within you. That majestic personality really
can have a tremendous effect on the surrounding people – tremendous! It’s
a kind of a deliberate projection you should start. I don’t know that side,
that how to project it or how to deliberately do this. It’s just spontaneous
with me, it just happens. But you can achieve it yourself with [a] little
practice. Try to face such people, not with disdain or contempt, but
just your majestic personality.
This personality is here now, you see, is sitting in such a
majestic manner and is also giving the vibrations to others. The whole
figure is doing something suddenly to people.
To expect that the whole world will change spontaneously,
I don’t think is alright. Because, you know, the world is so chaotic,
full of so much chaos, so much ego, so much conditioning. But something within
you can rise above others with your sense of dignity, with your complete Selfhood,
where you stand with yourself. You are not to be rude, you are not to be
egoistical, you need not say things if you don’t want to say anything. Just
that silent personality can emit such beautiful vibrations, which you have. You
have stored up a lot of vibrations within yourself. And this storing up is
showing on your faces, which I said are shining. ..........
So this projection, when it starts – I am saying again
‘deliberate’ – then you should not be afraid that, “I will develop my ego.” You
should not be afraid that, “I’ll get some conditionings.” But just, in the way,
with the understanding, that you have these powers within you,
beautifully expressing themselves, as a child does. If there is one
child, it can entertain at least hundred people. What is so sweet about the
child? Is the innocence: the way he speaks, the way he talks, the way he
behaves, the way he expresses his love. It’s so simple but it has
something in the essence, this innocence of Shri Ganesha.