人類對死亡的恐懼是非常荒謬且無意義的。最初我開始演講時,人們常問我有關死亡的事,我的回答:"你現在不是活得好好的,你為什麼要問死亡呢?"。想要知道死亡,知道死後會發生什麼等等,這是一個很没意義且痴狂的想法。一旦你死了,你不就結束了?你再也不用做什麼了。去知道什麼時候會死,死後會發生什麼等,知道這些有什麼用處呢?任何會發生的就會自然發生。我們從未去問:"我睡覺時,我身上會發生什麼事情 ? ",而死亡就像一個永久的睡眠而已,我們却如此擔心,好像我們非知道死後會如何不可。在該死的時候人就會死亡,所有誕生的都要經歷死亡,但是你們(得到自覺的人)都知道你有一個永恆的生命,你絕對不會死掉(不見)。死亡並不是指這個軀殼消失,而是當你對你的靈魂(soul)完全無法掌控時,你才會有所謂的"死亡";一旦你是一個"自覺的靈魂" (realized soul, 註一),你對你的靈魂就有完全的控制,你有完全的能力帶著你的靈魂到任何你想去的地方。假如你想再投胎,你也可以再回到這個世界,也可以選擇和你的家人、你認識的人一起再投胎,都可以完全依照你的意願。不過也有一些偉大的靈魂會勇敢地投胎在衰敗、可能步入毀滅的社會。但是若你不想再投胎,你就不會再投胎。
註一:realized soul正確的中譯應該是"自覺的靈魂",而不是大家習慣用的"自覺的靈"。靈魂(soul)才有自覺及不自覺的區分,而每一個人的靈(Spirit)則都是光亮美麗的,並無高下之分。關於靈魂及靈的區別,請看另一譯文:''靈,靈魂,輪穴及肉體'' (http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2016/03/shri-mataji-body-soul-spirit.html
註二:在對内、對外的演講,Shri Mataji其實少談死亡及死後種種,基本上Shri Mataji認為談這些是無益於人的昇進。在她早期的書(太初之母的書,The Book of Adi Shakti) ,則稍有着墨,譯者有翻譯一部分,請見:"人可以分成四種(錫呂瑪塔吉談靈魂(之一))"(http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/05/shri-mataji-1970-1982-shri-mataji-2013.html
註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji的談話1995-05-07。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
So, the fear of death is another nonsense people have. First
time when I started my work everywhere they asked me, “What about death?” I
said “but just now you are living, why are you asking,”what about death?”” So
many people ask me the question, “what about our death”, why do you want to
know about it? I’ll tell you what about today, just now. So this is another mad
idea that we should know about our death, what is going to happen, and whatever
happens. Once you are dead you are finished, you don’t have to do anything
after that, so what’s the use of knowing when you will die, what will happen to
you? Whatever has to happen will happen. We never ask that “when I sleep what
will happen to me?”- do we? And this is a permanent sleep and we worry so much
about it, that we should know what will happen after death. One has to die at
the time whenever it has to die, because whatever is born has to be dead. But
you do know that you have got eternal life. You can never die, death is not
this body disappearing. Death is where you are absolutely without any control
of your soul’s life. Once you are a realised soul you have all the control, all
the powers to take your soul wherever you feel like; to be born if you like, if
you don’t want, you will not be born. To be born with the people in the
families, in the communities, wherever you like. There are many great souls, I
know that, have taken birth daringly into societies which are very much, I
should say, deteriorating and are in danger of getting destroyed, because of stupidity
they do. So this happening, that we are afraid of death, is absolutely absurd
for Sahaja Yogis. What is there to think, even about your death? There is
nothing like death for you because you have got eternal life. It’s not that you
continue with the same body, you may go on changing your dress, but you are
living, you are aware, and you know, even if this body is not there, you will
be there all the time available for Sahaja Yoga, for anything that is to be
done in the name of reality.
So, you must know your position as eternal being, what is your
work, what is your idea, what you have to do. So one has to get rid of this
idea of death because death doesn’t exist for you. It’s finished. Moreover, all
such people who are afraid of their death go on having insurances, this, that,
all headaches, you see. And ultimately, what happens? All these worldly things
you leave here and you depart. There is, I don’t think anybody, could carry
even a little dust with that soul which is departing. But in your case, when
you people are no more on this Earth, so-called, then you don’t carry all these
material things because you have already given up. You have no interest in
them, you are not materialistic. So, your spirit is free, and when you die,
what happens to you is a very simple thing, that you feel very liberated,
absolutely, and then you feel your freedom, completely, and you can decide what
you want to do. It is all under your own guidance, your own desire, everything
works out. You don’t feel that you have come out of your body, and this is what
should tell you that there should be no fear of death. But, on the contrary, it
should be welcomed, because you will feel much more liberated, much more at
ease. You don’t have other problems that you have to, in any case, carry on in
this world because of this body. Now see, “I have to take some medicines, I
have to take vitamins”, you don’t have to take anything, you don’t need
anything. This body is finished is a very good idea. It is so troublesome, you
see all the time, despite the fact you may say that “I don’t care for this body
and all that”, but this body won’t leave you. This is the most sticky thing we
have, is our body. So to forget about death should be the easiest thing for