2018年7月8日 星期日


*** 信心 ***



在得到自覺、得到各種的祝福之後,我們要擁有、發展的是信心(faith),是一種對自己的信心,對自己是一個靈、對自己是光、對必須去喚醒他人等要有信心。當這信心更進一步深入成長,然後你會自我思索:"我是什麼?",你就會知道你是一個靈。假如你是一個靈,那麼整個大自然都站在你這一邊。我舉一個例子,有一位職業是漁夫的練習者,他對我有無比的信心,有一天他要搭船去對岸鄰村推廣霎哈嘉,出門時但見滿天的烏雲,好像即將要下大雨。他對著天空說:"我現在是要去為母親工作,你最好是不要下雨,最好是繼續撐著,直到我工作結束後再下"。當他到對岸上課、給自覺,再搭船回到家裡,然後他說:"好吧!現在可以下雨了",此時傾盆大雨才從天而降(註一)。所以當你有完全的信心,這無所不在的力量 (Paramchaitanya,即上天的力量就如同你的僕人,無時不刻隨侍在旁,等著服務你,無論你說什麼都會實現。但是首先你必需對自己有完全的信心,對你是霎哈嘉瑜伽士有完全的信心。





註一:Shri Mataji在許多談話都提過這個漁夫的故事,內容大同小異。

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 光明節普祭(Diwali Puja) 的談話1996-11-10 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

I have seen people who desire something, it works out. They ask for something, it works out. For that, now, what should we have, is the point.

After getting realization, after getting everything, what should we have that we develop is the faith. Faith in yourself. Faith in that you are the Spirit, that you have the light and you have to enlighten others. This faith when it grows deeper and deeper then you think, oh, what I am. I am the Spirit. If you are the Spirit then this whole nature is with you. I know of some Sahaja Yogis. One of them was a fisherman. He was doing Sahaja Yoga work. He has tremendous faith in Me and somehow he was going to another village to do Sahaja Yoga work. When he came out of his little hut he found it’s all full of clouds, black clouds. So he raised his hand and said, “See now, I’m going for Mother’s work. And you dare not start raining. You keep as you are, hanging there till I finish my work,” you see. Because he was going by boat. And other Sahaja Yogis thought, “What is he talking about?” They all got into the boat, they reached the other village. They gave realization to others, he finished his lecturing, everything, he came back on the shore and he entered his house. When he was closing the door, “All right, so go ahead,” he said. And he managed.

So the complete faith that this Paramchaitanya is like your servant, is all the time waiting there to serve you. Whatever you say will happen. But first you must have complete faith in yourself that you are a Sahaja Yogi.

Even now I find, you see, people have some lust, some sort of a horrible things in them. So first you must be established in Dharma. Dharma, is, as you know, is righteousness. If you are in the righteousness, there’s no question. There’s no question that this Paramchaitanya won’t obey you. But supposing you want today something and it doesn’t work out, then even to get disappointed itself is not a very good thing. Disappointment also is a sign of your immaturity. What is there to be disappointed? Maybe that that was good for you.   .........

Then another word in Sanskrit is titiksha, means patience, suboori – patience. You must have patience. If you don’t have patience, you want immediately something to be done. How will you see the whole thing working out? Many people are extremely jittery and very fast-running. This world is running so fast and you are the ones who have stood out and watching this rat race. You are not one of them. So must have titiksha, means you must have patience. So you must have faith in yourself fully and also patience, how Sahaja Yoga is working out or how this Paramchaitanya is working out.

If it works this way, all right, that way, all right. It is some meaning. If it works this way, there’s some meaning. If it is that way it has some meaning.

Now another thing which is important is the faith in your guru. If you have faith in your guru, Paramchaitanya is kind to you. It’s very helpful. But if you doubt, then Paramchaitanya also doubts you because Paramchaitanya knows you through your guru, whether it is Me or any other real guru, it’s the same. But with Me, of course, because, you know, I’m very forgiving so people start taking liberties.  .........

But I forgive. I don’t say anything. Let it be, it doesn’t matter. Because I think by leaving them alone only, they will rise and they will come up to this stage. But it happens sometimes that it may work the other way round, that if they are forgiven, then they take it for granted. So the faith in yourself is with patience you watch and do not get disappointed with anything whatsoever. Now, just imagine so many people have got realization, so many saints in this world, have you seen?