2018年7月22日 星期日


*** 在霎哈嘉的殿堂,你的願望不應是:請給我五毛錢   ***  

我是你們的母親,所以你們有任何問題,當然都可以告訴我,(請求我幫忙)但是有時候,人們訴說他們問題的方式,會讓我覺得他們的層次怎麼這麼低!他們顯露出來的心靈層次是如此的低,他們希望我幫他們什麼呢?打個比喻,假如你去見某個國王,然後對國王請求說:"請給我五毛錢",那麼國王會怎麼想呢?   "這個人出了什麼問題?他連他可以(對我)請求什麼都不知道!"

同樣的,當你對你的母親請求某些東西時,應該是某些有價值、有很高價值的東西才對,應該是可以讓你完全滿足(complete satisfaction)的東西!但是我看到的事實卻是他們()要求這個、要求那個,這些東西是如此沒意義、不重要(註一),有時會讓我不禁感嘆:"喔!上帝!為什麼我只找到這些人!他們祈求的東西是如此低下、沒價值,又乏味無趣!"

註一:諸如註二另一譯文中舉的例子:"我的兒子應該取什麼名字?" "母親,我們錯過了火車,現在該怎麼辦呢?" "我的父親病了,他有心臟的問題,但他不是霎哈嘉練習者,能否請母親幫忙?" "我的孩子應該上那一所學校?" "我們要搬家,是否應一併帶走椅子?"

註二:這談話的主要內容是有關完全打開頂輪的種種。請也參考"從現實的牽掛走出來" ( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/10/materialism-detachment-materialism-shri.html )

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 頂輪普祭(Sahastrara Puja)的談話1998-05-10JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Whether I talk to you, whether I meet you or whatever it is, you have to know that I’m your Mother and any problem you have, you can always tell Me. But sometimes the way people tell Me problems also, I feel how low they are. Their mentality is so low. What are they asking Me? Supposing you go to some king and ask him for, say, half a dollar, then what will the king say? “What is the matter with this person? He doesn’t know what he should ask for!”

In the same way, one feels that way that when you are asking anything to your Mother, it should be of some value, some great value. It should have the value of complete satisfaction. When you ask for something, it should give you complete satisfaction. But I have seen people asking for this thing, for that thing. I mean it’s to such an extent that I sometimes feel, “Oh God, how am I getting all these people around Me who are desiring something very low, very mean, insipid!”