2018年1月14日 星期日


*** 耶穌基督(一) ***

我們必須了解耶穌基督(所帶來)的訊息,但是在這個世上總是有一些人,他們宣稱自己是理性主義者,而且他們有權利憑自己的喜好,來給耶穌一些評斷,像我今天早上看的報紙,我很驚訝他們的言論,他們說:"我們無法接受有關耶穌的這些部分,即祂是非受孕而來的胎兒(Immaculate Conception,註一),及祂從死裏再復活(resurrection),及......等等"。這些人以為他們是誰!他們如何有權利這樣說?只因為他們有寫字的本領?或許他們以為自己是學者,或讀了很多的書,或認為自己很有本領可以談任何話題,所以可以依自己的好惡來談論耶穌的種種。但是有關靈性的課題,並非人人都有能力去談,尤其是那些尚未得到自覺的人。



在耶穌的年代,没有飛機、汽車,但祂(不辭勞苦地)走過許多地方,對人們談靈性的生命。當時的人尚未演化、成熟到那個程度,所以祂無法給他們自覺,但祂對他們談什麼是符合正法的生活(dharmic life)。祂甚至把十戒講到極致,即人不只不應該有通姦的行為,連淫穢的目光都不可以。

其他的降世神祇在人間時,舉止行為都像人類,例如錫呂羅摩(Shri Rama)也常哭,錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)也娶了許多老婆,但是耶穌則完全不一樣,祂的行為舉止從未像人類,祂未結婚,也從未哭泣,除了對天父禱告時例外。祂在人世間的特質顯示出祂的神聖特質(divine personality),不只活出神聖的特質,面臨死亡時也像神聖的特質。當人們對抹大拉瑪麗亞(Mary Magdalene,註三)丢石頭時,祂站出來、站在她前面對大家說:你們没有犯任何罪的人可以對她丢石頭!這個勇氣與自信正顯示出祂的神聖的特質。



註一:Immaculate Conception大多是指: "聖母瑪利亞及耶穌基督成胎時未沾染原",但譯者認為Shri Mataji用此詞時指的是virgin birth,即聖母瑪利亞是處女懷胎,耶穌基督並未有人類的父親,這懷孕是來自上天的大能。

註二: Aum ,符號是唵是太初之母(Adi Shakti)從至高濕婆神(Sadashiva )分裂出來時,產生的第一個聲音,錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)即是唵的具體化(1990-12-25)。唵也是無所不在的神聖力量(Divine Power, Chaitanya, Vibration)

註三:約翰福音此處只提到一個淫婦,但並未指她是Mary MagdaleneMary Magdalene出現在聖經其他章節時是其他的故事。關於Mary Magdalene到底是那一個人,還是有好幾位不同的人,一直有很多爭議。還好這無關重點。Shri Mataji 在許多談話中都提過耶穌基督和Mary Magdalene 沒有任何關係,那些在瞎掰他們是夫妻,甚至有生下小孩的傳聞,是非常無知且可笑。

註四: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 復活節普祭(Easter Puja)的談話1994-04-03. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

We have to understand the message of Christ. There are many people in this world who try to show off that they are very great rationalists and that they have a right to pass any remark they like about Christ.

I was reading the newspapers today, I was surprised where they are all saying one by one that, “I reject this part of Christ that He was born with Immaculate Conception. I reject that He was resurrected. I reject this and I reject that.”

Who are you? Because you can write, because you have a flair, how can you say such things? Just without finding out. You are a scholar, maybe you are very well read, maybe that you think you are capable of saying whatever you like about any subject, but the subject of spirituality cannot be dealt by people who are not even Self Realised.

Because it’s a very divine life, it’s a very different life.

It’s an area where your mind cannot enter. It is beyond the mind. And so the poets or artists, all of them who have worked on Christ’s life and have tried to say things about him, mostly were realised souls and, if they were not, they could not do any justice to His life.............

As a human being, Christ came. He came as a human being, but he was not a human being. He was divine. Absolutely, He was nothing but Omkara. That’s why He could walk on the water.

There was nothing materialistic in Him, you can say, no matter in Him. If there was any matter, He could not have walked on the water. But if people start discarding all these facts, about His birth, about His walking on the water and all that, then what is left of Christ, I can’t understand..........

In those days of Christ, there were no aeroplanes, there were no cars, nothing. But He went from places to places and talked to them about spiritual life. The people were not yet evolved. They were not mature enough. So He could not give them realisation, but He talked about dharmic life. He went to the extreme of the ten commandments, that He said not only that you should not do adultery, but you should not even have adulterous eyes...........

Other incarnations who came on this Earth, they had to do many things, like Shri Krishna had to go in the war of Mahabharata, Rama had to go in the jungle to deal with people, same with Christ, we can say, that He did go to all these places, but He never behaved like a human being.

Others did. Shri Rama cried a lot, wept a lot for His wife. Then Shri Krishna married so many times because they were His powers so He married them.

So, though they were incarnations, they had to very much do the things which human beings do. Christ was never married. He never wept, as far as we know, except when He was praying to His Father. He just asked that, “If You could remove this cup from my mouth I’ll be very happy”.

So it’s shown in His character that He came on this Earth as a divine Personality, lived as a divine Personality and died as a divine Personality. ......

Christ accepted His resurrection as a natural thing because He knew all about it and that He didn’t have to change, He didn’t have to transform Himself. He was the same as He was because He did not need any resurrection. He just tried to show in His life that we, human beings can have our realisation and we can be resurrected.

His message is not the cross but the resurrection and this resurrection, if you understand, then one can understand also one more thing, that we are now resurrected from ordinary human beings to the divine level........

He had nothing to do with Mary Magdalene, but when people started stoning her, He went and stood before her and He said, “Those who have not committed any sin, can throw stone at her.” See this courage, this confidence was in Him because He was a divine Personality,