2016年8月25日 星期四



在我們的輪穴有三種狀態(gunas,或言三脈)。先從根輪開始,根輪有四瓣,4 除以3 結果是無窮盡(即除不盡),所以住在其上的格涅沙(Shri Ganesha) 可以成為降世神祇。接著是腹輪,腹輪有六瓣,6 除以3 可以除得盡,所以此輪穴的神祇梵天婆羅摩(Bramadeva) 不降世到人間(註一)。臍輪有十瓣,10 除以3 也是無窮盡,所以臍輪的神祇毗濕奴(Vishnu) 降世多次,幻海的導師(Guru) 也降世多次。心輪有12 瓣,12 除以3 ,可以除得盡,所以濕婆神(Shiva) 從未以有形(form)的方式呈現在人間(即未降世)。喉輪有16瓣,16 除以3 ,也是無窮盡,所以毗濕奴降世成為克里希納(Shri Krishna)。額輪有兩瓣,2 除以3 也是無窮盡,所以格涅沙在此以基督(Christ) 的身份降世。

每一個輪穴有不同的花瓣,這花瓣數即是其上的神祇擁有的power 數目,這個數目除以3 (三種狀態),假如可以得到無窮盡(即除不盡),則其上的神祇可以降世,否則無法降世。

註一:梵天婆羅摩極少降世,有一次是成為穆罕默德的女婿 Hasrat Ali,即法蒂瑪(Fatima)的丈夫。-----摘自陳杰"神祇簡釋"

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1990-03-15. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

Now as you know, in our chakras also if you know, there are three gunas, now you start from the fourth. Number four. Four divided by three is eternity, so Ganesha can take Incarnation. Then six. Six has divided by three, so Brahmadeva doesn’t take Incarnation. Then comes ten. Ten divided by three, is again eternity. So the Vishnu can take Incarnations, also all the Gurus can take Incarnation. Then comes twelve, at the heart. Twelve is divided by three, so Shiva doesn’t take His form, only the Goddess does. Because it is divided completely. Then comes sixteen. Sixteen divided by three, again eternity. That’s why then Vishnu takes the form of Krishna and He Incarnates. Two divided by four is the same.

So all these Incarnations come because the three gunas when they are divided by the number of petals they have, the number of powers they have, some can produce Eternities so they can Incarnate, and some cannot, that’s why they could not Incarnate. (1990-03-15)