2016年8月9日 星期二



你們現在都是聖人,所以不應該談論他人(霎哈嘉 的兄弟姊妹)的短處,一點都不可以。假如你只想到別人的缺點或批評別人,那麼正表示你自己有一些問題。在霎哈嘉裏,我們應該看到他人的美麗與光彩,及享受自己的喜樂。因為假如你只想採集荆棘,那麼你只會得到荆棘,而不會得到花朶。那些無法看到別人好的一面與優點的人是無法享受花朵、無法享受其他的人。如果你抱持一種批評的眼光來看待他人,你將一無是處,你不只會發展出一種反集體(non-collective) 的個性,也會對霎哈嘉造成很大的困擾,最終你可能不得不離開霎哈嘉


註一:19903 Shri Mataji 的澳紐之行中,於不同集體談到相同的話題,江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 類似的談話1990-03-011990-03-041990-03-12 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

First of all we are all Saints, aren’t we? So now we cannot talk ill of each other, at all. We cannot talk. If we are thinking ill of somebody or criticizing somebody, then we must know there’s something wrong with us. In Sahaja Yoga we should not criticize anyone. We should see the beauty, the glory of another person and praise the joy that you have, the happiness that you have, because if you want to gather the thorns, you’ll get thorns, you can’t get flowers. But if you want to gather flowers, you’ll get flowers. So nobody should talk ill of any other Sahaja Yogi, because that is one thing creates a big problem in Sahaja Yoga. (1990-03-01)

I would like to tell you: that the first thing is when we start looking at others we try to gather the thorns, ‘What’s wrong with that another person,’ instead of gathering the flowers. If you want to gather the thorns, all right, go ahead. I mean how can you get flowers then? As simple as that. It’s a very simple mathematics. But if you want to have flowers you should see to the beauty of another person, glory of another person, the better side of it. And those who cannot see it, can never enjoy another person.( 1990-03-04)

So there’s no chance for criticizing in Sahaja Yoga, first thing is that you should see yourself what you are and where you stand and how you are going to help yourself first of all. Then you can help others. But there is no need at all to put a critical eye on others. Because then you become good for nothing, you’ve done all the bad things, you see all the bad things in other people and what do you develop is a non-collective personality, which is such a headache to us and ultimately you have to go out of Sahaja Yoga.( 1990-03-12)