2016年8月9日 星期二


------ 你曾有許多老婆(丈夫),但沒有過自覺 ------



註一:19903 Shri Mataji 的澳紐之行中,於不同集體談到相同的話題,江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 類似的談話1990-03-121990-03-20 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

You have to change all these ideas. You have had many houses, you have had many wives and many children in your previous life. You never had your realization – now you have got it. So now just every individual, every one of you should not think of others, think of yourself, “I have to do it, I have to get it, I have to work it out.” This is what you have to do. “Why should I miss it?” This is a chance of many lives, the chance of many lives. And that’s how you can jump over, and work it out.(1990-03-20)

Now, there’s another aspect of Sahaja Yoga that we want people to be married. Married but married is not the last thing, is not the last thing, is just an assistance, we can say, a complement from the another side so that you develop yourself better. But any kind of hindrance in the marriage can be a great hindrance for your ascent. So don’t pay any attention to such hindrances, just get out of it and try to remain your Self because only it is your Self which is going to give you joy and ascent, not anybody else. It will all work out when if you just keep to your Self and understand that you are important, you have to look after your ascent, also that the collective of Sahaja Yoga is important. (1990-03-12)