什麼是太初之母(Adi Shakti)呢?它(註一)是全能的上帝(God Almighty, 或用 Sadashiva)的純粹的願望(Pure Desire),我們可以說太初之母是上帝的"神聖的愛"(或說:上帝的"純粹的愛")的具體化。在上帝的愛裏,祂有什麼願望呢?祂希望祂應該創造人類,創造非常恭順、莊嚴的人類,像天使般的人類。遠古時代創造亞當及夏娃就是祂的想法。
試想一下,當天父(Father, 譯者:即指全能的上帝)將祂所有的愛放到一個個體(譯者:即太初之母),那麼祂剩下的(幾乎)是空無一物(nothing),祂只剩下靜觀的心(watching),祂只是觀看這一齣源自祂的願望(或說:祂的愛)而產生的戲,祂只是觀賞著這齣戲,看這齣戲如何進行。當祂看著這齣戲時,祂是非常謹慎,因為祂知道:" 從我所產生出來的個體(譯者:即太初之母),全然只是愛與慈悲(love and compassion)",而這慈悲本身是如此地高尚,所以祂不能忍受任何人來對這慈悲做挑戰、找麻煩,或眨抑它,或侮辱它。對於這一點,祂保持非常高的警戒之心,所以祂非常留意地觀看這齣戲。
或許我們應該如此說,在全能上帝和太初之母(即祂的愛的願望)之間,產生了一個裂縫(rift),(因為)由這個愛的願望所構成的個體(即太初之母)也被授予一個人格,即所謂的自我(ego)。這個自我必須自主來行事,可以說太初之母有一個獨立的人格,它可以自由地去做它想做的事。在這個新生的美麗裂縫,太初之母決定要去改變全能上帝原先的計劃。原本上帝創造的亞當及夏娃是如同天使,天使是没有自由的,他們是被固定為如此,是不會改變的,他們也不知道為何自己會如此行事。在這一點上,動物也是如此,牠們不知道為什麼牠們會去做某些事。牠們的行為是來自牠們的天性,牠們是完全受全能上帝掌控的。動物是不會有後悔之心,牠們没有自我,牠們不會去想:這樣做是對的或是錯的。因為牠們没有自我,所以牠們也没有造業的問題(karma problem),這都是歸因於牠們原本就没有自由意志。太初之母認為:"亞當夏娃只不過是另一種動物或天使而已,這没有太大的意義。",太初之母認為人類必須要知道他們在做什麼、為什麼他們會做此事,他們必須有自由去了解什麼是知識(knowledge),所以她用她自主的權力,在精心盤算下,太初之母以靈蛇(serpent)的形象現身,告訴亞當夏娃:你們去品嚐知識的禁果(the fruit of knowledge)。
其實太初之母化身的靈蛇是去告訴夏娃,而不是亞當,因為婦女本來就是比較容易去接受(各種事物),甚至她會去接受亡魂(bhoots),或甚至一些荒謬的想法,因為婦女本原就是接受者;但是男人就不容易接受,他們會去爭論、討論。這就是為什麼太初之母會先去告訴夏娃。或許我應該如此説,太初之母所代表的聖靈(Holy Ghost)本身就是一個女性力量(feminine),是比較近似婦女。在告訴夏娃之後,才由她去說服她的丈夫,因為婦女知道如何去說服丈夫。由於亞當對他太太有完全的信心,所以他們在聖靈的指引下,去品嚐知識的禁果。這聖靈其實就是上帝的女性特質的那一部分。
註一:此處"它"的原文是 it,用"它"表示太初之母完全沒有不尊敬的意思。
註二:在知識的禁果這部分,可同時參考另一譯文:"石頭、動物、原始人與知識的禁果" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/08/innocent-matter-cunning-manipulating.html )
註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂太初之母普祭(Shri Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1993-06-06. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在錫呂太初之母普祭(Shri Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1993-06-06. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
Now, one has to know very clearly what
is Adi Shakti.
As we say, it is the Pure Desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But what is the pure desire of God Almighty? .........
As we say, it is the Pure Desire of God Almighty, of Sadashiva. But what is the pure desire of God Almighty? .........
So Adi Shakti
is the embodiment of God’s Divine Love, is God’s pure love, and in his love
what did He desire? He desired that He should create human beings, who would be
very obedient, would be sublime, would be like angels. And that was His idea:
to create Adam and Eve.
So, angels have
no freedom, angels are made like that. They are fixed, they don’t know why they
do it. Animals also don’t know why they do certain things, they just do it
because they are bound by nature, they are bound by God Almighty. They say
Shiva is Pashupati, means He controls all the animals, he is Pashupati. He
controls all the animals, So all the desires from animals come in, but they
don’t repent, they don’t have ego, they don’t think that: “This is wrong or
that is good”. They have no karma problem, because they have no ego, because
they have no freedom.
At this point,
Adi Shakti, which was pure love…, so think of a Father who has put all His love
into one personality, then what is left in Him is nothing! He is just watching.
Then what does He think? He is just watching the play of His desire, of His
love. He is watching it, how it is working out. And when he is watching that,
then he is very careful, because he knows that; “This personality that I have
created is nothing but love and compassion”. And compassion itself is of such a
noble variety that he cannot bear anybody challenging that compassion,
troubling that compassion, or also in any way demeaning it, lowering it,
insulting it. He is so alert on that part, and He is very watchful. So a rift
has taken place, we should say, from Him, from His own desire of love. Now this
desire of love was also given a personality, means ego, and this ego has to act
on its own. It became sort of a very independent personality, which was free to
do whatever it liked. .........
And in that
beautiful rift Adi Shakti decided to change His plans. She is known for Her
Sankalpa Vikalpa Karoth: anything you try to decide too much, She will make it
break, like today’s eleven o’clock Puja. So when this Adam and Eve business
started, She thought that “They will be just the other animals or angels…
what’s the use? They must know what they are doing, they must know why they are
doing it, they must have the freedom to understand what is the Knowledge. Fixed
machine like life that animals are having, why should they nave?”. So in Her
arbitrary power, which was considered of course, She is the one who came as a
serpent, and told them that “You taste the fruit of knowledge”. Now, for people
who are not Sahaja Yogis, you cannot tell this, they’ll be shocked, But this
serpent (that) came to test them and then to tell them that “You better taste this
This serpent
told the woman, not the man, because woman is supposed to accept things easily.
She may even accept bhoots, she may even accept nonsense, but she is the one
who accepts. While the man doesn’t accept easily, he argues, he discusses. That’s
why She came and told the woman…
SHE came and told the woman, I should say: this Holy Ghost actually is a feminine, and so nearer to a woman. This feminine force came as a serpent and told that: “Better you taste the fruit of knowledge”. Now it was the job of the lady, Eve, to convince her husband, because women know how to do that. ...................
SHE came and told the woman, I should say: this Holy Ghost actually is a feminine, and so nearer to a woman. This feminine force came as a serpent and told that: “Better you taste the fruit of knowledge”. Now it was the job of the lady, Eve, to convince her husband, because women know how to do that. ...................
So, he had all
faith in his wife, believed in it and they tasted the fruit of knowledge, under
the guidance of this Holy Ghost, who was
a feminine personality of God.