2017年9月24日 星期日


*** 純真與儀式主義 ***




註一: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 錫呂格涅沙普祭(Shri Ganesha Puja)  的談話1993-09-19. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

First of all, we should see how our conditioning takes over our innocence. It makes you extremely ritualistic. Even in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen – I have heard also – that people are extremely ritualistic. Now the ritualism is like this: that you have to say something three times, you say it three times, seven times like tied up people. I have seen some some Sahaja Yogis like that. .........

So one should understand a difference between a protocol and ritualism. An innocent child knows the protocol. I remember there was a child who came to see me in Oxted and I said, “Let’s go upstairs!” So it was a small, little staircase of wood. He said, “What? Is She going to go up without a red carpet?” This came into his head! So for children, innocent children, the worship, everything is not ritualistic, it is heartfelt. You feel it from the heart: how to do the worship, how to show your love. It’s very sweet [the] way an innocent person does it, while a person who is very ritualistic, he may even beat another person because, “Why did you do this? You should not have put camphor in it? Why did you put the camphor? So, it’s very wrong.” There’s nothing wrong. If you do it with your heart, with your open heart, innocently – anything is all right. It is the open heart which is necessary, not the closed heart – “Why did you do it? Why didn’t you do it. Where did you sit? What happened?” Nothing!

Now you are in the kingdom of God and here there are no such rules and regulations that you should be ritualistic.