神的自覺(God's Realization) ***
在得到自覺(Self-realization)後,有許多企圖心旺盛的人想達到神的自覺(註一)。首先最重要的是,你應該知道人類是不可能變成全能的上帝(God Almighty),所謂的神的自覺是指知道上帝(的種種),即藉著成為全能上帝的一部分,來知道祂的大能如何運作、祂如何掌控(一切)。如同這手指無法知道大腦,它只能依大腦的指令來行事,手指是無法變成大腦的,但它必須完全依照大腦來動作,因為它們之間是有連結的、是一體的。當你有神的自覺時,就如同你知道大腦了,你知道上帝的種種,你知道祂的大能,你知道有關祂的一切。......(註二).......經由愛、經由奉獻、經由祈求禱告,你可以去知道上帝的種種大能,這是你成為神的自覺的途徑。
當你達到神的自覺時,當你内在有種種有關神的知識時,你就可以控制大自然,你可以控制所有的事情。要到達如此的境地,你必須有完全的謙卑(humility)來理解你是不可能變成上帝、變成神祇(Deities) 。但是你們確實是可能到達神的自覺,即神可以經由你來運作行事,將你當成祂的大能的運作管道,而且你知道祂在你身上做了什麼、祂告訴你什麼、祂的遠景又是什麼、什麼是衪的訊息等等,即你和祂之間有如此的連結。
有不少瑜伽士已接近此一境界(註三),但是有時候他們從這個高度摔下來,即他們長出了"自我"(ego),他們没有應該有的謙卑、虔誠奉獻(devotion, dedication)與順服(surrendering)。我看過一些這種人,他們變得很自豪,對自己的成就頗以為傲,而不肯給予其他人,他們認為自己是歷經許多波折才獲致此成就,為什麼要給他人呢?這種人就不可能再更上層樓了!但是那些獲得自覺,而且謙卑的練習者,將可以達到順服的境地,即穆罕默德所說的伊斯蘭(Islam)。假如你無法順服,那麼你絕對無法知道上帝。穆罕默德很清楚說過:除非你知道自己的真我(Self),否則你是不可能知道上帝!
註一:Shri Mataji說過靜坐有三個階段,一. 無思慮的靜觀 (thoughtless awareness,即Nirvichara),二. 無疑惑的靜觀 (doubtless awareness,即Nirvikalpa),三. 完全的自覺。在這之上才是神的自覺(God's Realization),亦有三階段。佛陀(Buddha)及摩訶維瓦(Mahavira,或稱"大雄")兩個人並非降世神祇,但他們都達到了神的自覺,這也是人類可以到達的最高境地(1977-02-15)。但也另有其他談話說三個目標是:一. 無思慮的靜觀,二. 無疑惑的靜觀,三. 神的自覺(1996-03-03)。
註二:此處Shri Mataji順便談到自己,譯者將此部分放在此:至於了解我(指Shri Mataji),對你們而言是非常困難,因為我是大幻相(Mahamaya),是非常難去知道我的一切,我是一個非常不容易被了解、非常容易令人疑惑的人。而且我所做和我所成就的,皆只是為了你們能夠去看清楚(實相)、去了解(這一切),畢竟這是太初之母(Adi Shakti)的工作,她能做這些事,(或許)你也能做這些事,但你不能變成我。
註三:原文好像是指達到神的自覺的境界,但是譯者從上下文的理解,Shri Mataji 此處應非指已完成神的自覺的人,較可能是指:一. 神的自覺的初階,根據1977-02-15及1981-07-06的談話,Shri Mataji說神的自覺也分三階段;或是二. 指尚未達到神的自覺的練習者,即前一段"他們不知道這些好處是如何達成的、是誰來成就這些效益"的練習者,因為不肯教人的練習者,恐怕連無疑惑的靜觀階段都尚未達到。
註四: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在Mahashivaratri Puja的談話1996-03-03. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
Now this main question today, which I’m
going to tell you about – that, what is God’s Realization? First is the
Self-Realization, and there are many ambitious people who want to become God’s
First and foremost thing, we should know that human beings cannot become God. It’s not the becoming of it. ........
First and foremost thing, we should know that human beings cannot become God. It’s not the becoming of it. ........
one cannot become God Almighty, this one has to understand very clearly. But
what is God’s Realization is to know about God. You see, to know about God
means to know how His powers are working, how He controls, by becoming part and
parcel of God Almighty. Like My finger doesn’t know about My brain, but it acts
according to My brain. The finger cannot become the brain, but it has to act
absolutely according to My brain, because it is so connected, it is so one.
Here, when you have the God’s Realization, then you know about the brain, you know about God, you know about His powers, you know everything about Him. As far as I am concerned, it’s a difficult task for you, because I’m a Mahamaya. It’s very difficult for you to know each and every thing about Me. I am quite a illusive person, as you know that well. And whatever I do or whatever I achieve, it is just for you to see and understand that – after all this is Adi Shakti, and She can do all these things. You can also do all the things, but you cannot become Me. But you have to know, to know, through love, through devotion through prayers, to know the God’s powers is the way you are God Realized.
Then you can control the nature, you can control everything, if you have that knowledge within you about God. For that a complete humility is needed, that you cannot become God, cannot become God Almighty, you cannot become the Deities. But definitely, you can become God Realized, means God acts through you, uses you as his power, as His channel, and that you know, that you know, what He’s doing to you, what He’s telling, what His vision is, and what is the information. The connection is like that.
Here, when you have the God’s Realization, then you know about the brain, you know about God, you know about His powers, you know everything about Him. As far as I am concerned, it’s a difficult task for you, because I’m a Mahamaya. It’s very difficult for you to know each and every thing about Me. I am quite a illusive person, as you know that well. And whatever I do or whatever I achieve, it is just for you to see and understand that – after all this is Adi Shakti, and She can do all these things. You can also do all the things, but you cannot become Me. But you have to know, to know, through love, through devotion through prayers, to know the God’s powers is the way you are God Realized.
Then you can control the nature, you can control everything, if you have that knowledge within you about God. For that a complete humility is needed, that you cannot become God, cannot become God Almighty, you cannot become the Deities. But definitely, you can become God Realized, means God acts through you, uses you as his power, as His channel, and that you know, that you know, what He’s doing to you, what He’s telling, what His vision is, and what is the information. The connection is like that.
people in Sahaja Yoga have been benefited, I know. But they don’t know how they
have been benefited, what has worked it out, how it has worked it out, what
connection of theirs has helped them. Once you do that, you know that clearly,
how things are working out, with what power you have achieved it, then it’s a
God’s Realization. Such people become extremely powerful, in the sense that
they can control so many things.
have been many saints of that kind, but sometimes they fell from even that and
they developed their ego. They didn’t have their own humility that they should
have, that devotion, that dedication, that surrendering. They fell down. And
you see them, I have seen some of them, that they become quite proud of their
achievements and they don’t want to give it to anyone. They think they have
achieved it with great difficulties and why should they give it to others. Such
people are not going to rise very higher, but you people who have got your
Realization, and who are humble, who know that out of humility only, you are
going to achieve your surrendering.
Islam means surrender. Mohammed Sahib has talked about ‘Islam’, meaning: “You surrender”.
If you cannot surrender, you can never know God. He’s clearly said that: “Unless and until you know your Self, you will not know about God”.
Islam means surrender. Mohammed Sahib has talked about ‘Islam’, meaning: “You surrender”.
If you cannot surrender, you can never know God. He’s clearly said that: “Unless and until you know your Self, you will not know about God”.