2017年10月7日 星期六


*** 瑜伽才是重點 ***


我在南印度看到許多非常儀式化(ritualistic)的行為,我是很驚訝他們如此用心去做這些儀式,但是他們却不知道為何要做這些。他們是如此地虔誠(bhakti),但是這般盲目的虔誠却無法帶領他們到任何(更高)的境界。你必須有一種覺醒的虔誠,即所謂的"堅信"(shraddha)。除非你得到自覺(enlightenment),否則這些虔誠、崇拜都没有任何意義,正如同我前面的麥克風,若不連接到電源,它是没有任何意義的。同樣地,如果你不連接到這無所不在的神聖力量(all-pervading power of Divine Love,或叫Brahmachaitanya),那麼你的崇拜與虔誠是没有任何意義,因為那是没有任何的連結,那是如同經由一隻沒有連線的電話來對人講話一般。我們要知道最重要的是必須有所謂的"瑜伽"(Yoga,譯者:指和上天的連結)

或許你讀了許多書,或許你擁有許多知識,如吠陀經(Vedas,註一)中的種種,但這作為就如同你頭痛去看医生,医生開了一個藥方,但你只是(拼命)唸誦藥方而未去服藥。除非你去服藥,否則你没有任何機會去獲得這處方所承諾的藥效!這些從書本或傳統而來的許多觀念是如此地穿透人們,以致於人們有很大的無明(ignorance)。我看過有些人很努力讀書,有些人不停地唸咒語(mantra),有些人拚命地禁食,但他們都無法獲致什麼成就,他們只變成暴躁的脾氣,在他們的内心没有任何喜樂。其中有些人甚至抛棄家庭,他們以為這是做了很大的犧牲  ,但是上帝並不會要你去做這些無意義的事,上帝是你的父親,祂是如此地慈悲與充滿愛心,為什麼祂會希望你去受苦呢?

爲什麼你要去受苦呢?你如何能經由自我折磨而獲得解脱呢?迦比爾(Kabir, 註二)有一個很有趣的諷喻:"假如經由餓肚子你可以得到開悟解脱,那麼印度有多少窮人是成天在餓肚子,這些人不是都會得到解脱嗎?假如剃個光頭就可以開悟解脱,那麼那些每年剃毛的綿羊不是會比你更早得到解脱嗎?"上帝創造這個世界是為了你的舒適與享受,假如你必須接受地獄般的折磨才能獲致解脱,那麼祂爲什麼要創造這(美麗的)世界呢?




註三: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji對印度練習者的談話1994-01-17. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.

All this that we have is nothing but a kind of awe. a fear of the unknown. We don’t know that God almighty is the ocean of compassion and love. We human beings have to achieve a state to know Him. We don’t know God. We don’t know ourselves. First we have to know ourselves. Once we know ourselves, then only we will know God. I have seen ritualistic behaviour in the South very much. I was surprised how people were doing everything with their heart, but they did not know why they were doing it. They have such Bhakti but such a blind Bhakti that it will lead them no where. I used to think that when will I be able to tell them to be beyond this. You have to have Shraddha and Shraddha is enlightened Bhakti. Unless and until you have your enlightenment the Bhakti has no meaning. Like this mike if it is not connected to the mains it has no meaning. Unless and until you connect it to this all pervading power of Divine Love which we call as Brahm- Chaitanaya Our Bhakti has no meaning because there is no connection like telephoning to someone without the connection. The simple thing is that this connection, this Yoga has to take place. You might have read lots of books or may know so many things like Vedas. So what7 Its like you have a headache and the doctor suggests a medicine He writes the name of the medicine. You are reading the name of the medicine but are not taking the medicine. When are you going to take it ? Unless and until you take that you are not going to achieve by any chance whatever is promised to you. because it is such a deep ignorance about all these ideas we have learnt and has penetrated into us. Such a lot of ignorance. That ignorance is really like a ditch of^no return. I have seen people who have read books after books. There are people who do one lakh mantras, fasting and reach nowhere. They are the most hot-tempered people or they have no joy In their heart. They leave their families come out of it and think that they have done a great sacrifice. God does not want all this non-sense. Why will God who is your father who is so compassionate and loving personality want you to suffer?

Why should you suffer? By suffering how will you gain moksha is beyond me. If you take it the other way as Kabir has said. ‘By starving if you are going to achieve your moksha then already there are many people who are starving in this country so they will all get their moksha. He says if by shaving your head you are going to get moksha then the sheep which is shaved every year should be there before you are there’.    ..............

God has created this world for your comfort and enjoyment. Why did he create this world if you had to go through such hell.

In Sahaj Yoga you know your identity. You understand how glorious you are once you are connected to the mains you know what powers you have. How beautiful you are within and you start respecting yourself. You don’t have ego but you have a right idea about yourself. I’m so happy, I see so many people here who are willing to take to Sahaj Yoga, who are in Sahaj yoga. Of course it cures people, it has cured many people. Apart from that it also gives you mental peace. Emotionally you become a very balanced person, but above all you get the power to give realization to others.