*** "神的自覺"不應是重點 ***
前言:譯者:此談話的重點其實不在"神的自覺" (註一),而是Shri Mataji針對練習者的一些求道障礙、執着,來給予指導,"神的自覺"只不過是用來當例子。
另外一個常看到的困擾,即霎哈嘉練習者的障礙,就是他們會說 : "母親,我們想要有神的自覺",這令我大笑!其實你們已經在那裏了!這就如同你們走入海中,然後你們說:"母親,我們想要到海洋的底部",你當然可以,只要你繼續往深處走去,你將會抵達海洋的底部。同樣地,一旦你已跨過自覺的門檻,且已跳入這慈悲與愛(compassion)的大洋,你是没有必要去達成什麼(目標或境界)。這種"必須達成什麼"的感覺或想法,如"我應該到達此階段,我應該到達那境界",這些都是來自人類的想法的作祟而已!你們不應該再被它們糾纏,現在你們已是神聖國度的子民,所以不應該再想:"我應該到達此境界,我應該到達那境界",只要你繼續深入,放下腦中的那些糾纏,那麼有一天就會成就。
註一:Shri Mataji說過靜坐有三個階段,一. 無思慮的靜觀 (thoughtless awareness,即Nirvichara),二. 無疑惑的靜觀 (doubtless awareness,即Nirvikalpa),三. 完全的自覺。在這之上才是神的自覺(God's Realization),亦有三階段。佛陀(Buddha)及摩訶維瓦(Mahavira,或稱"大雄")兩個人並非降世神袛,但他們都達到了神的自覺,這也是人類可以到達的最高境地(1977-02-15)。請同時參考另一譯文:"神的自覺"( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/10/gods-realization-self-realization-god.html ).
註二:譯者猜:由於Shri Mataji多次提到神的自覺是練習者可以達到的最高境界(1992-02-26,1977-02-15,1981-07-06),所以當年有不少練習者汲汲於此,Shri Mataji此段談話即如同襌師的棒喝。
江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話1996-07-28. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
Now, the
third thing that troubles Sahaja Yogis is that, “Mother we want God’s
realisation,” that makes Me laugh. You see, it is
already there, already there. Like once you get into the sea and you say
“Mother, we want to go to the bottom of the sea,” you can
always go, just slip, and you will be there. In the same way, once you
have developed a kind of a Self-realisation and have jumped into the ocean of
this compassion, there’s no need to achieve anything. The sense of achievement,
“I should be that, I should be this,” is all coming from
your human haunting. That should be over. Now you are Godly people.
So you should not think, “I should achieve this state, I should achieve
that state,” but just go on slipping, just giving up all the
weights that you have in your heads and it will work out. This is what I
have been saying to you that: you have to dissolve yourself into the