*** 女神與求道者 ***
在不同的時代,這些女神轉世降臨地球,針對求道者的昇進來給予一些必要的幫助。其中有一位大家知曉的札格丹巴(Jagadambar),或稱杜伽(Durga, 即降魔女神)。她的降世就是為了保護所有的真理的求道者,也為了毀滅所有的邪惡力量。因為人類若不向上昇進,是無法知道真理。在不知道真理的情況下,人類所做的、所追求的往往只是他們心智的投射(mental projection)而已,這些心智的投射若無真理或正法的支撑,則必然會衰敗。當衰敗發生時,神就會降世來解決這些問題。這些破壞性的邪惡力量普通並非一起降世,而是各自在不同的時代來到人間,所以並不難應付。
所以在上天大愛(Divine Love)的判斷裏,人可以分成兩類,一類是真理(Truth)的追求者(即:求道者),另一類則是"非求道者"。第二類人也可能是好人、善良的人,或許他們也做許多善事、社會公益事業等等,但是假如他們並不追求真理,那麼神祇就不會特地為他們而降世。
註一:譯者:關於"這些都是為了什麼?",Shri Mataji此處只簡單一句話 "這都是為了人類去追求、了解真理",之後即進入本談話的主題(即下一篇譯文:從現實的牽掛走出來),但是在另一談話也談及此,請見譯文: "石頭、動物、原始人與知識的禁果" ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/08/innocent-matter-cunning-manipulating.html )。
註二: 江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在九夜節普祭(Navaratri Puja)的談話1993-10-24. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
Devi has many forms, but is the embodiment of the Shakti. Adi Shakti gives
Shakti to all these embodiments and so there are many Goddesses we have.
different times they came on this Earth and did all that was necessary for the
ascent of people who were seekers. Especially the one we know of, Jagadamba,
the Durga. She was trying to protect all the seekers of Truth and to
destroy all evil forces, because without the ascent of human beings they do not
know the Truth, and that’s why whatever they try to do is a mental projection,
and this mental projection, if it is not substantiated by Truth, by dharma, it
declines. In Sanskrit they call it glani. When this glani takes
place, then incarnations are born – to solve the problem.
all incarnation of the Goddess there have been very much incarnated the satanic
forces, they had incarnated, and She had to fight with them and destroy them.
But this destruction was not for the destruction’s sake that the evil forces
are to be destroyed, but evil forces always try to put down the seekers, put
down the Saints, try to harm them, sometimes even destroy [them]. All these
destructive forces do not come at the same time, normally. At different times,
is easy to handle.
the aim of the incarnation is to save, to protect the people who are seekers
because they are the most important people in the realm of spirituality. All
others are nothing but dust, good for nothing, useless. If they are not seeking
the Truth, in the eyes of God they are just useless lives that have come and
will be finished. They have no value and they have no dignity, they have no
understanding of anything.
in the judgement of the Divine Love we have two types of people: one who are
Seekers of Truth and the another who are not. They may be good
people, they may be nice people, they [may] be doing a lot of good work, social
work, this work, missionary work, every sort of work they might be doing, but
if they are not seeking the Truth, then they do not come to that category where
God has to incarnate. So try to understand the preciousness, the importance of
seekers. And that’s what you have been – seeking. Very few persons. If you take
the percentage of seekers, is very, very wee bit. But it’s very important
because, say a…one little part of gold is much more valuable than mounds of
steel. In the same way a seeker is much more valuable in the growth of
spirituality. The whole universe was created, whole
atmosphere was built, all the evolution took place for what? That human
beings should know the Truth.