*** 一個制約(conditioning)的例子 ***
西方國家的練習有一個很特殊的現象,我觀察到這個現象,對此也非常訝異。他們只唱錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)的歌曲,他們知道所有錫呂格涅沙的歌曲、相片、及所有相關的一切。而我看到的卻是能量都不見了!為什麼格涅沙停止了能量呢?我了解到這些練習者如此做的原因,因為我說過錫呂格涅沙降世為耶穌基督,他們因此對基督、對基督教(Christianity)產生了認同(identification),這是一個非常幽微(subtle)的(錯誤)認同,所以整個能量都不見了。是很難去想像,我在東歐一個國家聽他們唱錫呂格涅沙的歌,但所有的能量都停止了。他們唱錫呂格涅沙的所有歌曲,而不唱任何其他霎哈嘉的歌曲。在這裏,他們有一種很幽微的認同。
Mataji 在導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話1996-07-28。JSM
! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
All these things are so clearly evident in our characters.
Some people are very identified, say with their country, or maybe with their
worshipping style, whatever it is. All these mis-identifications have to
be given up. It is very difficult for people because they are so
conditioned, and as long as you have conditioning you cannot rise above your
mind, which is a myth, you cannot. Now, try to understand, what your
conditionings are.
One of them, I would say, I have seen and I am so surprised, you
go to the Western countries, all of them only sing songs of Shri Ganesha.
They know all the songs of Shri Ganesha. Shri Ganesha’s photographs, Shri
Ganesha’s everything, children also. And now I have seen that vibrations
stop! Why should they stop? Why should Ganesha stop the vibrations? Why
they are doing it, I realised, was because I said Shri Ganesha incarnated as
Christ. Their identification is with Christ and Christianity, in a very subtle
way. So all the vibrations stopped! Imagine with Shri Ganesha’s music, we
heard in one of the Eastern Block countries, and all the vibrations had stopped
and they were singing all the songs of Shri Ganesha and not one song of Sahaja
Yoga, leave alone about the Guru, not once. So, even there is a very
subtle identification.