*** 想坐在前面的無明 ***
仍然有許多人喜歡(在普祭和演講時 )搶坐在前頭,印度人特別是常常一群人坐在最前面。沒有人有權利去坐在前面,或要求一個特別的位置。每一個人都應該坐在他可以坐下來的任何地方,而且應帶著完全的滿足的心。不論你坐在前面或角落,或甚至在較暗的地方,你都可以接收到我的能量,也可以接收到所有(好的)東西。去坐在一個顯著的位置是完全不必要的,顯著的位置代表什麼?你可以獲得什麼呢?不是應該消散融入在群眾之中、融入在愛的海洋之中嗎? "你應該坐在前頭" 是一個完全虛構、虛假的觀念與想法。前面將會是後面,後面將會是前面。
我是很訝異,仍然有練習者在追求這種毫無意義的東西!你的注意力在那裡呢?你的腦袋想的都是什麼呢?假如你可以處在無思慮的狀態,你會是滿足的、快樂的,你也不會去追求任何東西,不會需要任何東西。有什麼值得去追求呢?有什麼事這麼重要嗎?這些可笑的觀念想法都是來自人的無明 (ignorance) !
Mataji 在導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話1996-07-28。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
there are still very people who want to be in the front. Specially
Indians will all sit together in front, I’ve seen that way. They have no
right, they have no right to sit in front. Nobody has right to sit in
front or to seek a place. They should sit wherever they get seat to sit
down with complete
satisfaction. Whether you sit in front or at that corner, even in the
darkness, you can get My vibrations, you can get everything. So to be prominent, to sit some
place where you are prominent, is not necessary. What is it in
a prominence, what do you get? To be lost into the crowds, to be lost into
the Ocean of Love is the main thing. All these are mythical that,
we should somehow or other get the front place. You see as Marathi apan manto (We say),
“Samor chi zaaga patkauli mi!” means “I have managed to get the front seat!” Front
will be the back, and back will be the front.
It is very surprising how still people are trying to achieve
something so nonsensical. So where is your mind, where is your attention,
what are you thinking? If you are thoughtless you will be satisfied, you
will be happy, you will not ask for anything, you’ll not want anything. What is
there to have? What is so important? All these ideas come from ignorance,
I must tell you, from ignorance.