*** 一個測試自我及制約的方法
(那些愛批評的人)應該拿一張紙-----薄紙,放在手掌上,然後面對相片。假如你可以停止手掌的抖動(shaking),那麼表示你是ok的。你們每一個人都可以來試驗看看,譬如先試試看右手,這是非常實際的方法,假如紙張在抖動,這表示你內在的"自我先生"(Mr. Ego) 在顫抖。在霎哈嘉你知道如何處理你的自我,感謝穆罕默德 ,他告訴我們如何處理自我。(即用鞋打法)
人的内裡有兩個問題,一個是制約(conditioning),另一個是自我,我們的觀念及想法(minds) 就是來自制約及自我,其實我們是活在這兩者的掌控之下(註一),所以你必須非常小心。你現在可以試試你的左手,假如你的左手會抖動,那麼表示你有一些制約,假如你的右手會抖動,那你是有一些自我。若有,你們就要去處理這兩個問題。
譯者整理:Shri Mataji談到的方法如下:以坐姿為例,將靜坐時放在大腿的雙掌往上提高約20公分,雙掌仍是向上,手掌上放一張紙(可用影印紙,或更薄一些的紙,大小約半張A4),然後面對相片,看紙張是否會抖動?假如左手會抖動,表示你有一些制約,假如右手會抖動,那你是有一些自我。
註一:關於mind,Shri Mataji在1996的談話中多次談及此課題,請看如下譯文:你的想法與觀念都是虚構的(上)及 (下) ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/05/shri-mataji-1996-03-21-mind-ego.html
) 及 ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/05/conditionings-deformity-httpsahajataiwan.html
註三:在此段譯文之前的談話,Shri Mataji 提到精神病院的病患在她前面雙手會大幅抖動 (即手指來回抖動的幅度有5公分之多),詳見談話影帶5:45 處( https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=fV1wvL3YqPY
註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在生日普祭(Birthday Puja) 的談話1997-03-21 。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
So what I’m saying that anybody who talks like that, that: “This
is wrong in Sahaja Yoga, this should not happen, we should not have paid so
much or this leader is not good”, should take a paper, thin paper on his hand
and put it before the photograph. If you can stop the shaking, then you are
alright.” All of you can try this. Then try on the right hand, very practical.
If the paper is shaking, that means “mister ego” is shaking and you know how to
treat your ego in Sahaja Yoga. Thanks to Mohammed Sahib. He has told us how to
treat it [shoebeat].
Now these two problems are within us. One of them is our
conditioning and another is this ego business. And we make our minds out of
that and we are playing under the governance of these two things which we have
used to make this mind. Now you have to be careful, you find out with left
hand. Now, let’s see. If the left hand is shaking then you are conditioned, if
the right hand is shaking then you are egoistical. So now you treat it. You
treat these two things. Before Me you’ll get vibrations alright because you
see, I’m your Mother, alright. But that doesn’t mean you are alright. You try
on My photograph, that’s much more sharp. Being a mother, you know, I play
around I think- I don’t know what I should say- but maybe you might not feel
that. But before the photograph you put on the left hand side a newspaper, or a
little paper or a thin paper. On the right had side another paper. One by one
you try and judge yourself what are you. After all, you have not come here in
Sahaja Yoga to emancipate Me. You have come here to evolve yourself. And because
of that you have to face yourself and see for yourself what is within you,
which is very strong, which is troublesome, which is dragging you down, which
is killing.