2018年6月7日 星期四


*** 你捨棄了什麼? ***

有一次一位"Hare Rama Hare Krishna" 團體(註一)的人來找我。








我答道:很簡單!我並沒有捨棄任何東西,因為我沒有擁有任何東西!當你沒有擁有任何東西,你如何能捨棄東西呢?現在,你看看,在這房子內、在我身上(穿戴的),假如你可以找到任何東西,可以比得上錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)的塵土(註三),那麼你可以帶走。你們所捨棄的是什麼?只是一些無價值的石頭而已!為什麼要吹噓:"我捨棄的這個,又捨棄的那個'' 呢?

這群人甚至剔光他們的頭!(還以為剃光頭可以上天堂,實在是難以想像的無知!) (請參見註一的另一譯文)

註一:應是指唸誦''Hare Rama Hare Krishna''口訣的Hare Krishna 宗教團體,發源於印度,在全世界各大城市都常可以看到他們在遊街,沿路唱歌跳舞,不斷唸誦上述的讚頌,男生都剔光頭。Shri Mataji曾說這群人雖然崇拜錫呂克里希納(主管喉輪的神祇),但唸個不停,以致於喉輪都壞掉。Shri Mataji基本上認為他們的捨棄與苦行都是外在而已,人無法經由這些外在的行為來悟道。關於Shri Mataji對他們的批評,亦可參考另一譯文:''瑜伽才是重點'' ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/10/ritualistic-bhakti-shraddha.html )

註二:這個質問、答覆及背後的精義和另一個故事很類似,請看:''闍拿迦的一個故事'' ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2018/02/janaka-shri-rama-ashram-nachiketa.html )

註三:錫呂克里希納即是上帝,Shri Mataji此處是引用 ''沒有什麼東西比上帝創造的塵土還偉大、還可以更永續'' 的諺語。

註四:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在導師普祭(Guru Puja)的談話1996-07-28JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Once this ‘Hare Rama Hare Krishna’ fellow came to Me.  And he said that “We have heard you are a great saint, this thing, that thing, and you have all the comforts of life – you have everything here, very nice, this thing, that.  So, how are you a saint?”  I said “How are you a saint?” [He said] “I have given up my family, I have given up my cars, I have given up my house, I have given up my children.”  I said “One more thing you have given up”, he said “What?” I said “Your brains!!”  (laughter and applause) So he said, “How do you say we have given up our brains?”  I said, “Very simple, I’ve given up nothing, because I am holding nothing! What is there to give up when you are not holding anything?  Now, I would say in this house, or on my body, anywhere, [if] you think you can find anything equal to the dust particle of Shri Krishna, you can take it.  Should be equal though.”  Now they started looking here and there.  I said “Then what have you given up? Just stones? What have you given?  Why are you boasting about giving up that, and giving up this and giving up…?”  They even shaved their head.