2018年6月17日 星期日


*** 瘋子和婆羅門的顫抖 ***

前言:這是一個霎哈嘉早年發生的故事,Shri Mataji 後來多次提到,但是每次都只約略提到一點點,但在1997兩次的談話中講得較詳細,所以翻譯出來讓大家了解故事的全貌。


我曾經在Pune 有一個公開演講,他們安排了一個演講廳,但這個廳的所有人是一些婆羅門。他們說:"我們無法讓她在此處演講,因為她不是一個婆羅門。",一些比較鬼靈精的練習者就對他們說:"好!我們會將上述的話告訴報紙,說因為她不是一個婆羅門,所以........。","不!不!不要這樣做!我們就讓你們在這裡舉行演講!"。當我到演講廳時,這群婆羅門就坐在講台正對面的座位,他們是來抗議或是監督或是什麼我也不知道,我當時甚至也不知道之前發生過不讓我演講的插曲。但只見這群人雙手開始顫抖,即雙手在胸前大幅顫抖(註一),我對自己說:"發生了什麼事?"














註一:Shri Mataji 在談話中有模仿他們雙手的抖動 ,即手指來回抖動的幅度有5公分之多,詳見談話影帶545 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=4&v=fV1wvL3YqPY )


註三:譯者綜合翻譯自兩次談話的共同片段1997-03-211997-04-06 。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Once I had an experience in, long long time back, in Pune, where the people who were owning that “wara” said that: “We cannot have Shri Mataji’s program because She’s not a Brahmin”. So the Sahaja Yogis said: “Alright, we’ll give it in the newspaper that ‘because she’s not a Brahmin we cannot have her program’”. So, these people came to My program and the owner of that was sitting on the gallery, on top. He could not even walk he was suffering from some sort of a funny disease. So these people suddenly started – I didn’t know, they didn’t tell Me anything. They didn’t tell Me that these people have protested or whatever it is. So they all started shaking like this, doing like this, like this, like this. “Oh, Baba” I said [to Myself] “What is this?” So, I said: “What is it?” They said: “Mother stop it, we know You are Shakti but stop it, it’s too much, too much.” “But what did you do?”They said: “We didn’t do anything, we just said ‘this is a Brahmin staying and a Brahmin wara, and this area is mostly resided by Brahmins’, so we thought that You cannot have Your program”. I said: “Really, that’s all?” “Yes, yes, that’s all. But there’s, see, see on the other side, you see those people, they are also shaking with Your power.” So I asked them: “Who are you? You’re also Brahmins?”. They said: “No, no. We are certified mad people from Thana.” “And how are you here?” They said: “There was one fellow who was mad, who was cured by You.” “Really?” “So our superintendent is here, he has brought us here. We are certified mad, certified!” My goodness! These people looked at Me. I said: “See now, you tally: you are shaking and they are shaking, now you tally. Where are you?” They know now. [unsure] [Shri Mataji laughs].
And they all became Sahaja Yogis not only that but the gentleman who was sitting upstairs. I told him: “You get up and come down.” He came and since that day, he surrenders his life and did a lot of work in Pune.

Also it gives you a good idea about how you can show people, who is mad and who is not mad? Like I had a program in Pune in the beginning and they arranged it in a hall which was owned by some Brahmins. So when I went there, they said, “No, no, She is not a Brahmin so we can’t give Her the hall.”

So Sahaja Yogis were mischievous, they said, “All right, we will give it in the newspaper that they are refusing because She is not a Brahmin.”

“No, no, don’t do like that we will have it.”

So I didn’t know what was happening behind the back. When I went there, I was sitting there. Very interesting I saw about twenty-five people sitting in front of Me shaking like this you see.

“Mother, stop it, stop it, we know Your power, stop it.”

I said, “I am not doing any thing you are….”

They said, “Now, also there are people who are shaking like this.”

So I said, “Ask them, who they are?”

They said, “We are certified mad from Thane. We have come here with our superintendent because You had cured one mad man.”

So they said, “Are we also mad?”

“Yes, there is something wrong.”

So the thing was they were thinking the Brahmins are the highest or something like that. Is all nonsensical ideas because Brahmin is that which knows the Brahma which knows All Pervading Power and because of these funny ideas they have tortured all the saints. Specially in Maharashtra people have tortured all the saints all the time.(1997-04-06)