2017年5月21日 星期日

走出 "母親如此說" 的枷鎖

----走出 "母親如此說" 的枷鎖----



例如前些日子,有一位練習者告訴我他以前都是靜坐30分鐘,後來另一位練習者對他説:"母親說過你們應該靜坐5分鐘10分鐘"。從此他就不再靜坐這麼久。我告訴他:"我說的是你們至少要靜坐5分鐘,是至少!這並不表示你不能靜坐30分鐘"。這就是一個很好的例子,你們大家就是經常以"母親如此說,在1975年說過....." 來互相糾正對方,這是不對的。假如這樣做,你就會變成一個基本教義派(fundamentalist),這些基本教義派常常随時引述聖經、引述某本書,這種作法會創造出一種基本教義主義(譯者:即凡事都不可違背的教條的風氣)。在霎哈嘉裏不應如此,最好是你自己去了解我說了什麼(或聖經上面寫什麼),然後用你的智慧去判斷,如此你就會知道該如何做。

我也聽到練習者在其他許多事情上強調"母親如此說"的例子,假如這樣下去,霎哈嘉會變成一個基本教義的宗教。霎哈嘉完全不是這樣,霎哈嘉是像一個渦狀螺旋(spiral,譯者:即一個半徑越來越大螺旋圈圈),始於一點,却是要往外擴張到無限與永恒(譯者:Shri Mataji 的意思是指基本教義派則是越繞越小、走入死胡同)。你們必須大步往前走,(而不是死守著"母親如此說")


有人說:母親說過不要讀其他(非霎哈嘉)的書。我從未如此說!知識是如此地廣泛,我怎麼會説這麼離譜的話呢!我從未如此說,相反的,你們應該去讀有需要知道的書,你應該有選擇性,有好書你就應該去讀。同樣地,我從未說過所有的流行音樂(pop music)都是不好的。我只說過有些流行音樂是非常不好。這是我的意見,但是我讓你自己去決定你喜歡什麼、不喜歡什麼。這是你自己要去判斷的。以"母親如此說"當成行為準則是一種錯誤的行為模式,每一個人都不應該遵循此模式。没有人有權力以"母親如此說"(來告訴他人如何做)。當有人這樣說時,你應該保持靜默,你可以自己去查証。否則我們和其他堅持基本教義的宗教有什麼差别呢?


註一:請同時參考相關的文章:一. 從保羅、基督教談到不要詮釋我所說的( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/05/paul-steven-confession-guilty-interpret.html  );. Shri Mataji (錫呂瑪塔吉)說可以分成兩種( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.co.nz/2017/03/shri-mataji-shri-mataji.html )

註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話1992-02-27. JSM ! 敬請 Sahaja 兄弟姊妹們指正.

There’s a certain thing I’m discovering, that you people always say: “Mother said so, Mother said so”, and making a fundamental thing out of Sahaja Yoga. It’s not proper. You should never say that: “Mother said so.” It’s not needed at all, why to say? You all have freedom, you have absolute freedom. Because you are all Spirits, you can see for yourself and you know what is right, what is wrong; and if you commit mistakes, can be corrected also. But first thing is you should grow deeper into your Spirit, so you become absolutely free from conditionings and from egos that you have. And then, there’s nothing to, sort of, limit yourself by saying that: “Mother said so, Mother said so.” And whatever I might have said, you see, also to be understood.

Like, the other day, somebody told Me that he used to meditate for half-an-hour, but then somebody said that: “Mother has said you should meditate for five minutes, ten minutes, so I stopped meditating for a longer period.” So I said: “That’s the minimum I said, the minimum, you should meditate for five minutes. That doesn’t mean that you cannot meditate for half-an-hour.” So you see that this is how people go on correcting each other: “Mother said so, in Her some nineteen-hundred-and-seventy-five or something.” That should not be. This is again, you will become fundamentalists, you see, that’s what they do: they quote Bible all the time or quote some book, and create a fundamentalism. So that should not be done. It is better that you for yourself understand what is written, what is said, and try to relate it to your wisdom, and then you will know........................

And there are so many other things I have heard about that people just say that: “Mother said so, Mother said so.” I mean, it’s going to become another, really, a fundamental religion, Sahaja Yoga? Not at all. You see, only the – it’s like a spiral. Sahaja Yoga is like a spiral. Spiral has the beginning, but end is eternity. You have to move on. If you go like this, delimiting yourself, what will happen? I don’t want to delimit you, by any chance. You are realized souls, you are saints. Assume your powers.

Only thing, you must go deep down into yourself first of all, and see for yourself. You see, knowledge is so extensive. I never said: “Don’t read any other book.” I never said so, there’s a – they said: “Mother said that don’t read any other book.” How can I say such a nonsensical thing? I never said so. You should read, and whatever is needed, you should be selective; and you yourself only see that whatever is good is there, you should have.

And I never said that all the pop music is bad, I said some pop music is very bad. That’s My own opinion. But I am not – leaving it to you to decide what you like, what you don’t like. You see, that is how you are going to judge yourself. All this kind of saying that: “Mother said so,” indeed it’s another false-style behavior, which one should not follow at all. There’s – nobody has right to say that. Anybody who says: “Mother said so,” you should keep quiet. You can yourself find out. You see, Bible says so, everybody can read Bible, there’s no need for somebody to quote it that: “Bible said so,” we’ll see for Bible ourselves.

Otherwise, what will be the difference between you and others, other religions, where people have faltered with this kind of a fundamental things? So this is very important to understand, and I came to know. Especially I have seen in Australia, people are very systematically unsystematic. They’ll tell: “This is what Mother said, this is what Mother said.” I don’t want to put you into any compartments, nothing, no. You must grow your wings, and now I’ve just embedded you in the roots, and the tree has to grow. You see, the tree has to grow with all the freedom, and this one should remember, that all of you are intelligent, all of you are realized souls, all of you have got vibrations.