連接心的第三條脈會讓人感到執着(attachment),即對某人有執着之心,例如 "這是我的小孩" 、"這是我的丈夫" 、"這是我的家人" 等等。即對周遭親人,我們有一種特別眷戀執着的心理。許多剛來到霎哈嘉的練習者也是一樣,他們談到的、關心的都是他們的家人。這些都是有限制的愛(limited love),有限制的愛會導致毀滅,如只溺愛自己小孩的父母最終寵壞了自己的小孩,發覺自己的小孩變成冥頑不靈的魔鬼。我常用大自然的例子來說明這個道理:假如樹汁只集中供應樹木的一小部份,如其上的一朶花,那麼不只這朶花無法負荷,整棵樹木也會死亡。
什麼是避免因執着的愛而走向毀滅的答案?即是無所限制的愛(unlimited love, 譯者:指不執着於少數親人的愛)。愛代表藉著糾正你、滋養你,來帶給你福祉。濕婆神正是希望帶給你福祉,所以當你以愛來照顧他人的福祉時,你的整個生命都會改變,你會真正去享受它,因為你和許多人合而為一。你關心許多人、許多家庭、許多事物,你感覺到你與眾人成為一體。當你把有限的執着溶入這無限的愛的海洋之中,你才可能與眾人合而為一。
第四條連接心的經脈是最重要的一條,它從心往上,經左喉輪到寬恕輪。寬恕輪有四瓣,當這四瓣打開時,你就進入turya的狀態,即無思慮的覺知狀態。除非這四瓣打開,不然人會再下墜,或去做不應該做的事,因為他們還不了解上帝是什麼。當你没有思慮時,你必須是純真的,你必須是有能量(vibration),你也不可能執着在任何人。當這四瓣打開時,你會擁有真正的知識(true knowledge)、純粹的知識(pure knowledge)。這不是有關輪穴的知識,也不是有關能量或昆達里尼的知識。而是有關全能上帝(Almighty God)的知識,即你知道上帝是什麼。你知道全能的上帝知道一切、做所有的一切、也享受萬事萬物,你再也不用去懷疑任何事、不用去分析任何事。這種理解並不是從頭腦而來,而是從你的心(heart)開始,然後再覆蓋到你的頭腦(brain)。我們可以說來自你(的心)對喜樂的經驗的種種覆蓋了頭腦,你的頭腦再也無法否定它,或說猶如你的虔信(bhakti)的香膏完全覆蓋了你的頭腦。這過程並不是從頭腦開始再到你的心。所以我為什麼時常說你們要打開你們的心,因為這是從心開始的。
註一:由於文長,所以分成上下,請先看(上)。這是一個很重要的談話,Shri Mataji 談到連接心的四條經脈,更重要的是在最後的第四條經脈,談到了頂輪完全開啓的狀態、神的知識、涅盤的境界。江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 在
Mahashivaratri Puja 的談話
1991-02-16。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
Now the third
nadi: third nadi is the nadi by which we feel attached, attached to someone.
Like this is my child, this is my husband, this is my family, this is my wife,
this is my father, this is my mother. In the beginning of Sahaja Yoga of
everyone, when they are just the beginners, so they talk about their whole
family, “My father is like this, my mother is sick, my mother’s sister’s
brother’s this, that’s real, this thing, is not well.”.................
attachments start working within us. Now some people I’ve seen are very
attached to their children and they go on pampering, “Oh, my child, my child.”
And suddenly they discover the child is now is a devil’s child. The child
starts answering back, saying all kinds of things, beating the parents, misbehaving,
and then they suddenly discover that “this is the child whom I have been
looking after, giving so much love.” And they feel even worse, because “I have
done so much for my wife, and she is treating me like this.” “I’ve done so much
for my husband, and he is treating me like this.”...............
I’ve given this
simile many a times, like the sap of the tree rises, goes to various places of
the trees, various areas, looks after the bark, looks after the branch, looks
after the leaves, flowers and fruits, and comes back, or it gets evaporated. It
doesn’t get attached. If it gets involved into one of them the whole tree will
die, and that part which is so close to the sap will also die. But sap has much
more sense than we have......................
So now this
so-called limited love, what is the solution which takes you to destruction is
the unlimited love. Because Shiva is nothing but love, He’s love. Love is that
corrects, that nourishes, that wants your benevolence. That’s what Shiva is. It
wants your benevolence. It looks after your benevolence. So when you are
looking after the benevolence of others with love, then the whole life changes,
the whole pattern changes, and you really enjoy it because you become one with
so many, concerned with so many families, so many things, so many problems of
others, and you just feel you are one with so many........................
But this is
only possible when you dissolve that limited relationship of yours into this
great unlimited ocean of love; then only it is possible...............
So the small
attachments that are with you have to be dissolved into this ocean of love,
which is Shiva..............
Fourth one is
the most important for all of us is to know that there’s a nadi which passes
through left Vishuddhi into the heart. Starts from the heart, goes up, passes
through Agya. It has four petals, and opens up. This is the one which gives you
the state which is called as turya.
We live in
three states. In the living – in the awakened state, jagruti, our attention
goes to this, that, and all that; we spoil our attention. But the second one is
the one what we call is that we sleep. When we sleep also all these things that
have happened come to us from our past and things like that. But then we go to
the deeper sleep called as sushupti.
Is a state where you have deep sleep, and you dream of something that is
reality also. You may dream about Me. Like it’s the ethereal part of the
subconscious, where some beautiful informations are passed on. Supposing I’ve
come, say, to Italy. Italians might know in their sushupti that I have come here, or maybe
anybody might know – depends on.
But the fourth
state is called as turya.
There are two more states. You are in the turya
state, it’s the fourth, “turya”
means fourth. Fourth state is where that you are in a thoughtless awareness
state. When there is no thought – just think of it – when there is no thought,
you have to be innocent. When there is no thought, you have to have vibrations.
When there is no thought, you cannot be attached to anyone. So into that
thoughtless state you have come now, is the “turya
sthiti.” And
in this state when you are, these four petals which are within you have to open
out in your brain. They come from your heart to your brain. And that is when
you absolutely understand what is God, absolutely you know what is God is. That
is the time when one receives the real knowledge.
But unless and
until these four petals open, one may fall back, and that’s why some of the
Sahaja yogis who are still meddling with things that they should not do, go
down. And they don’t understand what is God is. But it’s not the understanding
– in a way you understand this one little point, that it comes from your heart
into your brain, not from brain to your heart. It comes as if the ambrosia of
your bhakti
covers your brain, absolutely...............
That’s the real
knowledge, is to know what is God. And if that is God, then how can you suspect
anything, how can you try to analyze anything? It’s God. It’s God Almighty,
which knows everything, which does everything, which enjoys everything. That is
the one you should say is the gyana,
is the knowledge, is the true knowledge, the pure knowledge. It’s not the
knowledge of chakras, not the knowledge of vibrations, not the knowledge of
kundalini, but the knowledge of God Almighty.
And the
knowledge of God Almighty is not mental. Again I tell you, it starts from your
heart and goes to your brain, something that comes out of your experience of
joy and covers your brain. So your brain cannot deny it any more........
But knowledge
about God, that He’s love, that He’s truth, that He knows everything, that just
become part and parcel of your being, absolutely, and that’s the time we say is
the nirvana..................
in other pujas
we do all these mantras, this, that, but in this puja is to know the knowledge,
it’s God. And to know that you know God itself is so great. Whatever it is –
She may be Mahamaya, She may be anything, but I know Her.
It cannot be
described in one book, it cannot be described in hundred books. It cannot be
described in words, but to know that’s God – after all, that’s God, God
Almighty. And that gives you that beautiful surrender, where you just feel
absolutely secured in that ocean of love.